dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 52 How Do You Choose?

Chapter 52 How Do You Choose?

In the private living area.

Han looked at the two black cards in his hand with a very serious expression.

It's not that he has never seen this kind of black card before, but he has a deep memory of this card.

I am such a black card that I brought into [Dragon Ball Battlefield]!

I remembered that I found his diary in my cousin's house, and found a black card in the diary interlayer. As soon as I touched it, my whole body fell into pain. When I woke up again, I had already begun to enter The first round of copies.

Scenes of memories kept rolling in my mind, as if it was just yesterday.

In Han's heart, it can be said that there are mixed feelings.

Before checking the instructions, he had some vague guesses. After checking, his guess was indeed correct.

[Battlefield promotion black card] is a tool used to pull ordinary people into the battlefield to become new combatants and continuously replenish blood for the battlefield!

According to the instructions, combatants in the battlefield can touch this black card at will without any effect.

However, as long as ordinary people in reality touch any part of their body with this kind of card, they will be immediately absorbed by the battlefield and drawn into the dungeon.

From the description, Han learned that as a combatant, after every three rounds of dungeons, he will not only be rewarded with [Resource Dungeon Invitation Coupon], but will continue to be rewarded with this kind of [Battlefield Promotion Black Card].

In the future, the more rounds of dungeons that have been executed, the number of black card distributions will double!
And the reason why it is called "reward" is because——

These two black cards were sent to Han, which belonged to Han alone. He gave the black cards to ordinary people in reality. After pulling ordinary people into the battlefield, he could get the "promotion reward" given by the battlefield.

Every time a black card is used to help the battlefield attract a newcomer, the owner of this black card can get 100 points and a chance to draw a lottery.

Moreover, combatants had to use up the black cards. The two black cards that Han got after the third round of dungeons had to be successfully used before his sixth round of dungeons started.

If it is not completed, it will be equivalent to the failure of the dungeon mission, and the combatant will be erased.

In other words, Han must use these two black cards to attract two ordinary people into the cruel [Dragon Ball Battlefield] before the sixth round of dungeons.

It was so!
Han sneered.

Actually relying on the combatants themselves to pull ordinary people into the battlefield and absorb them as new recruits!

He looked at the two cards and sighed again. Although he was somewhat conflicted, if he couldn't complete it, he would be erased.

It seems that I have to find two random people to secretly use the black card to absorb the other party. As for the other party may not live long after entering the dungeon, I can't take care of it. After all, I am also under heavy pressure and have no other choice.

However, when he saw the last item explained on the black card, Han's eyes suddenly widened.

[New combatants absorbed by the black card, if they have acquired injuries, regardless of the severity of the injuries, they will receive overall scanning treatment when entering the battlefield to restore their health]
Looking at the last explanation, Han suddenly fell into deep thought...


After a long time, Han pulled himself out of the intense thinking. He leaned on the sofa and suddenly laughed at himself:
"I said—why have my rhinitis for so many years suddenly healed recently..."

Afterwards, he put his previous thoughts aside, and then looked at the description of [Invitation Coupon for Resource Instance].

Han had already learned about the specific content of the invitation coupon from Chen Chen before, and the explanation at this time was nothing more than what he had talked about before.

There was only one thing that Chen Chen hadn't mentioned before - the description of the punishment measures for combatants to attack each other after entering the [Resource Instance] had detailed content.

After entering [Resource Dungeon], you are not allowed to attack other combatants. If you violate the rules, you will be punished at different levels according to the degree of damage caused to other combatants. The punishment measure is to deduct the corresponding points of the combatants according to the degree of damage.

If other combatants are killed, the deduction is even more enormous.

At the same time, if the points held by the combatant are not enough, the equipment, skills, blood, etc. he owns will be converted into points and continue to be deducted.

If this is not enough, then the combat power will be directly deducted according to the conversion.

The punishment measures are very severe!

Han was speechless, and then carried two black cards and an invitation coupon on his body.

After being reminded, he has already learned that after he completed the third round of dungeons, the financial subsidy has increased again, and now it is 400 yuan a day.

Monthly income over [-]!

Unexpectedly, the "small goals" I set for myself when I graduated from university were actually achieved in this way.

Han shook his head and smiled bitterly, took away the subsidy issued during this period, and then returned to reality.

After returning to the real house, Han Xian made a phone call with his parents.

Afterwards, he looked at his mobile phone, and after some ideological struggle, he finally dialed the number of his old classmate Sun Yuqian.


During the phone call, Han learned that Sun Yuqian was currently hospitalized in a large hospital in the provincial capital.

Han said that he had something urgent to find him, and ignored the other party's questions, claiming that he would go to the provincial capital to meet him immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Han checked the flight, hurried out to the airport, and boarded the plane to the provincial capital.


In a hospital in the provincial capital.

It can be seen from the expression that Sun Yuqian was obviously very puzzled by Han's behavior of coming without saying hello in advance.

However, the two have been classmates and friends for many years after all, and Sun Yuqian is still very grateful for Han's concern for him.

Seeing my friend for many years, Sun Yuqian, who has been depressed since his illness, is now in a much better mood.

"You said so urgently on the phone, and you flew here as soon as you said it. What, you won 500 million? Are you going to split half of it with me?"

In the room, there were only Han and Sun Yuqian. Sun Yuqian was wearing a hospital gown, looking at Han's solemn face, he couldn't help but made a joke, and then joked about the unopened class reunion:
"It can't be because of the class reunion. You dare not go by yourself, so you insist on dragging me, a patient, to go with you? Don't tell me you already know that Gu Yichou is coming back from abroad, and it is said that he will also attend the class reunion. "

Gu Yichou?
She will be back too!
Han Yi was taken aback by this name, and many memories of his student days quickly flooded his mind.

However, he quickly realized that he frowned and coughed twice.

I didn't come to talk about this!

"You...you sit down first..."

Han pressed Sun Yuqian's shoulders and asked him to sit against the wall and not move around.

"What's the situation? You won't really win 500 million, right?" Sun Yuqian was very puzzled.

Han ignored his jokes, stared at Sun Yuqian, and said slowly:
"If I told you that I can cure your cancer, but the price of treatment is to put you in another life crisis, how would you choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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