dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 575 The Top 8 Decision

Chapter 575

"The big guy is on stage! This is the last match of Ring 2, will he advance to the quarterfinals?"

"Impossible, his opponent is Liu Wan, head of the [Magic Legion]..."

[Big Buu] stood proudly on the second ring, and standing opposite him was a handsome man.

At this moment, Han Zheng and his cousin were watching the battle under the ring.

Without listening to the comments of the onlookers, Han Zheng already recognized that [Big Buu]'s opponent was none other than [Magic] Legion Commander Liu Wan!
Liu Wan was one of the 6 [rare numbers] from the old era, so Han Zheng couldn't check this person's data.

However, Han Zheng learned from the man in green that Liu Wan's combat power should only be slightly higher than Cobb's, and his [rare abilities] are basically daily support types, and there is no ability that can directly affect the battle.

Han Zheng believes that with Buu's bloodline ability, defeating Liu Wan is not a problem.

Sure enough, following the referee's order, the two people on the stage moved quickly.

The figures of the two, like two black lightning bolts, have confronted several rounds in the arena in the blink of an eye!
Then, the two separated quickly, Liu Wan's foot slammed into the corner of the ring, and his whole body flew up in an instant, as if he was about to unleash Kamepai Qigong!
And at this moment, [Big Buu] seized the opportunity and quickly swung his palms!
【Dumpling super power】!
Liu Wan's body froze in mid-air, and then all the strength in his body was instantly removed, and he fell down involuntarily.

The next moment, a magic beam shot out from the top of [Big Buu]'s head and hit Liu Wan directly!
Poor Liu Wan made a jelly bean and fell on the ring.

【Big Buu】smiled evilly, then kicked lightly, and the jelly bean rolled down the ring with a grunt.

【Big Buu】Advance to the quarterfinals!
And under the arena, there was an uproar!
"No mistake! His breath just now, and the magic beam, he is definitely [Buu's bloodline]!"

"[Buu Bloodline]... Could it be the commander of Qi Shaodong's army?"

"Impossible? Transformation is not allowed in this Martial Arts Association, how could he be Qi..."

"Buu can use magic, even if he can't transform, can't he use magic to change his appearance?"


Amidst the noisy discussion, Han Zheng quickly gave instructions to [Big Buu], telling him to keep silent and not communicate with others, and at the same time try not to get too close to him.

And at this time, the preliminaries of the No. 5 ring were all over.

It was Deng Jue, head of the [Buddha Legion], who won the top eight spots in this group.

Han Zheng remembered that Deng Jue was also one of those six people. Since he was a [rare number] from the old era, he couldn't see his data at all.

It's a pity that I came too late and failed to observe Deng Jue's strength and moves.

After taking a few glances at Deng Jue, Han Zheng turned and went to the next ring.


On the No. 4 ring.

There was only a loud noise, and a strong man fell from the ring in an instant and hit the ground heavily.

"Contestant No. 39 advances to the quarterfinals!"

A man covered with a black cloth quickly stepped off the ring.

Beside the arena, there were voices of discussion everywhere.

Han Zheng was mingling with the crowd at the moment, and he clearly recognized that the one who was knocked down was the head of the [Beidou Legion]——Zhang Beidou!
Zhang Beidou's combat power is 490 billion, to be able to defeat this person, the masked man must not be an idler!
However, Han Zheng learned from the surrounding discussions that this masked man had been wearing a black cloth mask since the first match. Although the Martial Arts Club forbade transformation, it did not interfere with the contestants' personal attire.

However, after a series of matches, opponents fell one after another. Including Zhang Beidou, no one was able to destroy the black cloth of the masked man, and no one could see half an inch of his true face.

What surprised Han Zheng even more was that he couldn't check this person's [Data Attributes]!
There is no doubt that this is a [rare number] from the old era!
However, Han Zheng believed that this person was definitely not one of the six army commanders.

That is to say, this is a person who came to the new era by himself without relying on Qi Shaodong.

Another [Old Rare Number], but I don't know where this person came from...

Doubts arose in Han Zheng's heart again, but the masked man turned around and left quickly without giving him the slightest chance to observe.


Ring No. 7.

"Contestant No. 77 advances to the quarterfinals!"

[Iron Hook] Legion Commander Alcindor walked off the ring slowly and returned to his subordinates


Ring No. 6.

"Picker No. 59 advances to the top 8!"

After the sound of the verdict fell, the ring immediately exploded!
"Captain Keaton... actually lost!"

"And he lost so thoroughly, what is the origin of this man with glasses?"

"The strength of this man with glasses is bottomless. From the first round, he won all the way. No matter who the opponent is, he always wins with one move!"

"too strong!"

"The boss of the [Bird Legion] also lost...I heard just now that the head of the [Shark], [Poisonous Snake], [Magic], and [Beidou] also lost successively. Is it over?"

Hearing the bursts of discussion, Han Zheng chuckled secretly.

Afterwards, he quickly sent a message to the man with glasses who had just won—that is, 【Mysterious Gohan】.

Let him be like [Big Buu], keep silent, ignore anyone, and try to keep a distance from himself.

So far, Han Zheng himself, [Big Buu], and [Mysterious Gohan], the three of them have been unimpeded all the way, and easily advanced to the top eight!
Three [Number Plates], none of them wasted!
"Among the top 8, you alone accounted for three..." Cousin Han Lei whispered from the side:
"Also, the top ten legions have really suffered heavy losses this time. I feel that the championship and runner-up this time must be in your pocket."

Han Zheng shook his head lightly, looking a little noncommittal.

Think about the weird feeling felt on Verkinko, and the masked man who couldn't see [Data Attributes]...

He always felt that this martial arts meeting might not be that simple.

The 7 rings, the competition has come to an end, and only the last place in the 8 ring has yet to be decided.

Han Zheng and his cousin hurried to the No. 8 ring. Han Zheng scanned the circle and found that there seemed to be no masters in the No. 8 group.

In fact, he also thought of this point.

The first seven groups are full of masters. The chief and deputy commanders of the top ten legions and other first-class experts are almost all concentrated in the first seven groups.

This has led to a serious lack of level in the eighth group. If Sha Yu, Cobb and other losers from other groups are placed in the eighth group, they will definitely be in the top eight.

At this time, just as Han Zheng came to Group 8, the referee's verdict sounded quickly.

The eighth finalist has already been decided, and this person is standing on the stage at this time, bending over and leaning on his knees, panting heavily.

Han Zheng looked up at the contestant, and then he was taken aback.

It was him!
(End of this chapter)

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