wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 58: The New Undead

Chapter 58: The New Undead

Full of whiteness, the mountain is covered with white snow.The whistling north wind blows all around... Maybe it's not the north wind, because there are not even the most basic things here, the sky is endless blue, and there is no sun.The clear sky is full of wandering snowflakes, and those snowflakes that fell from nowhere were scattered by the wind and landed on the face. It felt like a frozen blunt knife was scratched on the face , and it seems as if it has been pierced by a small ox hair steel needle...

"It's still the same here, nothing has changed."

Raising his eyes and looking around, Ashes' eyes were full of nostalgia.This is not any other place, but the world contained in that corner of the canvas that the fire-proof girl gave to Ashes.Of course, in the words of Gu Yi, this must be a pocket universe or something like an extra dimension.

Ashes of the world of Eredel's paintings left a deep impression, especially the priest Eredel who rejected all meanings of flame.Whenever the flame is about to ignite, he will use the whip in his hand to whip the flame of the campfire in the king's vessel vigorously.But when Sister Friede died, he lit the flame there again, not to leave himself for Sister Friede.

But those things are just things of the past.Whether it's Sister Friede, or those rotting Arakkoa.Now they have all been buried in the darkness along with the Age of Fire.And this corner of the world in my hands is the last afterglow of the age of fire.

Put the ashes and collected humanity, or soul, in the center of the mountain.Ashes raised the spiral sword in his hand and directly inserted it.Gu Xiu's sword has a little rust, but this does not affect its own function.When the spiral blade touched the ashes and the souls emitting fluorescent light, sparks like stars burst out.When the flames ignited again, the whole world was instantly warmed, and everyone's eyes couldn't help being drawn to it, as if the flame was the center of the world.

Silently watching his devoted soul burn in the campfire, Ashes' eyes are full of anticipation.

A moment later, under Ashes' expectant eyes, a figure full of doubts slowly crawled out of the ashes rising from the flames—it was a woman.

After being silent for a while, Ashes shook his head in frustration.But this depression didn't last long. After all, even in the age of fire, there were not many people who could be selected by the ring of darkness to become a member of the undead.And there are even fewer who can spread fire.Turning around to look at the people in front of him, Hui Hui had a smile on his face.Immediately, he looked at the fireproof woman behind him with some joy.

"In this way, we have one more clan member!"

The clansman that Ashes spoke of was a woman. She was not wearing heavy, or even thin, armor. She wore a delicate wing helmet on her head, and her long, straight and smooth light blue hair hung down to her calves like a cloak.There is a sword without a scabbard hanging from his waist, exposing the sharp blade, with a delicate face, holding this huge blue gun in his hand, and a pair of beautiful blue wings gathered behind his back , the feathers on the wings looked like they were made of crystal.

"It doesn't matter about clansmen and the like, but who knows who she is?" While talking, McCree looked at Ashes beside him.As for McCree's doubts, Ashes also scratched his head in some doubts, but Hela on the side laughed a little disdainfully and said:

"Brünnhilde, one of the three high-ranking Valkyries of the Valkyrie Legion...I didn't expect to see you again, and you would appear in front of me in such a pathetic manner."

Hearing Hela's words, the woman called Brunhilde also looked at Hela aside.The moment he saw Hela, Brunhilde immediately clenched the gun in his hand, and then stood up and retreated without hesitation.The hostility on the face was visible to the naked eye, not only for Hela, but also for everyone standing around Hela.

Seeing this, Hela also sneered with disdain, but she didn't have the same knowledge as Brunhilde, but stood aside, and said calmly with a little sarcasm on her face:
"Don't be nervous, I'm not interested in talking to a guy I've already killed."

Between the words, Hela seemed to have forgotten that she had crossed Ashes several times when they first met.However, considering that Ashes would know about this matter later, McCree and the others didn't feel much of a difference.

After hearing Hella's words, the face of the woman named Brunhild was full of anger, but even though she was angry, after thinking rationally, Brunhild did not act because of it. What an outrageous move, but standing there with a little gloomy eyes watching everyone vigilantly.

Because it has existed for too long, and during that time, Brunhilde's soul has also escaped a lot.Therefore, during the time when she was just resurrected, her memory also began to recover...but if she remembered correctly, she should have died in the battle against Hela.And now...

Some looked around cautiously, although others were not sure, but Brunhilde was very sure of one thing, that is, this is definitely not the Abyss of the Nine Realms that sealed Hela back then—she escaped!

Brunhilde, who realized this, looked very dignified.There is no other reason. In order to lure Hela into the abyss of the Nine Realms, the Valkyrie Legion spent a huge price.Including myself, the only three high-ranking commanders of the Valkyrie Corps died in battle, and the middle-ranking Valkyrie was also slaughtered, and only a few low-ranking Valkyrie survived under the cover of their companions.And now, there is only myself here, and beside Hela...

While Brunhilde was still thinking, Ashes on the side shook his head.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, we won't hurt you, because you are our new companion."


"That's right, companion." Ashes said calmly: "You have also been marked by the ring of darkness, and now you are also a member of the undead. If you don't believe me, feel your own soul, you should be able to clearly feel it To the imprint of the Ring of Darkness... By the way, can you still feel the sense of touch?"

Hearing Ashes' words, Brunhilde's eyes showed a hint of hesitation, but he felt Ashes' frankness and honesty almost written on his visor.Coupled with the fact that he himself was already at a disadvantage, Brunhilde simply submerged his thinking into his own consciousness... This kind of behavior that is difficult to explain is just like meditation. Feel the changes in your body from the outside.This sounds a little fantasy, but for some reason, this time Brunhilde quickly entered his own thinking world...

In my soul, for some reason, a two-dimensional black sun appeared, and faint flames burned around the black sun.And just when Brunhilde saw the black sun, suddenly, a strange memory surged... It was the mission of the undead, and the prophecy of the Fire Pilgrimage.

Kneeling on the ground in pain, Brunhilde couldn't understand the forced memory.It may be because the fire has been extinguished, and this is only a surviving afterglow of the age of fire, so it has not been completely immortal for the time being, and Brunhilde can clearly feel a bulging pain.It feels like stuffing a 5cm screw into a 5MM screw hole.As for Brunhilde's current experience, Ashes felt yearning for some reason... He was very curious about what pain felt like.

"Be not sad, dear Brunhilde."

Seeing Brunhilde with a painful face, while talking, the fire-proof woman quietly embraced Brunhilde's curled up body, and pressed her cheek to her forehead. "The suffering will pass, and we will be your family forever on the next journey."

For some reason, under the comfort of the fire-proof woman, Brunhilde's soul, which was constantly trembling due to pain, also calmed down...

On the other side, Ashes picked up those unselected souls again with some disappointment.The soul of Cyclops, the soul of Magneto, the soul of the Valkyrie, and the souls of those mutants...

If they are not qualified as firewood, then they can only be used as nourishment.




This chapter is 2.7k!Here are the tickets!There is another update tonight! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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