dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 62 A Red USB Disk

Chapter 62 A Red USB Disk

As soon as Han Zheng retracted his fist, the curly-haired man flew up and kicked fiercely!

With only tens of seconds left in the [Self-Defense System], the time limit was automatically extended in the face of this attack.

Han Zheng raised his hand to support the right leg kicked by Curly Hair, and punched the opponent's crotch.

Two combatants who have all activated the [Self-Defense System] are having a fierce duel in this modern building!
After fighting several moves one after another, Han Zheng immediately judged that the curly-haired man's fighting power was obviously weaker than his own.

He didn't want to cause too much damage, make too much noise, and cause unnecessary attention and trouble.

Therefore, Han Zheng has been controlling his own power, concentrating all his attacks on the opponent so as not to damage the surroundings.

At the same time, he tried his best to suppress the curly hair, and didn't want him to cause too much damage.

Under such circumstances, although Han Zheng had an absolute advantage in combat power, he couldn't take down the curly-haired man for a while.

However, Han Zheng was confident that if he continued like this, it was only a matter of time before he could quietly take him down.

However, at this moment, a short figure suddenly walked out of the next bedroom.

The four or five-year-old girl walked out slowly, groping in the dark with her arms outstretched.

Just as the little girl walked out, the curly-haired man who had been suppressed before suddenly roared, and the whole person instantly became extremely crazy. There was no longer any defense between moves, and he frantically attacked Han Zheng like desperately.

This instant change made Han Zheng feel a little overwhelmed. In his panic, he was punched twice in the chest, and he was beaten back several steps.

"Don't come out! Go back to the house and hide!" The curly-haired man repelled Han Zheng, turned around and yelled at the little girl.

These few yells from the curly-haired man completely defeated Han Zheng's wish to subdue him quietly!
Can't procrastinate!Let's make a quick decision!

Han Zheng's eyes froze, he stretched out his index finger, and waved his arm quickly.

The slender Qigong waves shot out from his fingers quickly!
And the curly-haired man, after shouting at the little girl, turned his head just now, and the blow [Dongdongbo] hit him squarely in the chest.

The curly-haired man let out a scream, sprayed blood from his mouth, and fell heavily backwards.

The impact was so powerful that a non-load-bearing wall in the room was knocked down by him, with crackling noises and a lot of dust.

Han Zheng rushed forward quickly, and punched the curly-haired man struggling to get up in the dust several times in a row.

The curly-haired man sprayed blood from his mouth and nose, and he was completely paralyzed on the ground after being hit hard, losing any threat.

Looking at the mess, Han Zheng was furious in his heart. Originally, he only wanted to investigate and didn't want to cause any confrontation. Unexpectedly, it developed into this situation in the end.

At this point, this curly-haired man can no longer stay, he must be killed!

Blood kept coming out between the curly-haired man's gasps. He was extremely weak at the moment, but he still tried his best to speak to Han Zheng vaguely:
"Please...please, don't...don't kill my daughter...one person does things and one person is responsible...you...just kill me, don't hurt my daughter..."

Han Zheng turned his head and looked at the little girl. At this moment, the little girl was curled up in a corner, holding her legs with her hands, trembling all over, but she didn't say a word and behaved strangely.

"She...she can't threaten you...she's blind...and autistic...let her go..."

The curly-haired man was still hissing, and Han Zheng suddenly understood why the curly-haired man had so many opportunities from the beginning to the end. He could choose to hide in his private living area and get rid of the danger completely, but he still wanted to stay here and fight with himself .

Because he still has this daughter to protect, he can hide back in the private living area, but his daughter is just an ordinary person and cannot be taken away, so he must stay here.

"You...what you want...is in the drawer of the computer desk in the bedroom...I haven't shown it to anyone...you take it away, please don't hurt my daughter..."

This curly-haired man obviously regarded himself as a member of the [Storm Corps] who wanted him, but the "something" he said aroused Han Zheng's great interest.

He hurried to the computer desk, opened the drawer, and found a red USB flash drive under some white papers.

This should be the "thing" that the curly-haired man said.

[Storm Troopers] For this USB flash drive, they don't hesitate to reward and want to be wanted. What is in it?
On the other side, the curly-haired man who was dying turned his head in the direction of his daughter, and said in a mournful voice, "...well...take good care of yourself..."

Han Zheng put away the USB flash drive at this moment, and walked quickly to the side of the curly-haired man.

[Self-Defense System] It will be closed in less than 20 seconds, and the neighbors around have been awakened one after another. On the surrounding buildings, several windows have been lit up one after another.

The curly-haired man must be killed immediately, and then evacuated as soon as possible.

The curly-haired man seemed to have seen Han Zheng's intentions at this moment, his eyes became more pleading, and he said the last sentence in his life: "Please...please..."

Han Zheng stomped on his head, crushing his head completely, and his original appearance could no longer be seen.

Afterwards, he took a quick look at the blind autistic girl curled up in the corner. From the beginning to the end, the girl didn't make any sound.

Han Zheng sighed, twisted his body, ignored the girl, and quickly came to the window on the other side, opened the window, and jumped down.

[Self-Defense System] Less than ten seconds left.

Han Zheng jumped down the stairs at a speed so fast that ordinary people couldn't even detect it. In the dark night, it was like an invisible lightning bolt.

Ten seconds later, he was already far away from the community.


Han Zheng didn't go home right away. He came to the second uncle's house, took out his laptop, and inserted the USB flash drive into it.

There is only one folder in the U disk, open the folder, and there are three wps files inside.

Han Zheng's palms holding the mouse were soaked with sweat at this moment. He wanted to see what it was that was worthy of a large team like [Storm Corps] mobilizing so many people.

He opened the first folder... After a few seconds, his eyes widened. The contents of this document surprised him!


At noon on the second day, the provincial capital.

In a relatively cheap and ordinary noodle shop, a tall, thin man about 30 years old with disheveled hair was sitting near the glass, eating a bowl of noodles on the table.

With a clove of garlic in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand, he chewed a mouthful of garlic and ate a big mouthful of noodles.

"I'm like a fish in your lotus pond..."

He had just eaten half of the noodles when the cell phone in his pocket rang suddenly. He frowned and took out a very old Redmi cell phone that was produced in an unknown year.

Looking at the incoming call above, the tall and thin man frowned, but he still picked it up and put it close to his ear.

"Hi—it's me—"

After a few words came from the phone, the tall and thin man turned his head and looked out of the glass.

Outside the noodle shop, a black SUV was parked at this time, and the parked position was facing the table where the tall and thin man was.

This car seemed to be waiting for him.

"...the noodles are not finished yet..."

After hanging up the phone, looking at half of the noodles in the bowl, the tall and thin man complained a few words, and stuffed the half of the garlic cloves into his mouth.

He quickly walked out of the noodle shop, opened the door, and got into the back seat of the SUV.

In the back seat of the car, a middle-aged man in police uniform was waiting for him anxiously.

On the epaulettes of the middle-aged man's police uniform: a silver olive branch, studded with two four-pointed star flowers.

He is a second-level police inspector!
"What do you want from me again?" the tall and thin man asked carelessly.

"Look for yourself!" The middle-aged police officer's voice was full of anxiety, and he threw a stack of documents directly on the tall and thin man.

"What's the matter? Is it so serious?" The thin and tall man picked up the few documents and flipped through them casually, his tone still nonchalant.

There are several photos in the file, and the photos show the interior of a dilapidated room.

A wall in the room collapsed, and a male body with a shattered head and scars fell into a piece of broken wall.

"Murder, what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" The middle-aged police officer sat up immediately, his tone full of anger:

"This happened last night. After receiving the report, our people surveyed the scene, and the community surveillance did not capture anything useful. Judging from the situation at the scene and the wounds on the deceased..."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged police officer suddenly lowered his voice and whispered: "...It is impossible for ordinary people to do it. Do you think I should find you!"

"Really, let me take a closer look... Oh, don't say it, it seems to be really..." The thin and tall man still had a casual look, and teased:

"What kind of brat did this? He doesn't know the rules at all. Why didn't he clean up the aftermath?"

"Don't joke with me!" The middle-aged police officer said angrily:

"In the first half of this year, how many times did this kind of thing happen, the one in DX last month, the one in MH County, and...forget it, I don't want to settle with you again, this kind of thing happens frequently Things, the impact is extremely bad, and I am also very embarrassed at work! You are the person in charge of your corps here, and you have to take responsibility!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll go back and find a way for you, in fact, we have also greeted you before, this kind of thing can't be completely avoided, there are always a few unruly messes; but Fortunately, this kind of unruly person will not survive for long in our place."

Seeing his appearance, the middle-aged man couldn't help but sighed, shook his head and said:
"I really regret it. Back then, I should have stayed in the county honestly. It didn't matter if I couldn't go up for the rest of my life. I wouldn't stir up this messy water like you..."

"Then you can't pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl and scold your mother..." The thin and tall man smiled, and casually glanced at the photo in his hand.

Suddenly, he sat up straight and stared at the content of a photo.

"What's wrong?" the middle-aged man asked suspiciously.

"What's with this... this photo?" The tall and thin man pulled out the photo and asked sharply.

"Oh, we found this little girl at the scene, but she was a blind person. Since the identity of the deceased is still unclear, it is not clear how she is related to the deceased."

The tall and thin man clutched these photos vigorously, looked at the little girl about four or five years old in the photos, and then at the unrecognizable male corpse, his eyes showed a strange color.

"I finally found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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