dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 61 The self-defense system is activated!

Chapter 61 The self-defense system is activated!
The curly-haired man led the little girl slowly into the corridor, and the door of the unit was slowly closed.

With several thoughts spinning in his mind, Han Zheng realized that he had to make a decision immediately.

"Thank you, then..." Before him, Gu Yichou said goodbye.

"Or—" At this critical juncture, Han Zheng immediately made a decision, and he hurriedly said:
"—Or, I'll take you up..."

"Huh?" Gu Yichou was taken aback for a moment, and soon a complex look appeared on his face.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Han Zheng also felt embarrassed, but at the moment he couldn't care less.

"...Then...well, come up and have a seat..."

Gu Yichou hesitated for a while, but finally agreed as Han Zheng expected.

The two walked into the corridor, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

In the corridor, just as the elevator came down, the door opened, and the curly-haired man led the little girl in.

"Please wait!"

Han Zheng yelled towards the elevator, and at the same time walked up quickly with Gu Yichou.

The curly-haired man smiled very friendly, and at the same time pressed the elevator door open button.

"Thank you." Han Zheng and Gu Yichou also walked into the elevator.

The curly-haired man nodded, smiled without answering, let go of the finger that was holding the door open, and pressed the button on the 9th floor instead.

As for Gu Yichou, he clicked on the 8th floor.

9th floor!
Han Zheng glanced at it calmly, and at the same time noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the behavior of the little girl led by the curly-haired man.

In order not to be suspected, Han Zheng didn't pay too much attention to these two people, and turned to chat with Gu Yichou casually.

Soon, the 8th floor will arrive.

Han Zheng and Gu Yichou walked out of the elevator, and then the elevator door slowly closed.

This building has two households on one floor. Gu Yichou took out the key to open the door; out of caution, Han Zheng turned around immediately after the elevator door closed and stared at the elevator floor number indicator light.

On the indicator light, it changed from 8 to 9, and then remained unchanged for a long time.

"...won't you come in and sit down?"

After Gu Yichou opened the door, she found that Han Zheng had been staring at the elevator door. She waited for a while with a complicated expression, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Oh, yes..." Han Zheng responded without being polite, and went straight into the room.

The room was very clean and tidy. Han Zheng was sitting on the sofa, but his mind was still on the curly-haired man on the 9th floor.

Since this building has two households on one floor, it is unclear whether he lives in 901 or 902.

"Iced Coke? Remember when you were in school and loved to drink it..."

Just as he was thinking, a bottle of Coca-Cola that was still steaming was handed to Han Zheng.

"...Thank you." Han Zheng hurriedly took it, unscrewed it and said, "You remember this..."

"...Actually, when I was in high school, there were many things that I really miss when I think about it now..."

Han Zheng nodded copingly, still thinking about the man with curly hair and the arrest warrant of the Stormtroopers in his mind.

Gu Yichou was sitting on the other side of the sofa, with his head down, thinking about something.

An awkward silence lasted for a short while.

After a while, Gu Yichou turned his head to look at Han Zheng, and was about to say something, but Han Zheng asked first:
"By the way, the man with the child just now lives upstairs in your house, right?"

Gu Yichou was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why he suddenly asked this question.

"...Um...it should be 902. The upstairs of my house is 901. No one has lived in it for a long time. What's the matter? Do you know that person?"

"Ah... no, just ask... By the way, are you still staying in the county for the rest of this time?"

"Tomorrow I'm going to XX town, where my aunt lives, my mother specially asked me to go and visit before leaving, I'm going to stay there for two days, and then come back here, waiting for my parents to come back from a business trip .”

Han Zheng nodded. In this way, tomorrow he can look for an opportunity to go to the 9th floor first to investigate and find out the details of that curly hair.

Since Gu Yichou is leaving tomorrow, it's best, otherwise I'm still worried that if something goes wrong, she will be affected in such a short distance.

"Okay then, I remembered that I still have something to do, so I'll go back first, and we'll contact you later..." The situation was basically cleared up, and Han Zheng felt that there was no need to stay here to cause misunderstanding, so he got up and prepared to say goodbye.

A look of disappointment flashed across Gu Yichou's face, but she quickly returned to normal and sent Han Zheng out of the house without saying anything.

From the way back to home, Han Zheng kept thinking about tomorrow's action plan.

He didn't intend to have any conflict with the curly-haired man immediately, but he just wanted to find out the truth first. It would be best if he could figure out why he was wanted by the Stormtroopers and find something valuable to him.

Thinking that the arrest warrants for the Stormtroopers have already been issued to the level 1 area, and those "peripheral members" who are not very effective in combat have been sent around to look for them.

From this, Han Zheng speculated that the combat effectiveness of this wanted curly-haired man should not exceed the category of a level 1 zone combatant.

Moreover, even if something unexpected happened, no matter how bad it was, he could be teleported back to his private living area immediately, so that his life would not be in danger.

Han Zheng made up his mind to wait for the opportunity to act tomorrow...


It was late at night on the second day.

In the darkness, Han Zheng quietly came to the residential building of Gu Yichou's house.

He has been lurking in this community for a whole day, and during this day, the curly-haired man never came out of the unit door again.

Han Zheng couldn't wait any longer. After all, Gu Yichou would only be away for two days, and then he would come back. It would be inconvenient to think about what to do at that time, and things would change later. He decided to sneak up there in the middle of the night.

In the night, the community is not half bright, it is very quiet.

Han Zheng tiptoed up to the fifth floor, and then gently opened the windows in the corridor.

He stretched out his head, looked around, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he jumped onto the window sill and stepped out of the window with his whole body.

Han Zheng looked down at the ground from a high position, and then stepped into the air outside the building, and his whole body fell instantly.

[Self-defense system on]

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, Han Zheng felt that his body was filled with strength for an instant.

He quickly twisted his body in the air, releasing all the force of his fall, and then landed gently on the ground.

The life threat has been terminated, [Self-Defense System] will be shut down in 1 minute!
Han Zheng acted immediately. He clasped the bumps on the outer wall of the building with his bare hands, and like a Spiderman, he quickly climbed up from the wall to the 9th floor.

He came to the balcony of the 902 residence, and unexpectedly found that the windows on the balcony were not locked.

Time was limited, Han Zheng hesitated for a moment, but turned over and entered the balcony.

In the darkness, Han Zheng bowed his body, carefully controlled himself, and made no sound.

1 minute is very short, but fortunately, his combat power at this time is enough to support him to do many things in 1 minute.

For example, in this room, install some things like voyeuristic cameras.

Han Zheng reached into his pocket and was about to take out some devices, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a slight movement behind him.

He hurriedly turned around, only to see the curly-haired man rushing out of the bedroom holding a pistol with a suppressor inserted.

Han Zheng was startled. He was sure that with his current combat power, he could be silent. Could it be that the other party had set up some hidden mechanism on the balcony?As soon as I came in, I immediately raised the alarm?
It seems that a battle is inevitable!

Without saying a word, the curly-haired man rushed towards Han Zheng, pulled the trigger at the same time, and fired two shots at Han Zheng.

This kind of ordinary gun is nothing to be afraid of. Han Zheng easily dodged two bullets, and then punched the curly-haired man who rushed forward.

Just when the fist was halfway through, Han Zheng suddenly realized something was wrong, and hastily withdrew his force, trying to retract the fist he swung.

However, it was too late...

The curly-haired man came forward without fear. At this moment, at the same time as Han Zheng punched hard, the curly-haired man's [Self-Defense System] was finally activated.

(End of this chapter)

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