dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 33 Quota is limited, first come, first served!

Chapter 33 Quota is limited, first come, first served!
Class reunion?
Han Zheng frowned. He was actually not interested in large-scale class reunions.

If it's just some classmates and friends who were very good friends in the school days, it would be very good to get together occasionally and connect with each other.

But this kind of large-scale gathering of classmates, no matter how good or bad the friendship was in the past, or whether they are in contact with each other now, will always be a gathering of classmates, which will often change the flavor.

It's called recalling the glorious past, but when it comes to the party, few people talk about their school days.How are you doing?
The answers they get can usually be summarized into the following two types:

If you mix well, you will start to play various fancy styles, bold or unrestrained, or tactful.

Those who didn't get along well were hemming and hawing, rambling, talking about him.

Either way, Han Zheng would feel extremely embarrassed.

The time Wu Tianlin said is next month, and there is still some time before now, and Han Zheng is not sure whether he will already be executing the next round of dungeons by then.

He responded with a few words casually, saying that he was busy with work and was not sure if he could get away, but if he had time then, he would definitely go.

After a few more polite words, Han Zheng hung up the phone.

The classmates don’t think about it in advance, they will talk about it when the time comes; the parents will not go home in a few days, and Han Zheng quickly bought a cold drink and came back. After eating and drinking, he returned to [Dragon Ball Battlefield] again.

Han Zheng, who returned to the battlefield, went directly to the public living area and came to the trading hall.

He stood on the trading desk, and the trading page appeared instantly. He quickly flipped through a few pages and checked the current market conditions.

Then, he took out a [General White's pistol] from the equipment column, placed it on the top of the trading board, and began to create a sale message.

Now Han Zheng already has two [General White Pistols] in his equipment column, and he decided to sell one to get some more points to buy [Cultivation Dungeon].

This [General White Pistol] was the one he got in the first round of dungeons, and there were still two bullets left in the gun.

And in the dungeon just now, there were still three bullets left in the one he got from the combatant who almost succeeded in sneak attacking him.

Due to the confusion in the market price, Han Zheng estimated a median value, set a price of 250 points, and began to sell.

There was a flash of light on the trading page, and the [General White Pistol] disappeared instantly. At the same time, the page was quickly updated, showing this new sale message.

When this pistol is bought by someone, Han Zheng will receive a message from the trading hall, and then he can come to the trading hall to collect the points after taxation.

In the second round of the dungeon just now, Han Zheng got 650 points for the survival mission. Since there was no newcomer reward, compared with the previous round, he got 50 points less.

Right now, earning as many points as possible to buy cultivation dungeons is a top priority, and the equipment that is temporarily unused can be sold one after another.

After all, in the world of Dragon Ball, weapons and equipment in the early stage still have some room for use. From the middle stage, combat power is everything.

Han Zheng even felt a little distressed because the equipment bar was full, so he couldn't bring out the submachine gun that he had to discard in the dungeon. Although it was just an ordinary weapon, even if it was sold for [-] or [-] o'clock, he could still practice for two or three days.

Now, Han Zheng has executed two rounds of dungeons, and both are [single melee type]

From his cousin's diary, Han Zheng learned that in the first three rounds of dungeons for newcomers, at least one round is usually [team battle type], so that is to say, his next round of dungeons must be [team battle type] Type] a copy.

From some descriptions in the diary, Han Zheng could see that the team battle dungeon was completely different from the solo kill dungeon.

Combatants no longer fight on their own, but form a team of five, and the two teams fight in a 5v5 battle. The winner lives and the loser dies.

If you have already joined a certain team, in the distribution of team battle dungeons, the teammates of the same team will be assigned together first.

And "single dogs" like Han Zheng can only be randomly assigned to form teams.

In the diary, the cousin occasionally wrote down some experience of cooperating with his teammates during team battles. However, it is still difficult for someone like Han Zheng who has no real experience to absorb the experience that this kind of "paper talk" can convey.

However, one thing is certain.

That is, combat power will determine your status in the team!
In team battle dungeons, combatants with low combat effectiveness and low abilities will not only be despised by their teammates in the team, but will even be pulled as cannon fodder or bait at certain times.

The weak have no chance to choose!
You must work hard to improve yourself!

Han Zheng once again spent all 650 points and purchased a 65-day copy of [Training on Guipai Island].

He returned to the small island in the dungeon again, and together with Sun Wukong and Klin, they received the training of Guixianren.

Compared to the youthfulness when he entered the [Cultivation Dungeon] last time, Han Zheng at this time is very proficient in cultivation.

Not only the experience talk from my cousin's diary, but also some experience I have summed up in the previous practice, which is quite beneficial to improve the efficiency of practice.

For example, in daily practice, if you can do better than Monkey King and Kelin, then you will be rewarded with more combat power points at the settlement after the practice.

Now, it is not difficult for Han Zheng to surpass Klin in the performance of practice, but it is indeed not easy to be better than Monkey King.

It can be said that Han Zheng tried his best when he was practicing, but he could only occasionally surpass Monkey King in some events. Perhaps this is the suppression of blood talent.

However, Han Zheng has always been number one in the daily morning reading session...

After 12 days of penance in the [Cultivation Dungeon], Han Zheng suspended his training and came out of the dungeon.

Since the dungeon could not accept the news, Han Zheng received a reminder as soon as the dungeon came out that the [General White's pistol] he sold has been successfully traded, please go to the trading hall to claim the points.

Han Zheng was not in a hurry to go to the trading hall. He first returned to the real world, checked his house again, sent a message to his mother on WeChat, and then sent it back to the public living area and went straight to the trading hall.

In the trading hall.

Han Zheng followed the prompts and received the points he earned from the sale. After deducting 10% tax, the total was 225 points.

"It's like sucking blood..."

Han Zheng complained a little about the tax settings, and then he was about to return to the [Training Dungeon].

In today's trading hall, there are very few people, only a few combatants are browsing on the trading desk, and there are a few "information liars" wandering around the hall boredly.

At this time, Han Zheng had just come down from the position where he was receiving the sales points, and was about to leave when a person beside him suddenly yelled loudly:

"The team in the third-level living area is here to recruit newcomers, the number of places is limited, first come first served, rookies in the first-level area, your chance is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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