wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 59 58 Tony in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 59 58 Tony in the Intensive Care Unit
Paper cannot contain fire, especially when such an incident can even be characterized as a vicious terrorist attack in a bustling place like Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

"Jarvis, how is the situation on the Internet now?"

Hearing Tony's question, Jarvis' voice came from the side:
"Very bad, sir. There are some complaints against you on the Internet. They think that if you are willing to contribute the armor technology of the Mark II, there will not be so many casualties."

"Ignore the group of idiots whose minds are controlled by the military and other chaebols, and say more useful things."

Lying on the hospital bed with a thick bandage wrapped around his body, he manipulated the three-dimensional screen in front of him with one hand, and Tony's eyes were full of impatience.Because of the spinal injury, his lower body is now paralyzed. After accurate treatment and examination, five ribs were broken, three of which were inserted into the lung lobes, and two directly penetrated.The body was congested in many places, and the bones were broken.If it wasn't for the fact that I had enough money, and that I was smart enough to prepare enough emergency medicine in the Mark II armor, I might still be lying in the operating room... even when I was sent out of the operating room last night Well, Strange's stinking fart got the doctor to say that he was really blessed by God to survive.

As for the attacks on the Internet... His character is there, and it is precisely because of his dissolute nature that there are always people who criticize her like this on the Internet.But what about those who bashed him in reality?Except for the reporter, everyone who saw him eagerly rushed forward to take a group photo.And no matter what, I can be regarded as half an Internet celebrity and part-time superhero. If I don't have a strong heart, I might have been sprayed to death long ago.

Glancing at the time in the lower right corner of the virtual screen, three days have passed since the Battle of Fifth Avenue, but as time passed, although the government was trying its best to cover up some things, it was a pity that on the first day of the end of the battle, The next day, the Associated Press was the first to publish everything about what happened on Fifth Avenue.It can be regarded as a buzz, and now the number of visits to the official website of the Associated Press has reached a new high, especially the live video of the Battle of New York. Just as of this afternoon, it has successfully exceeded [-] million.

However, this is also understandable. Under the editing of the caring people, the live video of the Battle of New York with background music looks exactly like the movie.But how should I put it, from the perspective of combat power, Ashes seems to be more like a protagonist, or the kind of protagonist who faces all challenges for love.On the contrary, my own side is more like cannon fodder for the villain who obstructs the marriage...

"Anyway, I also fought for the country, okay? Why do I look like a clown or a villain instead? Really..."

"Sorry, sir. During the battle, you were actually forced to join the battle."

"You don't need to remind me, Jarvis!"

He rolled his eyes in displeasure. Although Jarvis was caring at times, he was essentially a machine after all, and he still didn't know how to assess the situation.Opening the webpage, the bored Tony began to browse the current news.Although there are indeed some remarks criticizing him, it may be because Tony's contribution in the war is visible, and he is still seriously injured and hospitalized, so many people are on his side now.And this also made Tony feel a little relieved.However, I am relieved to be relieved, fundamentally speaking, this made Tony more determined to strengthen the Iron Man armor of Mark II... Not to mention Ashes, just the big green man and the woman with black hair can easily solve the problem. Own.

But speaking of that big green guy...

Squinting his eyes, Tony sat up, but because he accidentally involved a wound on his body, Tony gasped convulsively, as if the culprit of global warming was here Same.

After a while, Tony carefully sat up with the help of the auxiliary device.

"Jarvis, help me hack into the military's database."

"Sorry, sir, this is against the law..."

"Don't tell me this, what I need is military information, invade quickly."

"Okay, sir."

As his own creator, Jarvis would only advise where necessary. If it was something Tony had already decided, Jarvis would not refuse.After all, no matter how smart he is, Jarvis is only an artificial intelligence, and he still has to obey the core instructions that Tony, the creator, left on his chip—never let Tony refuse twice in a row.

After about ten seconds, Jarvis successfully entered the military's database, although this felt very fast for ordinary people.But this is still a bit full for Tony now.After leaving a sentence of "I have to upgrade it for you when I have time later", I browsed the innermost folders in the military database.When he saw the name of the folder "Soldier No. 76 Mass Production Plan", Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Soldier 76, although this guy's overall performance in the war was not satisfactory, but in general, as a soldier who does not rely on technology, does not rely on armor, and only relies on his own strong physical fitness, he can run rampant in that big boss. It is not easy to survive on the battlefield.Especially the word "mass production" made Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows...

Opening the folder, Tony began to browse carefully.When he saw the last part, Tony couldn't help but widen his eyes.

According to the data, except for that Soldier 76, the life span of the other people injected with the serum has been greatly attenuated!To put it simply, the mass-produced medicine of Soldier 76 is a medicine that obtains a short-lived and relatively powerful body at the cost of overdrawing potential and vitality!

If you think about it this way, the hair of that soldier 76 is indeed white, and in the data, he is also the only lucky one who has obtained the super self-healing ability of the Hulk.Therefore, he relied on his strong vitality to survive the severe overdraft.But other than this Soldier 76, the others didn't get it!It is precisely because of this that on the data sheet at the end of the document, there are only two super soldiers who are still alive!What's more, they are already lying on the hospital bed, the body is already very difficult to move due to excessive overdraft, and they have to sleep for more than [-] hours a day to recover their physical strength!

Squinting his eyes, Tony glanced at the accusation against him by the military on the upper left.Then he clicked his tongue in displeasure.

"Jarvis, send me this information to...um...where does that little spider work now?"

"Sir, I'm still a trainee reporter at the Daily Bugle."

"That's good, send me this information to his mailbox, and remember to clean up the traces."

"Okay, sir."

Hearing what Jarvis said, Tony nodded with some satisfaction.How should I put it, he was still very interested in the young man who saved his life in the battle.

As for why Tony knew the true identity of the little spider... Unfortunately, in order to be more convenient when he was doing justice, Tony specially equipped the armor with a sound comparison system-and recorded the little spider when he left. [-]D stereoscopic imaging of a spider.

In this day and age, everyone is unique.Especially in the case of mastering other people's voices, fingerprints, heights, and postures.

(End of this chapter)

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