dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 57 The Correct Use of Dragon Balls

Chapter 57 The Correct Use of Dragon Balls

"Why don't you talk anymore..." Chen Chen's eyes showed an inexplicable meaning: "...Are you scared?"

Han Zheng looked at her, suddenly he didn't know how to respond.

Why does Chen Chen know so much? She just executed one more dungeon than herself.

In the previous third round of dungeons, Wang Song complained that the two of them knew too much, and they were not like newcomers at all.

It was because of my cousin's diary that I knew a lot about the battlefield just now. What about Chen Chen?
Could she be someone secretly cultivated by some large corps?It's possible, but...

Han Zheng felt so confused that it was difficult to judge.

However, this kind of doubt is not easy to ask questions. Han Zheng thought about it, and it is better to change the subject and continue to ask questions about the large corps.

"It's really a little scary..." Han Zheng smiled awkwardly, and continued:
"Using the present world as the soil to absorb nutrients and the battlefield as a place to strengthen your strength, I was really shocked by your words. Executing the battlefield dungeon is equivalent to walking a tightrope between life and death.

From what you said, it seems that those members of the high-level corps don't want to escape from the battlefield, but instead want to use the battlefield to strengthen themselves, and then use the strengthened power to continue to consolidate their power in this world. This is really beyond my expectation. "

"Walk a tightrope between life and death..." Chen Chen shook his head:
"For those low-level combatants, or the grassroots members of those large corps, this is indeed the case, but if they can reach the top level, then the dungeon mission will not be able to threaten their life or death."

"Top level?" Han Zheng was puzzled:
"No matter how strong it is, it is inevitable to miss and be assassinated in the dungeon. Moreover, the average combat power of each round of the dungeon is increasing. That is to say, even if the combatants become stronger, the competitors in the dungeon will also become stronger and stronger. The difficulty is still increasing, even if you are a master, you can't guarantee your survival."

"Of course not, except for the commanders of the top ten legions, no matter how strong an expert is, there is no guarantee that he will survive the next dungeon, but—"

Chen Chen suppressed a smile, as if Han Zheng's questions seemed silly to her.

"——As a master, the top person in the team, even if you fail and die in the dungeon occasionally, it doesn't matter. You must know that we are in the world of Dragon Ball."

In the world of Dragon Ball!

These few words were like a sharp sword, piercing into Han Zheng's thinking, and he instantly understood what Chen Chen meant.

"You mean..."

"That's right!" Chen Chen reached out and snapped his fingers in front of his nose, "In the world of Dragon Balls, there are Dragon Balls!"

Han Zheng has completely figured it out!

Dragon Ball!That's right, why did I suddenly forget this.

A dragon that can grant any wish!
Although from the middle of the comics, Shenlong is not omnipotent, it can't make any impact on people with high combat effectiveness, and it can't solve the growing crisis.

However, although Shenlong has various deficiencies, it has an ability that is indispensable at all times——

No matter how powerful a master is, they are all equal after death. If you want to be resurrected, you have to make a wish through the dragon!

In this way, in this [Dragon Ball Battlefield], Dragon Balls can still be used to summon Shenlong and resurrect dead combatants!
Han Zheng suddenly understood that forming a team or regiment had such a hidden function.

And, resurrection...

His mind suddenly became agitated. If he could make a wish to be resurrected, wouldn't his cousin Han Lei...

Chen Chen on the side seemed to see through Han Zheng's thoughts at this time, and she suddenly asked:
"What? Want to use Dragon Balls to revive someone? A certain dead combatant?"

Han Zheng looked at her, but nodded acquiescingly without answering.

"Male or female?" Chen Chen stretched his neck and continued to ask.

"Ahem...uh, man..."

"Yo - I can't tell, it's kind of gay in gay..."

Han Zheng frowned slightly, but did not answer this sentence.

And Chen Chen seemed to be a bit addicted to lectures, so he continued to say to him:

"Now we are all newcomers in the first-level area, and the dungeons we execute are all limited areas. When we can execute dungeons in open areas in the future, at that time, combatants will not only compete for bloodlines and equipment, but also for dragon balls. .

But, the dragon balls collected in the dungeon are just [dungeon items] after all, even if the dragon is recruited, it cannot revive the dead combatant, it can only be used to revive the dungeon character, if you want to revive the combatant, you have to get [ Equipped with props] attribute Dragon Ball, you don’t need to enter the dungeon if you collect all seven Dragon Ball props, you can directly summon the dragon in your private living area to make a wish.

But, do you know how to burst out the Dragon Balls with [Equipment Items] attribute? "

【Equipment Props】Dragon Ball with attributes?

According to the urine nature of this dungeon, Han Zheng immediately figured it out:
"It should be the maker of the Dragon Ball, such as Tianshen, Dandi, and the Great Elder of Namek."

"That's right, but it's not comprehensive, and there's more!"

and also?

Han Zheng thought for a while, and soon came up with another possibility: "Kill the dragon?"

"The reaction is quick!" Chen Chen praised, "That's right, after collecting the Dragon Balls to summon the Shenlong in the dungeon, if you kill the Shenlong, the Dragon Balls will also drop out."

Han Zheng nodded. Then, he suddenly looked at Chen Chen and couldn't help asking:
"Why did you tell me so much? We have only been teammates in one dungeon. You don't need to tell me these things."

Chen Chen put on a sophisticated look, and spread his hands at him: "You will understand in the future, but as for now, I don't want to tell you why. Like you said, we have only been teammates in one round of dungeons. I don't want to explain too much to you."

Han Zheng looked at her suspiciously, and the more he looked at her, the more elusive she became.

However, at this moment, Han Zheng didn't have the heart to worry about it anymore. After learning that he could collect dragon balls to revive his cousin, all his thoughts were focused on this.

However, although he has planned a lot, he can't do much at this stage.

After all, what he can do at present is only a copy of a limited area, and the task of collecting dragon balls will have to wait until later.



The three-day resource duplication time passed quickly.

During this period of time, the entire dungeon was still a "carnival scene", causing the entire village to become a mess.

Han Zhengji still occasionally asked Chen Chen some questions, and Chen Chen was still generous.

But every time she was asked about Chen Chen's own situation, she kept it secret.

In the past three days, apart from constantly thinking about resurrecting his cousin, Han Zheng also thought about the man wanted by the Stormtroopers from time to time.

That man is now living in his hometown county, but he doesn't know when he will be able to meet him again.


After the resource dungeon was over, all the combatants were sent back to the service station.

Chen Chen looked at Han Zheng beside him, and suddenly imitated Wang Song's appearance playfully, and said in a rough voice on purpose:
"See you next time in the dungeon. I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, so I'm leaving."

At this moment, Han Zheng knew her a little bit, knowing that she was teasing on purpose, but he was too preoccupied now, so he couldn't take it anymore.

After the two bid farewell to each other, they returned to their private living areas.

Han Zheng was thinking about the third round of dungeons and this resource dungeon, and thinking about her previous sentence "I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend", and suddenly he felt a little embarrassed, and an indescribable feeling filled his heart.

He shook his head and didn't think about it anymore, after all, he had another thing to deal with now.

After these few days, Sun Yuqian must have made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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