dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 53 New【Practice Dungeon】

Chapter 53 New【Practice Dungeon】

"What did you say?"

Sun Yuqian's expression changed drastically. He pushed Han Zheng's arm away and stood up.

"You came here... just to make fun of me like this?"

Sun Yuqian walked to the window and turned his back to Han Zheng. Although he couldn't see his expression, his voice was visibly trembling.

"Don't get excited, don't shout, sit down and listen to me..."

Han Zheng walked over, closed the window, drew the curtains tightly, and then lowered his voice:
"We have to start from the beginning, almost half a year ago..."



During the whole narration process, the expression on Sun Yuqian's face changed at an extremely fast speed. In the end, he even looked at Han Zheng with the eyes of a "mental patient".

"...So I called you immediately, and then I came here to look for you. Of course, it depends on your choice in the end."

Han Zheng briefly explained the ins and outs of the future, but he could see from Sun Yuqian's expression that the other party had already regarded himself as a patient.

However, this is also expected.

"Looking at you like this, I know you don't believe me, so how about it..." Han Zheng shook his head and smiled, and took out a small folding knife from his pocket.

"Han...Han Zheng, when I called last time, I heard you speak clearly. It hasn't been long... Eh? What are you doing with a knife?" Sun Yuqian suddenly became alert.

Han Zheng couldn't help but put the jackknife into Sun Yuqian's hand.

"Come on, take this knife and stab me twice, then you'll know if what I'm saying is true or not."

Sun Yuqian's eyes became even weirder, and he even took two steps back, intentionally keeping a distance.

"Han Zheng...I heard that you were unemployed before, and you haven't found a job yet, but you shouldn't be too anxious...Look at me, I don't know how long I can live. There are conflicts every day about spending money on sickness, compared to me, what is your matter?"

I knew it would cause this kind of misunderstanding!

Han Zheng sighed, looked around the room, and suddenly asked:

"There are no surveillance cameras or anything in this room?"

"No...no, why are you asking...?"

Before Sun Yuqian finished his question, Han Zheng teleported himself back to the living area of ​​the battlefield without saying a word, and disappeared in this room out of thin air.

In the private living area, Han Zheng, who teleported in instantly, sat down on the sofa, picked up a glass of juice on the coffee table, and counted the seconds while drinking.

Ten seconds later, he returned to the real world again.

"You... you... this..."

Sun Yuqian's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and he didn't speak a complete sentence for a long time.

With his own eyes, he watched Han Zheng disappear instantly from the room, and then when he was stunned for a while and started to look around, Han Zheng reappeared out of thin air.

Han Zheng wiped the remaining juice from the corner of his mouth, pointed to the folding knife on one side, and said:
"This time, you should believe it. If you don't believe it, try it with a knife."

Sun Yuqian looked at Han Zheng, as if he couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes, but the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.

He swallowed his saliva, picked up the knife, and slashed down on the back of Han Zheng's hand with the force that could only make a small wound.

Han Zheng's [Self-Defense System] was activated instantly, and the blade slashed across the back of his hand without leaving even a blue mark.

Sun Yuqian looked at the scene in front of him and was even more dumbfounded.

Under Han Zheng's "encouragement", Sun Yuqian stabbed Han Zheng a few more times, but none of them caused any damage.

With so many unbelievable facts in front of him, he could no longer disbelieve what Han Zheng said.

Sun Yuqian sat down on the bed, with complex emotions in his eyes, and was silent for a long time.

And Han Zheng also sat quietly on the side, not disturbing him.

"So, everything you said before is true..."

Han Zheng nodded.

"That is to say, if I enter the 'battlefield' you mentioned, my cancer will be cured immediately?"

"That's right, but... as I said just now, when you enter the battlefield, you need to perform dungeons regularly. Every round of dungeons can be said to be a narrow escape, so after you enter, even though your illness is cured, you may die in the dungeons. Instead, he ended his life prematurely."

He sighed and continued:
"This is a road of no return, and it may not be much better than the terminal illness you have now, so you have to decide how to choose."

"I..." Sun Yuqian lowered his head, his voice was very low: "...let me think about it..."

"Alright, this kind of decision can't be made in a short time. It just so happens that I have to enter the dungeon the day after tomorrow. When I come back, you can give me an answer."

Han Zheng originally wanted to give the black card to Sun Yuqian first, and then touch the card himself after he made up his mind.

However, considering that the success of using the black card is related to one's own wealth and life, it is better to be cautious. If Sun Yuqian accidentally loses it, he will be in danger.

Han Zheng decided to hold the black card by himself first, and let Sun Yuqian think about it alone for a few days. After all, this kind of decision is a matter of life and death.

"Enter a dungeon? Didn't you just come back from the dungeon?" Sun Yuqian asked suddenly.

"Uh...I can't tell you clearly at the moment, dungeon and dungeon are not the same, I went this time without danger, I will be back in a few days, you should think about it these few days, I will find a way to find a place to live first... ..."

"A place to live? Actually, I rented a house here, it hasn't expired yet, it's just relatively remote..."

Hearing Sun Yuqian's introduction, Han Zheng was a little pleasantly surprised. The remote and quiet rental house does not have to worry about being disturbed, and it is just what he wants.

He took the key from Sun Yuqian and found the residence according to the address.

The room seemed to have been unoccupied for a long time, and there was a lot of dust.

However, these were not important to Han Zheng. After locking the doors and windows, he teleported back to his private living area.

According to the agreement, I will meet with Chen Chen at the [Service Station] the morning after tomorrow. Han Zheng didn't intend to waste the time in between. He decided to enter the [Training Dungeon], continue to practice, and improve his combat power as much as possible.

"Enter [Cultivation Dungeon]!"

A blue scanning ray appeared instantly, followed by a blue subtitle.

[Combat number: N2199]
[Combat power: 72]
[Bloodline: Earthling, Rabbit Army Boss]
[The upper limit of combat power: 1000]
[Practice speed: E]
[Copy rounds executed: 3]
[Scanning completed, screening...]
[After scanning the results, the following 2 training dungeons are selected for selection based on the fighter's current combat effectiveness, bloodline, execution dungeon rounds, and special selection]
[Practice on Gupai Island]
[Purchase price: 1 day/10 points]
[Galinta practice]
[Purchase price: 1 day/50 points]
[The ratio between the time flow rate in the practice copy and the reality is 6:1]
[Please choose to buy]
Han Zheng's eyes suddenly widened.

Galinta practice! !

(End of this chapter)

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