dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 574 The Top 8 Decision

Chapter 574

Virkinko looked at Han Zheng with a strange look, then turned his head and got off the ring.

Doubts abounded in Han Zheng's heart. At this moment, the "Dungeon Rescue Personnel" had arrived. Han Zheng handed his cousin over to them, and then looked at Wilkinko from a distance.

At this time, Virkinko had already walked back into the crowd, surrounded by several subordinates of the [God's Legion], and his [Data Attributes] were all normal, and there was nothing weird anymore.

"What's the matter?" The cousin was not seriously injured, and he was healed soon. He walked up and looked at Han Zheng suspiciously:

"This person is the deputy commander of the [Legion of God]. I heard that his combat strength is less than 200 billion, and he is not a threat to you."

Han Zheng frowned, and asked in a low voice, "When you fought him just now, did you notice what's wrong with him?"


"It's just... a little weird feeling?"

"I...didn't notice..." The cousin smiled wryly: "...In fact, if I could have noticed even half of his actions during the fight, I wouldn't have been knocked out of the ring with just one move."

Han Zheng nodded and sighed softly, and then he couldn't help but look at Wilkinko a few times, but he still couldn't detect the abnormality, so he had to hide his doubts in his heart for the time being.

"Don't be too frustrated, there's something wrong with that Verkinko, but I can't see it yet..." Han Zheng stopped talking, and asked instead: "By the way, how is your injury?"

"Healed up, the efficiency of these dungeon characters is not bad..." Han Lei showed a helpless look: "...I also know that my strength is destined to not be able to win the top eight. If I can get a 5% increase in combat power, I can't do it. I am satisfied..."

And at this moment, a piercing scream suddenly came from the No. 2 ring not far away!
Immediately afterwards, a red figure quickly flew over from the No. 2 ring, and smashed heavily on an open space in front of Han Zheng.

Han Zheng looked down and found that he also recognized the falling figure.

This person is a female combatant with long fiery red hair, and she is—Vice President Hong of [Resurrection Club]!
At this time, the red-haired woman closed her eyes tightly and was unconscious. Several rescue personnel quickly stepped forward to take her away.

The attention of the surrounding players was immediately attracted, and at the same time, exclamations came from the No. 2 ring——

"Oh my god, Vice President Hong... lost with just one move!"

"Who the hell is that big man?"

"In the last round, when he faced Captain Tang, he was able to move in seconds!"

"First Captain Tang, then Vice President Hong, what is the origin of this big man?"

"His aura just now... seems a little...he can't be of Buu's blood?"

"Buu's bloodline? How is it possible? Isn't there only one person in the battlefield with Buu's bloodline?"

On the No. 2 ring, a tall man with a fierce face walked down from the ring naked.

The onlookers under stage 2 saw that he was seeing ghosts and gods, and dispersed one after another to make way for a passage.

"Hey, isn't that..." Looking at the vicious man, Han Lei couldn't help being startled, and stretched out his hand to grab Han Zheng beside him.

Han Zheng smiled lightly, and raised his hand to signal him to keep quiet.

This vicious man is none other than his [Big Buu]!
Listening to the comments from the onlookers, [Big Buu] really shined in the No. 2 ring. In two games, he lost to Captain Tang and Vice President Hong in a row!
All of a sudden, all the combatants under the rings 2 and 3 looked at [Big Buu] in amazement, and there were voices of discussion one after another.

Even Virkinko immediately turned and looked over
He looked at the back of [Big Buu] and listened to the comments of the people around him, his eyes turned from shock to doubt, and then back to surprise again...

Han Zheng instructed [Big Buu] again through his thoughts, telling him to ignore anyone's inquiries and conversations, and to keep silent all the time.

And at this moment, beside the No. 1 ring in the distance, the referee's summons sounded loudly, and his next match had already arrived.

At this time, in the No. 1 ring, the second round was tragically omitted, and Cobb's opponent and Han Zheng's opponent announced their abstentions one after another.

The two won without a fight, and directly entered the final round of the preliminaries, competing for the first place in the top eight!
"The final preliminaries of this ring! Contestant No. 2 vs. Contestant No. 9!"

In the sound of the referee's announcement, Han Zheng jumped onto the ring.

On the other hand, Cobb, the head of the [Venomous Snake] Legion, stepped onto the stage with complicated eyes.

Under the arena, the faces of all the combatants were also heavy and complicated. The scene where Han Zheng smashed Sha Yu just now still haunts the minds of all the onlookers.

Everyone held their breath and there was no sound.


These two words were quickly shouted from the referee's mouth.

On the ring, Cobb immediately put on a defensive posture, looking alert, as if he was facing an enemy.

Han Zheng, on the other hand, stood safely in place, his expression as pale as a mirror lake.

The two confronted each other, and neither of them took the lead for a while.

Han Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly. He could clearly see that the commander of the Ke Army was named [Rare Number], with a total combat power of 550 billion.

I defeated Sha Yu with only one move before, and the opponent had to be afraid.

The confrontation lasted for several seconds, when Han Zheng suddenly had a thought, a smile flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth quickly, and he spit out a series of "sticky" qigong condensates.

The silent onlookers exclaimed for the first time.

I saw Han Zheng spit out these qigong condensates, and instantly grew arms and heads.

It was the "Gotenks Special Skill" that Han Zheng had just learned - [Super Ghost Kamikaze Fist]!
This move with a slightly embarrassing name is extremely powerful, and any of the eight [Explosion Ghosts] spat out by Han Zheng will launch an explosion that is no less than full-strength Kamehae Qigong when any one touches another object!
Cobb's expression suddenly tightened!
At the same moment, Han Zheng waved his hand, and the eight ghosts rushed out together.

This group of ghosts was so fast that they besieged Cobb from all directions in an instant.

Cobb's face turned pale with fright, he jumped with all his strength, jumped out of the encirclement in a hurry, and rushed into the air.

However, Han Zheng had already teleported to the top of the opponent's head. He clasped his fists into a hammer and smashed down on Cobb's sky cap!
Cobb let out a roar, his arrogance condensed on his arms, and these two arms were quickly placed above his head for defense.

The next moment, there was only a "click" sound.

Cobb's two arms were broken, and the condensed arrogance scattered and flew in all directions, like mud spots splashed by a car in a rainy day.

Cobb let out a miserable howl, and immediately fell down, and the eight ghosts also caught up at the same time, and quickly met the falling Cobb!





Eight explosions, deafening.

As the echo faded away, thick smoke mixed with blood mist billowed up.

Han Zheng fell off the ring and kicked off a large strip of "rotten meat" on the stage.

And that piece of "rotten meat", only the commander of the Cobb army left in one breath!
At the last moment, Han Zheng deliberately suppressed the explosion to avoid violating the dungeon restrictions.

The rescuers quickly carried Cobb away. When passing through the crowd, almost everyone could smell the smell of burnt meat...

"Contestant No. 9 wins! Advance to the quarterfinals!"

After the referee yelled this, the onlookers who were still in shock came back to their senses.

Afterwards, before Han Zheng could step off the ring, the audience immediately exploded!
"Two Legion Commanders! Two Legion Commanders! No. 9 actually lost two Legion Commanders in a row!"

"Just now, the strength of Commander Cobb's army is more than 500 billion, but he is still no match for him!"

"This combat power, at least 700 billion or more, is definitely a super-three powerhouse!"

"Being able to defeat two legion commanders in a row, could it be the president of the [Resurrection Club] who sees the head and sees the end?"

Han Zheng ignored the discussion of the people below, he winked at his cousin, and the two quickly walked towards other rings.

Ring No. 1 was the first to end the preliminaries, and Han Zheng decided to take advantage of this time to take a good look at the other rings... or, to put it another way, the situation of the other eight finalists.

And when the two of them had just walked through the No. 3 ring city, the referee at the side of the stage shouted loudly:
"Contestant No. 23 wins and advances to the quarterfinals!"

It's Virkinko!
Han Zheng hurriedly looked around, and saw that Verkinko had walked down from the ring in a leisurely manner, with no mess on his clothes, and no trace of blood on his golden hair.

It was a yellow-haired man who fell on the ring. This man was motionless and unconscious. The rescue team rushed to take him away quickly.

"Virginko's deputy head has improved a lot during this period, and the vice president of [Resurrection Club] Huang is no match at all!"

"It's a pity that the head of the Qi army of our [God's Legion] didn't come, or else... hum..."

Han Zheng looked at the yellow-haired man who was being carried away, and his heart skipped a beat.

The one who was defeated was actually a vice president of the [Resurrection Club]!
He turned his head to look at Wilkinko again, but this time, he still couldn't see anything unusual.

But Wilkinko ignored Han Zheng, turned around and left the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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