dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 270 Battle of the Temple

Chapter 270 Battle of the Temple
At this moment, Han Zheng suddenly wanted to complain in his heart - he was thinking of ambushing Team B in the Holy Land of Garin, but Team B had already set out to ambush on the temple.

Moreover, it seems that they also fabricated a bunch of lies, won the trust of Piccolo and Vegeta, and took them to ambush at the temple to wait for their own team.

Han Zheng can be sure that when his group was ambushing and monitoring in the jungle of the Holy Land of Galin, they never found a single figure approaching the temple. If so, then Vegeta and Piccolo don't know how to transfigure. How did they get into the temple? And what about the ones that haven't been discovered by themselves?

[Teleporting Magic Carpet]?
Han Zheng immediately realized that Piccolo and Vegeta might have teleported to the temple together with the long-haired man on the magic carpet. From this point of view, Team B may have arrived at the Holy Land of Garin very early. .

Use "someone is going to attack the god" to pull Bik, and use "the one who comes is a Saiyan" to persuade Vegeta, and the aura exposed during the tentative battle in the jungle during the day has become evidence. When people rushed to the temple, they completely "proved" their lies.

Of course, these are easy to say, but it is not so easy to operate. It seems that Team B must have put a lot of effort into contacting the dungeon characters.

Thinking of this, Han Zheng couldn't help guessing that if his side calmed down a little more and continued to hide, after a long time, Piccolo and Vegeta would definitely start to suspect the long-haired man and the others.

At that time, once the joints are not handled well, it will be the long-haired man who will be in trouble.

But no matter what, at this moment, Captain B Fanan and the others have made their calculations. It is inevitable that their team will face the two strong men, Piccolo and Vegeta.

Behind Han Zheng and Sun Zhou, Situ Duan, Zhan Wei, and Kai Wen all looked terrified, and Zhan Wei quickly sent a message on the group frequency——

[Vegeta and Piccolo are actually here, let's run away quickly, do any of you have something like [Teleporting Magic Carpet]? 】

[Escape from P, there are two members of team B here, kill them and you will lead by 2 points, I can just let go and fight]

I saw Sun Zhou quickly drop this message on the group frequency, and then he made a sudden move, sending out four Qi Circle Slashes at Piccolo, Vegeta, the long-haired man, and the female combatant!

Piccolo and Vegeta snorted coldly, and dodged directly, while the long-haired man also grabbed the female combatant and quickly dodged.

But Sun Zhou didn't attack further, but swung his palm towards the sky suddenly, and a round ball of light suddenly rose from his hand and went straight into the sky!

Seeing this scene, Vegeta, who had just dodged Qi Yuan Slash, suddenly changed his face. He roared, and quickly raised his hand to blast Qigong at the rising light ball.

Where is Han Zheng willing to let Vegeta destroy Sun Zhou's [artificial full moon]? He also quickly made a move at this moment, swinging his arms——

Kaiwangquan + Kamepai Qigong!

The Kamehae Qigong wave rushed straight up at a faster speed, instantly intercepting Vegeta's attack wave.

And in the next moment, the ball of light exploded rapidly under the night sky, turning into a bright full moon, hanging high among the stars.

The tail behind Sun Zhou fluttered in the wind, his clothes shattered, and his figure grew instantly, transforming into a tall giant ape, hissing and howling above the temple.

And Han Zheng, at this moment, also transformed into a giant ape. At the same time, his whole body was burning with arrogance, he opened his mouth wide, and blasted directly at the temple with a wave of qigong!

Vegeta yelled again, he clasped his hands into a hammer, and bounced the qigong wave away with one blow, and at the same time he shouted loudly: "It really is a Saiyan, what the hell are you..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Sun Zhou, the giant ape, had already rushed straight down. He was burning with arrogance, and his huge fist slammed down on Vegeta fiercely!
So far, Han Zheng finally saw Sun Zhou's strongest strength.

After transforming into a giant ape, Sun Zhou's combat power had reached his upper limit of 220 million, and then he activated the Quadruple Realm King Fist, which instantly increased his combat power to 4 million.

Facing such a powerful force, even Vegeta couldn't resist it, and was immediately suppressed.

Seeing this, Piccolo on the other side rushed to support him, but just as he turned around, Han Zheng, who had transformed into a giant ape, rushed up to him. Piccolo kicked hard.

Piccolo dodged in a hurry and narrowly avoided the kick.

Afterwards, Piccolo also roared, and his body rapidly swelled up, becoming as big as the giant ape Han Zheng, and then he pounced on Han Zheng.

In the sky above the temple, a gigantic Namekian and a Saiyan who turned into a giant ape quickly fought into a group.

At this time, Han Zheng, with the double blessing of the giant ape + Jiewangquan, is obviously superior to Piccolo in combat power, and it is only a matter of time before he can be defeated.

It's just that Han Zheng didn't intend to spend time and strength to fight Piccolo head-on, because there was obviously a more effective way to quickly kill Piccolo right here and now.

He punched several times, quickly knocked back the giant Piccolo, then turned around abruptly, and opened his mouth towards the temple to spit out a big wave of qigong!
This huge qigong wave hit the temple in an instant, and the entire temple floating in the sky was immediately blown into pieces.

Among the scattered debris, four figures flew out quickly. They were the long-haired man and female combatant of Team B, Mr. Bobo and Tianshen.

At this time, Mr. Bobo raised his hand to conjure a magic carpet, and at the same time pulled up the god, intending to teleport away.

And Han Zheng was not willing to give a chance, he rushed towards Bobo and Tianshen at the fastest speed, and at the same time raised his hand and blasted a "large hole wave"!
And behind him, the gigantic Piccolo rushed to rescue him!

But Piccolo's speed could not catch up after all. Just as Bobo was pulling Tianshen, and was about to teleport away, Han Zheng's large hole wave rushed towards him, smashing Bobo and Tianshen instantly. Body!
At this moment, the complexion of the gigantic Piccolo behind Han Zheng suddenly changed, his body quickly began to blur, and then gradually disappeared like smoke.

Three kill prompts in a row sounded in Han Zheng's ears——

[No. N2199 combatant kills an important dungeon character Earth God, drops [breath sensing] 1, [Namek blood] 1 drop, whether to pick it up]
[N2199 combatant kills the important dungeon character Piccolo, drops [Namek Blood] 1 drop, whether to pick it up]
[N2199 combatant kills the important dungeon character Mr. Bobo, and drops [Teleportation Magic Carpet Fragment] 1 piece, [Bobo's Blood] 1 drop, whether to pick it up]
pick up.

Han Zheng felt sad for a while, he still couldn't explode the Earth Dragon Ball...

But this is not the time to be sad and discouraged. After quickly killing Piccolo and the other three, Han Zheng hurriedly turned around and rushed towards the other side.

At the same time, he also quickly switched back to [self-form], transforming from a giant ape back into a human body.

Not far from the other side, the long-haired man who saw the reversal of the situation hastily pulled out the [Teleportation Magic Carpet], and prepared to flee quickly with the female combatant.

The two stood on the magic carpet, and they were about to teleport away.

And at this very moment, Han Zheng rushed up as fast as he could. He threw out both hands and swung at the two of them.

His left fist directly hit the female combatant's head, and the female combatant's head shattered like a watermelon——

[Number N2199 combatant, kill number K6614 combatant, drop [Likum's Blood] 1 drop, whether to pick it up]
And Han Zheng's right hand changed from a fist to a claw, and the moment the long-haired man activated the [Teleportation Magic Carpet], he tightly clasped the long-haired man's shoulder.

And the next moment, before Han Zheng had time to pick up the items dropped after killing the female combatant, the teleportation magic carpet already carried the long-haired man and Han Zheng, and teleported away...

PS: In order to thank the first leader of this book [Support You 1110] for his support, I decided to play ten... Ah no, add 10 more chapters...

However, I can't add updates in one day, so I can only pay in installments. The time is one week, starting tomorrow, and before next Sunday, I will complete the 10 chapters of this update one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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