wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 39 38 · Coulson's Persuasion

Chapter 39 38 · Coulson's Persuasion
Not long after the ashes started to move, sirens sounded after another on the side road.One police car after another rushed in with flashing red and blue police lights, and stepped out of the car. While evacuating the surrounding pedestrians, the heavily armed policemen nervously hid behind the open car door and watched with guns. Ashes and the others in front of them.

There was a bit of vigilance and bewilderment in their eyes. In fact, just a few minutes ago, they were sitting in the police station enjoying coffee and donuts, but somehow, they suddenly received an order from their superiors to They disperse the crowd and prepare to start fighting.Basically, they don't know what's going on right now.All he knew was that the guy in black armor who was walking slowly on the New York Avenue in front of him attracted the attention of the higher-ups.But what is the reason for paying attention to it? As ordinary police officers, they don't know much about it.

"I seem to know those two people in the back." A skinny policeman poked the fat policeman next to him with his shoulder, and then said there with some surprise: "I saw those few people on the wanted notice a few days ago, that Cowboy and that messy-haired guy have a reward of 30 knives and a [-] knives...why do they dare to show up here?"

"I want to know that too." The fat police officer looked at Hui Hui and the others from a distance, his eyes full of vigilance and doubts. "It's impossible for ordinary people to be rewarded with so many rewards. In short, follow the orders... When it comes to fighting, the main thing is to save your life."

While the crowd was still discussing, another sweaty white man suddenly ran in from behind the crowd.He is well-proportioned, with a high forehead, a receding hairline, a pair of sunglasses on his face, and a neat and straight suit on his body.Squeezing through the crowd, Coulson took off his sunglasses and approached Ashes walking towards Manhattan with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Coulson."

While speaking, Coulson stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face.If it is true in the past, even if you don't understand this understanding, Ashes will definitely reach out and hold it after seeing this scene, but it is a pity that this time Ashes doesn't have so much time to focus on these trivial matters. In terms of things... there are more important things waiting for him to do.

Seeing Ashes, he didn't intend to shake hands with him, and Coulson didn't feel embarrassed, but clapped his hands with a face of indifference, and stood beside Ashes with an undiminished smile, walking side by side, smiling like an old friend There, he asked indifferently, "I don't know what you should call your Excellency?"


"...Ash? This is really an interesting name, are you interested in telling me about its origin?"


"Hey... is that so..." Nodding his head, Coulson glanced at Ashes in front of him, who was looking straight ahead, pursed his lips with some headaches, and then quickly walked to Ashes to block Ashes' path Said: "I'm sorry for being unreasonable, but sir, what is your purpose for coming to New York? If there is any problem, I can represent SHIELD to help you do something faster."

"Then get out of the way, I'm only here to meet someone."

While talking, Ashes gently pushed Coulson aside.Although it didn't look like much force was used, in Coulson's perception, Ashes' hand was like an iron hoop, no matter how hard he struggled, there was no sign of letting go.The feeling of being involuntary made Coulson startled... Although it seemed powerless, as a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson never neglected to exercise.

Although Ashes let him leave, Coulson didn't just choose to leave.There is no other reason. According to BOSS (Nick Fury), the current military has already begun to take action. If there is no accident, after the military mobilizes the army to come here, the military will quickly launch a violent attack— — This is extremely inconsistent with the plan expected by SHIELD itself.At least S.H.I.E.L.D. absolutely avoids wars at home.Especially the target of the war is this kind of guy who is shrouded in mystery all over his body.This kind of mysterious person whose everything is unknown, starts a war indiscriminately, and the only one who gets hurt is the United States...

If Coulson didn't expect it, his boss should be negotiating and confronting the group of people from the military in front of congressmen.As a member of one of the parties, Coulson knows better than anyone how serious the contradiction between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military is... that is a huge contradiction that has existed since the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D.Especially after the end of World War II, this natural contradiction has almost reached the point of irreconcilability.The U.S. Congress is also clearer than anyone else about the contradictions between these two organizations, but most of the time, members of Congress choose to sit on the sidelines, checking and balancing each other with a neutral attitude.Simply put, it is and mud.

If I can't quickly convince the ashes in front of me, it won't be long before military tanks should appear on the streets now...

Thinking about it, Coulson quickly said: "Sorry, sir, if it is possible, can you temporarily give up your goal? If this continues, the military may forcibly suspend your actions and even punish you Attack."

"...Are you threatening me?"

Ashes looked at Coulson beside him with some doubts, and there was no hint of sarcasm, just pure doubt.Since Ashes has memory, this should be the first time he has been threatened by external forces.Before, in the Age of Fire, because people were undead, had no pain and sensation, coupled with Gwen’s teachings and the unique location of the Ashes Palace, even if someone dared to threaten them, there was no chance to see Ashes .When it comes to spreading fire, the ashes become people's last hope, and people respect them more.Although this kind of respect is the respect given by the ashes who will surely usher in the fate of being turned into firewood, but it cannot be denied that this is indeed respect.And like now, under threat...

Feeling that Ashes' state was a bit strange, Coulson said quickly: "It's definitely not a threat! Your Excellency, even in this country, there are a large number of factions. Although we are willing to communicate with you on an equal footing, this is not the case. It means that other forces are willing to stand here on an equal footing with you. They may choose to use force to achieve a situation that we don't want to see..."

While following the pace of Ashes, Coulson said solemnly: "If possible, I hope we can change to another place for a detailed discussion..."

"There's no need for that...she's waiting for me." Not paying attention to Coulson's intentions, Ashes said slowly and firmly with steady steps: "I should respond to her expectations."

Looking at the roaring chariots and soldiers in the distance.Under Coulson's despairing eyes, Ashes revealed the fangs that gleamed with lightning.

"I can't let him down again."

Seeing this, he shook his head helplessly, and McCree had no choice but to put his hand on the gun at his waist.With Hela's permission, Banner's long-term sub-healthy body was also covered by green muscles along with the roar.


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(End of this chapter)

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