dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 109 [Blue Team] and [Storm Corps]

Chapter 109 [Blue Team] and [Storm Corps]

Han Zheng couldn't count how many times he had read his cousin's diary back and forth.

He memorized every content in the diary, every detail of every word.

He clearly remembered that the team that his cousin Han Lei joined was called [Blue Team]!
In the last entry of the diary, it was written clearly that the cousin entered the dungeon together with the teammates of the team. Since then, the cousin has completely disappeared.

Han Zheng guessed that his cousin should have died in that dungeon.

But he didn't know whether the other members of the [Blue Team] also encountered the same accident. Did they follow their cousin and the whole group disappeared in the dungeon, or did other people leave the dungeon alive?
But at this moment, listening to the conversation between these two people, Han Zheng was greatly shocked. He did not expect that [Blue Team] would be involved with [Storm Corps].

Transformed into a flying insect, he couldn't help but leaned forward again, and continued to listen carefully to the conversation between the two.

"Brother Yun, what you said is also reasonable..." The bald man thought for a while, and continued: "...I heard from our captain before that recently, the commander of the Lei Corps is very slack in the affairs of the regiment, and he knows it all day long. Playing with women, many captains have objections to him."

"That's right! I heard that when the [Blue Team] was to be incorporated into the corps, some captains, headed by Liu Changfeng, clearly opposed it, but Captain Lei Bing refused to listen and insisted on including [Blue Team] , it turned out to be very unpleasant..."

The tall and thin man snorted coldly and continued:
"...There was also the high-level leak incident a while ago. Although up to now, our grassroots members still don't know what secrets were leaked, but I heard from the captain that this is also the responsibility of the commander of Lei Bing. Many captains now Everyone is dissatisfied with him, if he steps down, he deserves it!"

Han Zheng, who was hiding in the dark, seemed to have a stormy sea in his heart.

[Blue Team] was unexpectedly incorporated by [Storm Corps]!
He hastily tried to recall the content of the document containing a large amount of information about the members of the [Storm Corps] in the USB flash drive. He vaguely remembered that there was no information about the members of the [Blue Team] in that document.

Of course, the information in the document was stolen by spies, and the content in it may not necessarily be the information of all members of the Corps.

Shocked, Han Zheng suddenly realized that his transformation time was approaching 5 minutes, and he was about to return to his original shape.

At this time, the two members of the [Storm Corps] also changed the subject and began to talk about how to continue hiding in this round of dungeons.

At this moment, Han Zheng was eager to know the information about [Blue Team], so he simply canceled the transformation and returned to human form!

"There are enemies!"

The two combatants immediately noticed that the tall and thin one immediately raised his hand and hit a hole wave.

Han Zheng waved his fist to disperse the incoming Dongdong Bo. He accelerated and appeared in front of the tall and thin man in an instant, kicking him over with one kick.

At the same time, the bald combatant hastily sent a small qigong wave towards Han Zheng.

Han Zheng raised his left hand again to smash it into pieces, and then swung his palm out, sending the bald man flying hard through the air.

The tall and thin man who was kicked over quickly jumped up at this moment. He roared, waved his hands quickly, and continued to attack Han Zheng with the [Spike Fangfeng Fist].

On the other side, the bald man struggled to stand up after being knocked into the air. Seeing that he was no match, he immediately transformed into a flying bird, flapping his wings quickly, intending to escape.

Han Zheng punched the tall and thin man in front of him several times, breaking up all his boxing moves, and then kicked him over.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed at the bird that the bald man had transformed into, and quickly stretched out his finger——

The sharp and swift Dongdongbo caught up to the bird that had already soared in the blink of an eye, and smashed it to pieces with one blow!
[N2199 combatant kills L8853 combatant without dropping any items]
Han Zheng ignored the kill prompt, instead, he continued to attack the tall and thin man who stood up again.

The thin and tall man was only in his early 200s, so he was not Han Zheng's opponent at all. After a few moves, he was severely defeated by Han Zheng again.

Han Zheng pressed the thin and tall man's neck with one hand, clenched his fist with the other hand, and asked in a cold voice:
"Are you from [Storm Corps]?"

"You... who are you?" The tall and thin man struggled to ask.

Han Zheng went up and punched him: "Be honest!"

The tall and thin man wailed, and had to answer honestly: "That's right, I belong to [Storm Corps]."

"What's the name of the regiment commander?" Han Zheng continued to ask in a cold voice.

"Thunder... Thunder Leopard..."

Han Zheng nodded, and continued to ask: "I just heard you talking with your teammates, and mentioned some high-level leaks, what's going on?"

In addition to the information about [Blue Team], this issue is also of great concern to Han Zheng.

Now, the [Storm Corps] member information list is in his own hands, and Han Zheng has to find out how far [Storm Corps] has progressed in tracking down the leak, and whether it is possible to find himself.

"I'm not very clear, I only heard that spies infiltrated into the Corps, leading to leaks, and I don't know exactly what happened..."

This answer obviously didn't satisfy Han Zheng. He punched the tall, thin man in the stomach again:
"I told you, tell me the truth!"

"Woo——————" The tall and thin man immediately vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and said miserably: "I'm telling the truth, the upper echelons of the Corps have been blocking the news, and we grassroots members know very little... "

It turned out to be the case, and Han Zheng's face suddenly became gloomy. It seems that there is no result to ask for this information.

He then continued to ask: "Okay, let me ask you again, [Blue Team], like you, belong to [Storm Corps]?"

The tall and thin man paused his head: "That's right, he was incorporated into the Corps a few months ago..."

"You said earlier that 'the blue team is messing around', what do you mean by messing around?" Han Zheng continued to ask.

"At the beginning, when the [Blue Team] was incorporated into the Corps, many captains of other teams were very opposed to it. It is said that earlier, [Blue Team] and some teams in the Corps had Over friction, some hatred."

"Friction? Enmity? Be more specific!" Han Zheng's voice suddenly became severe.

"I don't know the details. I'm just a grassroots member. It's impossible for me to know too much about the affairs between the captains."

"Okay, let me ask you, who are the [Blue Team], and what are their names?"

"I really don't know about this. There are many teams under [Storm Corps], and it hasn't been long since [Blue Team] was incorporated, and our team is not very familiar with them..."

"Then who is the captain of [Blue Team]?" Han Zheng asked sharply.

"This...I...I think about it..."

Han Zheng snorted coldly, and then punched down again: "...Don't play tricks, answer!"

"...I think... I remember..." The thin and tall man's voice became extremely miserable: "...[Blue Team]'s captain is named Zhao, our captain occasionally mentions him, and we always call him Captain Zhao..."

Surnamed Zhao!

Han Zheng immediately remembered that in his diary, his cousin did indeed call his captain—Brother Zhao.

In that case, it really is the [Blue Team] that my cousin joined!
Han Zheng was at a loss in his heart. He had originally planned to find his cousin's former teammates and find out about his specific situation.

But they never expected that the [Blue Team] is actually a team under the [Storm Corps] now.

In this way, how can I contact them?
Why it came out like this?
(End of this chapter)

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