dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 58 The first black card sent out

Chapter 58 Sending out the first black card
Back in the living room, Han Zheng called Sun Yuqian immediately.

Han Zheng originally planned to ask Sun Yuqian if it was convenient for him to visit him in the hospital.

Unexpectedly, after Sun Yuqian learned that Han Zheng had returned from the dungeon, he immediately asked Han Zheng to wait for him at home on the phone, and he immediately went to find him.

After hanging up the phone, Han Zheng looked bewildered. Isn't Sun Yuqian still in hospital?

Did you come here just like that?what's the situation?
Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Han Zheng opened the door and saw that Sun Yuqian was dressed in casual clothes and was carrying a small bag, with an anxious expression on his face.

After asking, I found out that as early as two days ago, Sun Yuqian had made a decision that he would join [Dragon Ball Battlefield]!

Immediately afterwards, he disregarded the objections of his parents and the attending physician, and forcibly went through the discharge procedures. He has been anxiously waiting for Han Zheng's return for the past two days.

"So, you've made a decision?" Han Zheng asked seriously after soothing Sun Yuqian who was still very excited.

"It's decided!" Sun Yuqian replied firmly:
"Instead of sitting around like this, it's better to fight for a chance. If I die in the dungeon after all, it's God's will. I deserve to die, and I won't complain...and..."

He paused, his voice becoming slightly choked:

"...I don't want to embarrass my father anymore. Recently, he and my brother have been arguing every day. If this continues in the afternoon, the whole family will be torn apart because of me."

Han Zheng patted him on the shoulder. He was very clear about Sun Yuqian's situation, and he understood that he could make such a choice.

He took out the black card that had been stored all along from his pocket, and he had wrapped two layers of ID card leather on the outside of the black card.

Holding the black card in his hands, Han Zheng explained to Sun Yuqian some points that novice combatants need to pay attention to after entering the dungeon.

Afterwards, Han Zheng took out the black card from his ID card and put it next to Sun Yuqian.

"If you are ready, touch this card now, and you will be sucked into the battlefield immediately."

Sun Yuqian widened his glasses, stared at the black card for a long time, and asked without raising his head:

"After I'm sucked in, I'm going to enter the dungeon immediately, right?"

"Not necessarily, the battlefield will allocate dungeons for newly recruited combatants like you as soon as possible, but it should take time, but during this period of time, you will always be in an unconscious state, and wait for the next time you wake up, which is the first time. It's time to enter the copy."

Sun Yuqian nodded, was silent for a while, suddenly laughed twice, and said:

"Han Zheng, when I come back from executing the copy, I will treat you to dinner with the first 'financial subsidy'!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Yuqian grabbed the black card in his hand.


What happened next was exactly the same as when Han Zheng touched the black card for the first time!
The card was gradually burning, and Sun Yuqian twisted his body and fell to the ground in pain.

Soon, the black card shattered and fell, and Sun Yuqian also disappeared.

Looking at the familiar scene, Han Zheng couldn't help recalling the painful memories back then. He swallowed, feeling complicated.

At this moment, the voice of the battlefield reminder suddenly sounded in his ear.

[Number N2199 combatant successfully sent a [Battlefield Promotion Black Card], 100 reward points, and a lucky draw]
[Combatant number N2199 is currently in the real world, if you want to draw a lottery immediately, please return to the Dragon Ball battlefield]
Sure enough, the reward came.

As soon as the notification sound fell, Han Zheng hurriedly teleported back to the private living area.

[Number N2199 fighter, you have a chance to draw a lottery that has not yet been executed, do you want to draw a lottery immediately? ]
As soon as he returned to the living area, the notification sound immediately rang.

Draw now!

Just like the last lucky draw in the dungeon, Han Zheng once again had a blue screen and a lucky draw wheel.

There are still those six plates on the turntable:

[Points] [Skills] [Equipment Items] [Blood] [Cultivation Coupon] [One-sixth of those who are unhappy in life]

Spin the wheel!

The pointer moved around, from fast to slow, and then settled on the [Equipment Items] panel.

The plate was lifted, and Han Zheng saw the items he had drawn with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, his glasses immediately widened, and his eyeballs wished they could fall to the ground.

The 【Equipment Item】 that I pulled out was——

【Combat Power Detector】!
Han Zheng cheered, and hurriedly took out the [Combat Power Detector] to check its properties.

[Equipment Props: Combat Power Detector]
[Attribute: Probing props]
[Function: It can be used to detect the combat power of the person in front of you, and it can also detect the high combat power in other directions]
[Supplementary Note: The detection results of mechanized and data-based detectors are not absolutely credible, and users need to make subjective and flexible judgments. After all, if the detection object has learned [Breath Proficiency], the detection results will inevitably be misleading ]
Mastery of breath?
It seems that it refers to learning to control one's own aura, thereby suppressing or even hiding one's own aura, which is equivalent to suppressing or even hiding one's own combat power.

Although the detector must be restrained by [Breath Proficiency] in the later stage, it is likely to become useless.

But at least for now, when most combatants have not learned to control breath, it is definitely the most practical equipment in the dungeon, bar none!

Being able to detect the positions of other combatants and their respective combat effectiveness, is there any props that are more suitable for various killing dungeons than this in the early stage?

The more Han Zheng thought about it, the more excited he became. The lottery roulette is really too embarrassing!
Looking at the single lens and the detector that can be installed on the ear, Han Zheng suddenly thought of the classic quote Raditz said when he first arrived on Earth.

He took out the detector, put it on his ear, and wanted to try it out, but was told that equipment and skills were not allowed in the living area.

Han Zheng had no choice but to give up and put the detector back into the equipment rack.

Then, when he was about to enter the [Cultivation Dungeon] to continue his practice, he suddenly heard the prompt sound again:

[Number N2199 Combatant, the [Baby Son Gohan's Sword] you sold in the trading hall is now sold, please go to the trading hall to collect points in time]
The sword was sold?Good things happen again and again.

Han Zheng immediately left for the public living area and came to the trading hall.

To get back the points obtained from the sale, 700 points minus 10% tax, Han Zheng received 630 points.

Adding the 1125 points that Han Zheng had before, he now holds a total of 1755 points.

Han Zheng originally wanted to sell the [Incomplete Transfiguration] he had just obtained in the trading hall.

However, when he was in [Resource Dungeon] before, Chen Chen had warned him that the price of the trading hall in the first-level area is currently chaotic, and things like [Incomplete Transfiguration] are still not suitable for sale in the first-level area.

After all, the price was so high that the combatants in the level 1 area couldn't afford it, and the price was too cheap, so it wasn't worth it.

Transfiguration is a skill that everyone urgently needs, and there is no need to worry about selling it at any time. Chen Chen suggested at the time to keep it and sell it at a high price when it is promoted to the second level in the future.

Han Zheng thought for a while, he has enough points now, more than enough to buy [Practice Dungeon], it's better to keep this [Incomplete Transfiguration] for the time being.

Thinking of this, Han Zheng prepared to close the trading section and leave the trading room.

At this moment, a sale message that popped up suddenly caught his attention.

[One Dongdongbo Martial Skill Fragment - 300 points]
(End of this chapter)

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