dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 32 The end of the second round of dungeons

Chapter 32 The end of the second round of dungeons

Han Zheng wiped his forehead, and wiped the water droplets from his hands. He didn't know if it was sweat or melted snow.

"This dream is too scary..."

Han Zheng laughed at himself, and put Lieutenant Arno, who had been on guard all night, back in the equipment column.

At this time, it was already dawn, he stretched himself, transformed into a flying bird again, and flew towards the village.

In the village, the villagers have also got up one after another to start their day's work.

The "Battle for Monkey King" that took place outside the village yesterday had indeed had a considerable impact on the village. Many villagers were terrified, thinking that the Red Ribbon Army had come back again.

Han Zheng sneaked into the village and sneaked back to his "home".

He carefully checked every corner of the house and found nothing unusual, the whole house was no different from the last time he left.

After making sure that no one came to his house again, Han Zheng took out the [Shrink Watch] and put it on his wrist, and lightly pressed the button.

Just like in the Ant-Man movie, Han Zheng shrank instantly, like a bug.

For the next half a day, Han Zheng used the transformation technique and the shrinking watch in turn to check all the families in the village, mainly the women in the family.

The setting of [Shrink Watch], although it restricts the use of other equipment and props during use, does not restrict the use of skills.

During this process, he felt more and more that using the transfiguration technique together with the shrinking watch, which is both concealed and has better detection results, is really a good match.

It's just that, in this short half day, Han Zheng scouted all the women in the village, from those who cook to eat, from those who change clothes to those who take a bath. Han Zheng didn't miss any of them, but he still couldn't find the woman who had been worrying him all this time. short hair woman.

After scouting the village, he sneaked into the deserted Masruta to investigate, but found nothing.

"Could it be that I was thinking too much, she was already dead? But who was the one who killed those combatants yesterday?"

"Or, that person is her, and she is hiding now, so it's hard to find?"

Han Zheng thought for a while, and he was more inclined to think that it was the short-haired girl who killed those combatants yesterday, and she should be hiding in a corner right now.

Since he couldn't find her no matter what, Han Zheng simply stopped looking.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, although the short-haired girl has been elusive all the time, but her fighting power is comparable to her own, the two of them fought for a while that day, but they couldn't tell the winner.

Now that I have Lieutenant Arnold as a powerful help, there is no need to worry too much.

The dungeon has entered the sixth day, and Han Zheng reckons that there may not be a few of the 40 combatants left.

For the next day or so, Han Zheng had a relatively easy life. Many villagers died in the village, and many houses were vacant. Han Zheng picked a few at random and used them in rotation as his resting point.

During the day, he was careful and kept an eye on his surroundings, and when he slept at night, A Nuo guarded him, so he was very safe.

However, on the evening of the seventh day of the dungeon, the small village, which had just gained peace for a few days, once again ushered in the invasion of the Red Ribbon Legion.

The news that Masruta's White General was wiped out was finally known to the headquarters.

At the same time, after Sun Wukong died, his Dragon Ball stayed here.

Commander Reid of the Red Ribbon Corps headquarters has issued a death order, and must get the two Dragon Balls here!
General Blue, who was far in the south, was temporarily transferred, and led his troops to the north, and came here to look for the Dragon Ball.

At the same time, due to the destruction of General White's headquarters, Commander Red spent a lot of money to hire Tao Baibai, the world's number one killer, to go north with General Blue's troops. Anyone who dared to fight against the Red Ribbon Army would be killed without mercy.

General Blue and Tao Baibai entered Masruta, and the villagers were once again enslaved by the Red Ribbon Corps.

And Han Zheng, when General Bru and Tao Baibai arrived, quietly hid in the jungle.

It would be fine if it was just General Bru, but there was such a terrifying master as Tao Baibai who came with him!

Tao Baibai can easily defeat Monkey King before he climbed the Jialin Tower, almost killing him.

With such fighting power, Han Zheng felt that it was not appropriate to easily clash with it.

Compared with Monkey King, Tao Baibai has no fatal weakness similar to "Tail". His character is not only simple and easy to deceive, but fierce and cunning. In addition, he is with the Red Ribbon Army, not alone. It is difficult for people to find a chance to start.

With my own fighting strength, even with Lieutenant Arnold, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to last a few rounds under his command.

Although I have the [Peach Baibai Powerful Bomb] that can blow it half to death, but I'm afraid I may not have the chance to use it, so I'd better save it for later use.

The most important thing is that compared with Monkey King, Tao Baibai's value is far less, the cost performance is lower, and the risk is not proportional to the possible return.

As for the Dragon Ball, let them find it. Han Zheng didn't even touch the one brought by Monkey King, and it was still in place. As for the one he hid, he didn't bother to care about it at this time.

Han Zheng decided to avoid the edge and just use up the remaining few days of dungeon time.

For this reason, Han Zheng has been hiding in the forest, occasionally using the transformation technique to sneak back to the village to steal some food, and slowly waiting for the time to run out...


More than three days passed quickly, and the Red Ribbon Legion, which had already found one Dragon Ball, was still looking for another one in this area.

Under a tree in the jungle, Han Zheng put away Lieutenant Arnold, calculated the time, it was probably time...

[End of this dungeon——]
The reminder that the dungeon was over finally sounded, and a burst of blue light emerged from Han Zheng's feet, quickly surrounding him.

[Number N2199 Combatant Survival Mission has been completed, you can exit the instance safely]
[Number N2199 fighters have accumulated 650 points in this copy, and they have been issued now]
[Number N2199 combatant successfully executes the second round of dungeons, the number of slots in the equipment column +1]
The blue light fades.

Han Zheng found that he was teleported to this white room again just like the end of the last round of dungeons.

He suddenly found that there were only three people in this room, including himself.

In the copy of 40 people, only 3 people survived to the end, and the survival rate was less than 10%.

In front of him was a young man with his head lowered and constantly tugging at his collar, looking a little nervous.

Judging from his behavior, Han Zheng felt that he might be a rookie who had just survived his first round of dungeons.

On Han Zheng's side, stood a woman with shoulder-length short hair. She was facing Han Zheng sideways, and she couldn't see her face clearly under the cover of her hair.

This short-haired girl really lived to the end!
Those combatants must have been killed by her!

Han Zheng's curiosity suddenly arose. He suddenly wanted to walk up to the short-haired girl and see her appearance.

At this moment, streaks of blue light suddenly appeared from under the short-haired woman's feet, quickly wrapping her around her, as if she was about to be teleported out soon.

At the same time, the short-haired girl suddenly turned her head and looked this way.

But at this time, the blue light had already risen, and the light curtain covered her face, and Han Zheng only saw her eyes again.


Han Zheng, who returned to the private living area, patted his head lightly, and stopped thinking about the short-haired girl.

He opened the drawer and took out another stack of Grandpa Mao.

At the same time, he received a reminder from the battlefield that after executing the second round of dungeons, his financial subsidy has also been increased. From now on, the daily subsidy fee will be 300 yuan.

"The monthly salary has risen from 6000 to 9000 so quickly—" Han Zheng, who had just completed the dungeon, felt very relaxed and happy. Thinking of a stalk in a certain forum, he couldn't help laughing at himself: "If you continue doing this for a few more rounds of dungeons, I'm afraid it won't be long before I reach the annual salary of Pedestrian Street..."

Han Zheng took the money with him, then left the battlefield living area and returned to the real world——

In the present world, Han Zheng's parents' house.

Han Zheng looked around. His parents hadn't come back yet, and nothing had changed in the house for 10 days.

Except it's hot!
"Why is it so hot, is this still the Northeast?"

Han Zheng hurriedly opened all the windows. He didn't expect that after staying in the dungeon for 10 days, the temperature here would rise to this level after he came back!

He turned on his phone, connected to WIFI, paid a phone bill on WeChat, and called his parents who were still in SH and hadn't come back.

On the phone, the parents said they would go home in a few days.

Putting down the phone, Han was about to go out to buy some cold drinks and soft drinks, when the phone rang again.

"Hey, old classmate, you can be regarded as connected. I called you twice before, but the result was arrears. I'm still thinking that if I can't get through again this time, I will pay the phone bill for you! "

Han Zheng recognized that the voice was Wu Tianlin, his classmate in high school.

In high school, the relationship between the two of them was not bad, but after graduation, I had nothing to do with him, why did I suddenly call today?

Han Zheng joked a few words casually, and asked the other party why he came.

"It doesn't mean anything else. It's not that our old classmates haven't seen each other for many years after graduation. I'm thinking about organizing a reunion for everyone to get together. The time is about next month. You must find time to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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