40 Chapter 39
"Irrelevant personnel quickly evacuate! Repeat, irrelevant personnel quickly evacuate!"

Under the high-speed operation of this national machinery, a large empty space was emptied on the road where Hui Hui and others were located.Both sides of the road are full of majestic huge tanks, and heavily armed soldiers stand in the gap formed by tanks and chariots and aim at them.They are all elites of the army, and they even watched a video about the Hulk before setting off.Facing such a terrifying enemy, even they couldn't help sweating their palms.Fortunately, tactical gloves have good sweat-absorbing and anti-slip functions, so that this will not affect the battle.

Those black muzzles are the crystallization of modern technology. They are lined up neatly in a row. Those who know the power of these weapons feel depressed for a while. Looking at the ashes in front of them, Coulson seems to want to say more. something.His idol is Captain America. He even said that one of the reasons why he became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to pay tribute to his idol and save the world from war.But it is a pity that the world is full of disputes, but even so, Coulson is still fighting on the front line for the cause of peace.

"Get out of there! Coulson!" Nick Fury's words, or orders, came from the headset.As an officer, Nick Fury is extremely competent—at least in terms of his subordinates' ideas, especially Coulson, who is his right-hand man, he is very clear.

"The military has gone completely crazy. They have sent armored troops to get first-hand experimental materials!"

"But there's still room for turning around..."

"I know, but the military doesn't need it!"


"Neither does Congress!"

In the end, Nick Fury's order still had the upper hand. He glanced helplessly at the crowd in front of him. Coulson was a little frustrated and sighed remorsefully.But before leaving, he looked expectantly at McCree and Banner behind Ashes...and didn't look at Hela.Because in the S.H.I.E.L.D. data, Banner and McCree are at least native-born Americans, and the encounter between them is just a coincidence in a sense.Convincing them is easier than convincing Ashes.

"What about you? There is absolutely no need for you to participate in this kind of battle." While speaking, Coulson first looked at McCree in front of him: "Mr. McCree, we deeply sympathize with what happened to your father, but please Believe me, we have absolutely no malice. If possible, we hope you can get out of here, SHIELD will give you the best treatment. And eliminate your wanted. And Dr. Banner, SHIELD has the best For scientific research and technology, we can also help you to come up with the anti-Hulk serum. SHIELD can lift you up and let you go back to the original, normal life of everything including wanted people."

Hearing Coulson's words, Banner's eyes soon showed a movement.In the final analysis, his own purpose is to not get along with Ashes and the others.The reason why they kept up with Ashes was simply because Hela could suppress the Hulk in his body, allowing him to have better research conditions and state.Coupled with the lifting of the arrest warrant, normal people's lives can be restored.This can be said to have accurately hit Banner's weakness.

And while Banner was still thinking, McCree on the side spat out a smoke ring frivolously, and then said indifferently: "Oh ho ho~ You know what? A dead bastard old cowboy once said Pass: The beautiful west is ushered in by cruel war! The so-called cowboy will never leave his comrades to fight alone!"


Just when Coulson was about to say something, McCree suddenly spit out the third of the cigar in his mouth to the ground, and then stomped it out with his cowboy boots with spurs.

"It's nothing to worry about. Talk to me when you kill that guy Jin Bing...don't tell me you don't know who Jin Bing is."

While speaking, McCree's voice also cooled down, and after hearing McCree's words, Coulson's eyes dimmed slightly.He knew Jin Bin, and Jin Bin was one of the biggest leaders of American criminal organizations. Based on this identity, S.H.I.E.L.D. also conducted many investigations on this.But it's a pity that Jin Bing covered up all the evidence very well. In addition, Jin Bing himself is good at leaving and managing a charitable image in front of the public, as well as spending money to manage various relationships.Therefore, even though they knew about Jin and had many problems, SHIELD did not act recklessly due to the consideration of public opinion and insufficient evidence...

Looking at the silent Coulson, McCree spat on the ground in disdain.

"Get out of the way if you can't, and don't take the example on yourself if you can't uphold the justice."

While talking, McCree followed the pace of Hela and Ashes, and after seeing this scene, Banner quickly reacted and followed after thinking for a moment.Facing Coulson's questioning gaze, Banner said apologetically, "Although I'm really moved, I'm sorry... I feel that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't protect me enough... and I may not be able to return to normal. human life."

After a pause, Banner continued: "Since I can't go back, at least they won't treat me as a different kind, and they can even help me suppress Hulk's consciousness..."

Seeing Coulson seeming to say something, Banner had a helpless wry smile on his messy face: "Actually, you thought I was a monster, didn't you?"

Banner's words caused Coulson to fall into silence. After seeing the video of Banner carrying shells hard, tearing tanks with his hands, and angrily attacking helicopter gunships for the first time, Coulson did have such thoughts.Therefore, in the face of Banner's questioning, he, who has always regarded Captain America as his idol, could not say: "I don't have" such words against his will.

Looking at Coulson who fell into silence with a troubled face, the wry smile on Banner's face became more obvious and helpless.

"You see, monsters are supposed to stay with monsters."

These were the last words Coulson heard after Banner became the Hulk.

On the other side, looking at the oncoming tanks and even the armed helicopters flying in the sky.McCree lit a new cigar with a grimace.

"Hush, in order for you to meet your old friend this time, we are going to fight... Can you try not to hurt them? These soldiers are only under orders."

"Of course." When facing friends, Ashes is still easy to talk to.At least not as cold as facing Coulson. "But if they take the initiative to attack me, I have to fight back."

Hearing this, McCree pouted and glanced at Hulk beside him.With the suppression of Hella, although the current Hulk is powerful, Banner can also perceive the external situation.Nodding to each other, McCree landed his thumb on the hammer of the revolver and said helplessly:

"Since I met you, I often have to shoot to save people."




I don’t know why, but it suddenly disappeared from the signing list, there is no recommendation, and the last exposure method also disappeared directly, and the increase in collections plummeted... Everyone, please vote more, there is no collection, only votes can be comforted For my broken heart...

(End of this chapter)

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