dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 269 Ambush in the Holy Land of Galin

Chapter 269 Ambush in the Holy Land of Galin

Late night on the first day of the dungeon.

It is located in the western hemisphere of the earth, in the dense jungle not far northeast of Galin Tower.

Han Zheng climbed on top of a big tree and looked around. Under the starlight, the Galin Tower not far away was clearly visible, soaring to the sky.

After successfully obtaining the time machine in the jungle during the day and fighting with a long-haired male combatant from Team B, Han Zheng and the others first went north to bypass Vegeta and Piccolo, who had sensed their presence.

Then he rode somersault cloud all the way to the west and came to the Holy Land of Jialin.

For Han Zheng, after getting the time machine, his next goal should be to go to the temple to kill the gods, and see if he can drop another dragon ball.

However, several other teammates suggested that instead of attacking the temple, they should lie in ambush near the Galin Tower.

After all, Team B is also likely to come to attack the temple. At that time, Han Zheng and others can take advantage of the situation and try to kill the members of Team B to earn points.

For this idea, Han Zheng also agreed. After all, compared to collecting Dragon Balls, finding Team B to complete the survival mission as soon as possible is also quite important.

So, for the next period of time, Han Zheng and the other five people lay in ambush in the jungle near the Holy Land of Jialin, releasing robot bugs to detect the surroundings, and continuously sensing the surrounding atmosphere.

It's just that the Galin Tower and the temple were peaceful and quiet until late at night, without any accidents or changes in breath.

Although the robot worms cannot fly up to the temple, they can clearly sense through their breath that the gods and Bobo are staying safely in the temple, and Kalin Immortal and Yajirobei are also obediently staying on the Kalin Tower.

The long-term ambush and surveillance failed to yield any results, and Han Zheng couldn't help but think to himself—after the probing attacks during the day, the members of Team B might not dare to attack the temple so recklessly.

Looking at the calm Jialin Tower, Han Zheng shook his head slightly, and Situ Duan, who was also standing on the big tree behind him, looked at Jialin Tower with him at this moment, and said in a low voice:
"Zheng Han... We belong to the same alliance, so I'll just say something straight... The atmosphere of our temporary team is a little bit bad. If this continues, it will easily affect whether our dungeon can be successfully executed..."

Situ Duan hesitated for a while, seeing that Han Zheng didn't respond immediately, he continued:
"In fact, in the team battle mode, the temporary team had conflicts due to some resource allocation issues. I have experienced this kind of thing before. It is really harmful to the execution of the dungeon. Therefore, Kevin, Zhan Wei and I, the three of us combined Let's split up and talk to you and Sun Zhou, I hope you two can temporarily put aside the previous suspicions, and go all out to kill Team B to complete the dungeon mission..."

Speaking of this, Situ Duan sighed softly: "...After all, you two are the strongest in our team. The success or failure of this round of dungeon really depends on you two."

"Don't worry, Captain Situ, I know which is more important..." Han Zheng nodded slightly at the other party: "...the task must be the first priority."

In fact, Han Zheng also knew in his heart that it was not uncommon for this kind of problem to occur in the temporary team in the raid, and it was mentioned in his cousin's diary.

Team dungeons are no better than single-player dungeons. Due to the score and the outcome setting, as a combatant, you can't just focus on fighting on your own, and you must always pay attention to protecting your teammates from being killed so that people can get points.

Therefore, even if there is discord within the team, they have to put aside the dispute for the time being and stay with the main force until the survival mission is completed before they can fight on their own.

Han Zheng comforted Situ Duan a few words, and Situ Duan finally felt relieved when he saw this, and started chatting with Han Zheng about how the "Lucky Team" will form a corps in the future.

Han Zheng really didn't want to talk about this matter, and was about to say a few words casually, but at this moment, Sun Zhou's news suddenly came from the team channel——

[After guarding for so long, I don't think the people from Team B will dare to come, there is no need to wait any longer, just rush up and wipe out the temple]

Both Han Zheng and Situ Duan's expressions changed, and they were about to speak something in the group video, but Sun Zhou, who was ambushing in another part of the jungle, had already soared into the sky and headed straight for the temple.

And Kevin and Zhan Wei also flew up together, following closely behind Sun Zhou.

This Sun Zhou is too impatient!

Don't even discuss it, just attack directly...

Han Zheng frowned again, but now that Sun Zhou had rushed forward, it was meaningless to say anything more.

He stared at both feet, and quickly flew towards the temple, while Situ Duan behind him hurriedly followed.

A group of five flew over the top of the Jialin Tower in the blink of an eye, ignoring the Garin Immortal and Yajirobei in the tower, and flew directly to the temple in one breath.

At this moment, above the temple, Mr. Bobo was sitting outside the temple and meditating, and according to the sense of breath, the god should be resting in the palace.

Sun Zhou, who was the first to fly up to the temple, raised his hand and blasted a qigong wave at Mr. Bobo.

With Mr. Bobo's speed, he couldn't dodge this qigong at all, and he was about to be blasted to pieces.

However, in the next moment, an extremely huge energy burst out from within the temple, and immediately after that, a group of thick qigong waves blasted through the gate of the temple and shot out obliquely.

This qigong quickly blasted in front of Mr. Bobo, breaking up Sun Zhou's attack in an instant.

not good!

There is an ambush!
Han Zheng hurriedly turned his head and looked towards the palace. The sudden burst of aura was extremely huge, and the combat power was as high as millions!
Sensing this breath, a guess immediately popped up in Han Zheng's mind...

However, at the same moment, another burst of aura suddenly appeared, and the power of this second aura that suddenly appeared was somewhat stronger than the previous aura.

Sun Zhou snorted angrily, turned around and blasted another qigong towards the palace!
I saw two figures flying out of the palace quickly, and one of them bounced Sun Zhou's qigong away with a single punch.

Looking at the two people who jumped out suddenly, Han Zheng's expression turned cold, while Situ Duan and the other three behind him were even more surprised.

Of these two figures, one of them is tall, wearing dark purple clothes, with a turban on his head, and a cloak behind his back...

The other person was slightly short in stature and wore ordinary clothes. He was wearing ordinary pants and a half-sleeved shirt, but his long hair was standing upright, which was quite eye-catching.

Piccolo and Vegeta!

These two dungeon characters actually appeared here!

Han Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and at the same time he noticed that just behind Piccolo and Vegeta who suddenly appeared, two other figures also flew out of the temple quickly.

Of the two people who appeared after that, one of them was the male captain of B that he had seen during the day, while the other was a woman, presumably his teammate.

The long-haired male and female combatants quickly came behind Piccolo and Vegeta, and they looked at Han Zheng and the others with complacent expressions on their faces.

"It seems that you are not lying..." Piccolo looked at Han Zheng, Sun Zhou and the others coldly, and at the same time said to the long-haired man: "...As you said, someone really came to attack the temple."

Beside Piccolo, Vegeta, dressed in civilian clothes, also asked the long-haired man, "You said some of them are Saiyans, but don't they look alike?"

Seeing this scene, Han Zheng suddenly understood a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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