wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 169. The Chaos Flame of the Witch of Izaris

Chapter 169. The Chaos Flame of the Witch of Izaris
Feeling the constant passing of power, Thanos' eyes showed a moment of panic.But after all, he is a strong man who has experienced many battles, and soon, Thanos has made a decision in his heart.

Thanos didn't care about other people's eyes, or he didn't have time to care about other people's eyes.Quickly opened the distance, but Ashes did not pursue.Using the power of the king weapon is also a big attempt for Ashes.Ashes never cared about this kind of power that obviously took a while to get used to.Willing to be without him, once the king soul in the king weapon is consumed too much, cracks will appear on the king weapon, and at that time, it will be impossible to restrain, and the soul will escape.

And the reason why Ashes can now pass through the king's soul is precisely because Thanos's soul quality is too huge.As long as Thanos is killed, Ashes is equal to a complete charm and worries about the future.In a sense, this is the first time Wang Qi has shown his power in this era.But, if nothing else happened, it should be the last time... because Ashes didn't intend to drag this battle any longer.

Thinking about it, he simply got used to the power of Wang Hun.His whole body was bathed in the flames of chaos, and the power of the previous era contained in the souls of the four great kings caused Ashes to generate a repulsive force that could completely counteract the gravity of the earth.It may not be accurate to say that it is repulsion, just like a fireless sacrificial place, the quality of space around Ashes and the quality of space around this era are like a layered cocktail.

But unlike the fireless sacrificial field, it can freely increase or decrease the density of the surrounding space.Thinking about it, Ashes clenched his fists.Then, the power of the four king souls emerged at the same time, golden thunder, dark death energy, red flames, and thick darkness.Without passing the body, Ashes shot towards Thanos like a shooting star.

On the other hand, Thanos has not even completely escaped from the negative state.There was a dark red in the eyes, in the era of ashes, it was an emblem eroded by the abyss.Apart from this point, the power contained in the plague death energy is not simply to make the body lose moisture.Instead, it uses the powerful concept of death to erode, or even pollute, the vitality of Thanos itself.This concept of death is different from that of Dark Souls.Compared with the concept of death endowed by the dead air of the plague, the soul of darkness directly pollutes people, or creatures with thinking, spiritually.Even Gao Jie, a knight like Artorius, still needs special props to be temporarily immune to this pollution.

Although Thanos has mastered the power gem among the infinite gems, the power gem, as the name suggests, represents infinite power.Relying on the Infinity Gauntlet, the Power Gem can control almost any known or unknown energy in the hands of Thanos.But no matter what kind of energy it is, it is limited to the materialism of this era.Under this limit, no matter what kind of energy it is, it cannot affect the spiritual level.Unless, Thanos has mastered the soul gem.

And now, Ashes obviously won't give Thanos time to find the soul gem.Knowing this well, Thanos' eyes are also extremely ugly.Just when Thanos felt powerless for a while, from the portal, countless army warships emerged one after another.

No longer the Chitauri's miscellaneous soldiers, but the elite guards of the Dark Quadrant!
Looking at the group of battleships covering the sky, Ashes didn't waver in the slightest. ...Maybe even a little excitement and excitement?After all, these are all high-quality souls waiting for him to harvest!

"Flame, turned into a hotbed, rising in panic."

Under the wrapping of the chaotic flames, Ashes confided this obscure incantation in the ancient language of the ancient kings era somewhat jerky.

The Witch of Izaris is the master of the fire.The old witch mastered the spell of flame through the soul of the king. In the initial war against the immortal ancient dragon, the old witch and her daughters used the fire of chaos to burn up the confused fog of the world and burned the residence of the immortal ancient dragon. , the original ancient tree.That is later the Ash Lake tree.After the protoss rule was established, they built the city of Izaris there and lived here with her daughters.

Then, when the first fire was about to go out, the old witch began to push the creation power of the original fire through her own chaotic flame.In an attempt to continue the age of fire in this way.But alas, like everyone else, she failed.The flames of chaos devoured the old witch and her daughter and heirs.Even the whole of Izaris has turned into a breeding ground for demons, a hotbed of chaos.

"O kings, turn it into firewood and burn it here!"

This is the prelude to the transmission of fire. Although the research of the old witch failed, Gwen inherited the research of the old witch. Ge Wen took this opportunity to create the endless cycle of transmission of fire, a huge tragedy.The last character fell, and the flames surged.Like a roaring river.The roar of the devil came from Ashes' body.then.Ember's body was like a door flower connected to another world, with one arm after another constantly protruding from the flames.There are all kinds of people, some of them are ordinary human beings, some of them are hideous and terrifying demons who can't see the specific image...

But without exception, they were all people who had been swallowed by the flames of chaos.

Burned, they lost their souls and consciousness, even wandering corpses, even worse than ashes.At least, the wandering corpses still have their bodies...


Their growls are neither loud nor ear-piercing.Because it sounds like a magma burst.Feeling the will of Ashes, they looked at the fleet in the sky without the slightest consciousness.The hollow and fiery eyes seemed to melt the air together.

With a terrifying burnt smell, they began to surge in one direction.The number is increasing and increasing.In the end, those who could not fly formed a mountain of flaming corpses piercing the sky, and stretched their fangs towards the battleship.



Rubbish rotten oranges! !The old man downloaded the hymn but couldn't log in.In desperation, I can only reinstall it. I have been busy for two days. I started to make it when I arrived at school, and I can barely finish it now!If I didn’t know that Orange platform supports Alipay payment when I bought this game, I used Taobao to buy it, I would definitely give you a refund! !

And they are all officially on sale, so there is too little content! ! ! There are only three copies of a game with more than 50 G? !Waterfark!Read the article Read the article.It's been 9102 years, and it's still impossible to seamlessly switch maps?A functional main city can only walk slowly there, and the complicated and meaningless long dialogue makes me want to die...

Anthem gives me the feeling that even a semi-finished product is not a third of the finished product... I hope his subsequent updates can give some strength.But considering that it is produced by EA... emmmm.

Not any company like Ubisoft can even silently update niche games like Soul of Honor for so long... (I played Soul of Glory for a week and then gave up... It's too hardcore, I would have known it earlier Don't buy the deluxe version...)
(End of this chapter)

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