dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 110 The seventh day of the dungeon is here!

Chapter 110 The seventh day of the dungeon is here!
[Blue Team] is the team under [Storm Corps].

What about my cousin?
Was he also a member of [Storm Troopers]?
Han Zheng thought for a while, then sternly said to the thin and tall man, "When exactly [Blue Team] was recruited by your regiment?"

The tall and thin man hesitated for a while, then announced a time.

Han Zheng was startled when he heard the answer.

【Blue Team】was recruited shortly after my cousin wrote the last diary entry, entered the dungeon with the team, and then completely disappeared.

Han Zheng suddenly had an idea—is there any connection between these two things?
He remembered that in the last entry of his cousin's diary, it was clearly written that he played the dungeon with Captain Zhao and several other teammates.

But after that, the cousin disappeared completely, but the [Blue Team] and the captain, Brother Zhao, are still alive and have been incorporated into the [Storm Corps].

There might be something strange here!
Han Zheng was confused for a while. The lines of [Storm Corps] [Blue Team] and his cousin Han Lei were entangled and intertwined, making it more and more confusing.

Just when Han Zheng was in a mess.When he was in a trance, the tall and thin man who was pushed to the ground by him suddenly took the opportunity to attack, quickly raised his finger, and hit him with a hole!

Han Zheng reacted quickly, and hurriedly dodged back, dodging the hole wave that was attacking at close range.

And the thin and tall man took advantage of this short moment of vacancy, quickly took out a fairy bean, ate it into his mouth, and at the same time cast [Dancing Kongshu], flew out of this room, and tried his best to escape .

Han Zheng was furious, and he also quickly used [Dancing in the Sky] to fly up, chasing after the tall and thin man.

Han Zheng's speed was far higher than that of the opponent, and he caught up with the tall and thin man who was running away in the blink of an eye. He swung his fist and hit the opponent's back heavily.

The tall and thin man let out a cry of pain, and fell directly from the punch, hitting the ground.

The tall and thin man who fell to the ground turned around and was eager to hit another hole wave to counterattack, but Han Zheng in the sky moved faster than him!
Dong Dongbo quickly shot out from Han Zheng's finger, hitting the tall and thin man's chest.

[Number N2199 combatant kills serial number L7710 combatant, and drops [Xiandou], whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Han Zheng sighed lightly.

The information he learned from this [Storm Corps] member really made him feel uneasy.

While driving the detector, he checked the surroundings for other abnormalities; at the same time, he kept recalling every word that the tall and thin man said in his mind.

The cousin was buried in the dungeon, and the [Blue Team] was subsequently incorporated into the [Storm Corps]. Could these two things really be related?
[Blue team] Apparently, the group did not die in the dungeon, and the captain surnamed Zhao still survived. Judging from the description in his cousin's diary, his cousin Han Lei has quite a status in the team and has an excellent relationship with the captain and other members. After the cousin died in the dungeon, does [Blue Team] have any plans and actions to revive him?

Regarding the leak, how is [Storm Corps] investigating now? Is it true that only high-level members know the details?

Is everything the lanky combatant says the truth, or is it possible he's lying?

Countless questions and conjectures came and went in Han Zheng's mind one after another, making him very dizzy.

According to the detectors, there are no other abnormalities around Jijia Town at this moment. Except for these two [Storm Corps] members, there is no energy body approaching here.

The thoughts in Han Zheng's mind became more and more complicated. He simply put aside all kinds of guesses and doubts, didn't think about them, and concentrated on going through this round of dungeons first.

He grabbed the tall and thin corpse and was about to throw it into a hidden corner. At this moment, a universal capsule slowly slipped from the pocket of the corpse's trousers.

Han Zheng picked up the capsule, but found that it was not an [Equipment Item], but an ordinary [Dungeon Item].

When the capsule was opened, a radio-like thing appeared instantly.

Han Zheng looked at the machine, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood what it was for!
He couldn't help laughing at himself for a while, why didn't he think of getting this machine back earlier.

He pressed the switch of the machine and tried to adjust a few channels. After a while, a slightly rough sound came from the machine.

"Yesterday evening, the artificial man appeared near the base of the human beings in the southwest. After a short stay, the two artificial men left quickly. They did not find any human beings hiding in the ground, and did not cause any casualties..."

It is a news radio station established by the last remaining human refugees in this panic-stricken apocalypse!
The main purpose of the radio is to always remind the refugees of where the artificial humans are and their movements, so that the refugees can better avoid them and survive.

Since the artificial human cannot be sensed by air, Trunks and the others sometimes need to know the location of the artificial human based on the broadcast.

Looking at the small machine in his hands, Han Zheng couldn't help but smile wryly. He has been carefully staying away from the human concentration area for the past two days, in order to avoid encountering two artificial humans, but why did he neglect this aspect.

Go to the human area early and get a radio that receives broadcasts, and you can learn more about the movements of the artificial people.

Even the radio station cannot understand every artificial human's actions, but the information it can provide can really be of great use.

My consideration on this level is not as thorough as these two [Storm Corps] members.

Han Zheng laughed at himself for a while again. After discarding the corpse, he clipped the radio and listened to the broadcast while quickly returning to his previous foothold.



In the next few days, Han Zheng did not encounter any other accidents.

It was learned through the broadcast that in the past few days, the androids did not show up most of the time, only occasionally appearing in the southern area, and did not cause too much damage or casualties.

During this period of time, Han Zheng hid in the northern no-man's land, and lived very peacefully, and never encountered other combatants who accidentally broke into his hiding place.

As the days in the dungeon passed day by day, the number of combatants in the dungeon was also rapidly decreasing. Han Zheng believed that many of the surviving people must be coveting Trunks' blood.

Finally, the time came to the seventh day after entering the dungeon!
Early in the morning, Han Zheng rode somersault cloud and flew south quickly at low altitude. Along the way, he always kept an eye on his surroundings, not daring to make any mistakes.

Soon, he arrived safely in an uninhabited area in the north of the western capital. He suppressed his energy and lurked in this uninhabited area.

Through the detectors, Han Zheng clearly understood that besides himself, there were several other fighters who had been hiding in the north, and they were also starting to go south, gradually moving towards the western capital.

Han Zheng snorted softly, and sure enough he was not the only one who was greedy.

He stared intently at the energy bodies approaching the western capital, and firmly memorized their respective positions and travel routes in his mind.

At the same time, an impatient voice suddenly came from the radio placed beside him:
"News Express! Ladies and gentlemen! The latest news about artificial humans is now being broadcast! Three hundred kilometers south of the Western Capital..."

Han Zheng's heart was shaken, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath!

Sure enough!

(End of this chapter)

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