wandering in the ashes of meman

Chapter 168 165. Fighting-2

Chapter 168 165. Fighting-2
Like a surging giant beast, through the visor, Hui Xin's gaze was fixed on Thanos in front of him.The almost condensed momentum of the murloc's heavy heart oppresses, as if it has entered the bottom of the water below 5000 meters above sea level without any protection. If it is not because the body has infinitely approached the top of the world, what would happen to an ordinary person? If so, I'm afraid his lungs have lost all their physiological functions.He didn't choose to take out his own wolf sword from the package, Hui Hui's gaze was full of undisguised killing intent.Under the guidance of the king tool, the surging thunder condensed into substance, whistling and entwined around Huihui's body.From around the visor, what seemed to be binoculars left a dazzling arc in the air.The destructive thunderbolts destroyed all the nutrients in the air regardless of each other.Not just Thunder.Or it could be said that along with the thunder, the spot of light on Ashes' body, which was like molten iron, also emitted a piercing brilliance.Constantly sprinting in the direction of Thanos, these rays of light and thunder left obvious traces of light trails in the air.With a punch, under the huge acceleration, Ashes's fist caused a face-to-face air explosion and roar.The vacuum created by the slam made Thanos's eyes look down in the senses.He didn't dodge, and he could become one of the biggest overlords in the universe, and Thanos himself couldn't be some so-called good man and faithful woman... Even the lowest-level soldier in the Dark Quadrant can face a harmless child without mercy. Tong started.This is also the scary thing about belief, it can turn people into beasts, or even exist worse than beasts.Just like Scientology, the dark quadrant itself is part of the cancer for other civilizations in the universe.Looking at the oncoming ashes, Thanos' eyes did not produce much hesitation or hesitation.As a battle-tested existence, Thanos can easily see that Ashes in front of him has no intention of holding back.Although it's not just the reason, but facing this question, Thanos has always had only one answer!The purple power gem burst out endless brilliance in an instant, although it was said to be endless brilliance, but that light didn't actually exist, it could only be said to be a small one.The reason why it is bright is simply because the light attracts everyone's eyes.Like the last light in the dark night, it firmly attracted everyone's attention to it.Then, the purple light seemed to take shape.With one punch, what was originally a very common straight punch for Ashes completed a terrifying straight-line acceleration under the influence of the power gem.This explosive acceleration left an extremely obvious, lavender ring track in the surrounding air.Fisting against each other, Ashes was a little surprised to find that his strength was slightly weaker than Thanos in front of him.Maybe it's because of that gem?Ashes thought so, but his eyes became sharper.The golden thunderbolts began to surge at a speed visible to the naked eye, not only the thunderbolts, but those contained in the king vessel, and the other three king souls also burst out their own power.The chaotic flame of the Witch of Izaris, the plague death spirit of Nit, the tomb king, and the dark soul that belongs to the dwarf kings, is the essence of the abyss, and is also the starting point of this world.At the very beginning, Thanos didn't care much.Because in Thanos' cognition, the infinite gems are the most surging mystery in this world.And now the power gem in his hand, just like his name, symbolizes absolute power.In this kind of wrestling like now, even if there is no power gem, Thanos thinks he can't lose to anyone.But now, with the blessing of the power gem in the infinite gem, it is naturally impossible for Thanos to think that he will lose.But the facts exceeded Thanos' expectations.Or, Ashes may attack now, but it is no longer a mere struggle.In terms of temperature alone, the chaotic flame of Witch Izaris has reached an unimaginable level.The original ancient tree was the residence and hotbed of the ancient dragons, and its density and quality far exceeded the understanding of people in this era.It was born in mystery, but even so, it was still burned by the flames of chaos.The Infinity Gauntlet indeed has the most powerful scalability in this universe-although its own power is not very strong, it can accommodate the scalability of the power of all Infinity Gems.But it cannot be denied that he was only born in the neutron star furnace of the dwarves.It is true that the neutron star furnace has a huge mass, and it is even said that as long as a neutron star as big as a finger falls on the earth, it can cause the earth to collapse.But in terms of the burning temperature alone, the chaotic flame of the Witch of Izaris is no longer as simple as a simple flame.Visible to the naked eye, the Infinity Gauntlet is continuously being burned to deep red at a rapid speed.Seeing this sudden scene, Thanos was taken aback, but soon returned to his normal state of mind.Then fully stimulate the effect of the power gem, and under the effect of the power gem, the Infinity Gauntlet affected by the chaotic flame returned to its original posture at a speed visible to the naked eye.But the chaotic flames seem to be just appearances.After the power of the power gem was dispersed, the plague death energy of the tomb king Nite and the dark souls of the dwarf kings also quickly entangled with it.And this time it is no longer aimed at the Infinity Gauntlet in the hands of Thanos.In other words, it is no longer just for the infinite gauntlet in the hands of Thanos.Instead, it destroys Thanos' body together.

The plague death energy destroyed Thanos' body surface.Thanos's originally purple, large and coiled muscles are constantly weathering at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a grotto on the Gobi Desert.Glossy skin is also aging rapidly, dry and cracked, like a dead river bed.

And the soul of darkness penetrated into Thanos' body like black ink.Thanks to the muscle atrophy caused by the dead air of the plague, the soul of darkness wandering in Thanos' blood vessels and muscle fibers was clearly reflected.Looking from a distance, Thanos' body seemed to have countless black snakes, and these little snakes relied on blood vessels and the like to keep moving towards Thanos' brain and heart.



School started, and I was bored on the high-speed rail for a chapter.As a person who has irregular schedules and has no sense of time, my time will be more standardized after school starts.Taking this opportunity, the future updates of this book should also stabilize...

Of course, as a stand-alone player, if I can, I would prefer to play games... The games that are played are simply a weapon for stealing time.

It's all because the game is so fun.

(End of this chapter)

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