Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 81 One Chance (Please recommend!)

Chapter 81 A Chance (Please recommend!)

Zhou Kaiwen is a Chinese who immigrated to the United States with his parents not long ago. He originally came to the United States to find the home of Zhou Kaiwen’s aunt who settled in the United States one step earlier. field.

But before coming to the United States, the Zhou family could not contact Zhou Kaiwen’s aunt’s family, which made them feel a little confused, but because the aunt’s family has settled in the United States for many years, and because of some urgent matters, the Zhou family needs to arrive in the United States immediately , So Zhou Kaiwen's family came to the United States without thinking too much.

As a result, what happened next caught them off guard.

After finding the place written on the address in Queens, New York according to the address left by my aunt's house, I found that the house on the address had been sold to another American family a year ago, and it was no longer my aunt. Now they have completely lost contact with Aunt Zhou Kaiwen's house.

So Zhou Kaiwen's family had to go it alone, opened a store in New York near Chinatown to do some business, and at the same time kept an eye on the news of Zhou Kaiwen's aunt's house.

The Zhou family finally took root in the United States, but there was no news of the aunt's house, and several months passed like this.

Because Zhou's father is getting old, Zhou Kaiwen has been helping his father with work. On the way home after a business negotiation, Zhou Kaiwen saw a group of white men beating a Chinese girl in her twenties on the street. Zhou Kaiwen Immediately called 911 and tried to stop him.

As a result, things did not end with the hero saving the beauty like a fairy tale.

Zhou Kaiwen, who was considered to be nosy, was beaten up by the group of white men, warned him not to meddle in his own business, and then left.It was the Chinese girl who sent Zhou Kaiwen to the hospital.

Afterwards, Zhou Kaiwen learned from the Chinese girl that those white men were just thugs. Behind them was a white gangster who forced a group of girls to eat meat in the red D district of New York.

Unfortunately, this girl was one of them. That night, she was reprimanded by a guest who complained about the poor service attitude.

It was the first time for Zhou Kaiwen to hear such a thing. In the bustling metropolis of New York, there is such filth and sordidness. He was shocked and hated what happened to the Chinese girl.

With sympathy for his compatriots, he decided to find a way to help her escape from this devil's lair, and told her his thoughts.

This girl wanted to do this a long time ago, but she was alone and had no choice, so he told Zhou Kaiwen that his name was Lisa, and if he wanted to help her, he had to secretly take her out of the city, preferably Leave the United States, or you will always be found by those gangsters.

From Lisa, Zhou Kaiwen learned that there are many people who have experienced this kind of experience. Among them, Lisa knows more than 100 people, and even more than 40 of them are Chinese or Chinese girls.

Although Zhou Kaiwen wanted to rescue them all, he knew it was impossible, so he decided to rescue Lisa first, and then see if he could come up with another way.

But he couldn't wait until the next time.

Zhou Kaiwen had an accident while rescuing Lisa, and those people found them an hour earlier when they came back.

The two had no choice but to flee desperately. After urgently wounding a guarding gangster, the two drove away from the place and drove all the way to the police station.

But the next result made them desperate. Not only did the New York police not accept their charges, but they said that Zhou Kaiwen was guilty, and he was suspected of attacking a company employee.In this way, Zhou Kaiwen was arrested.

After the trial, Zhou Kaiwen was found guilty and sent to the prison where Wang Yu came this time.

The gang member who was injured by Zhou Kaiwen came to see him in the prison yesterday, and told Zhou Kaiwen that he was dead, and told him that Lisa was finally arrested and went back to the past. can live.He also grinned grimly and said that in the future, Lisa will receive more than one hundred customers every day, and she will be killed by C.

Hearing this, Wang Yu's expression became very ugly.

Seeing Zhou Kaiwen's expression of pain and despair, Wang Yu sighed.Why are Chinese people always being bullied like this?Wang Yu didn't understand.

"It was I who killed her. If I hadn't saved her, she wouldn't have been tortured any more." Zhou Kaiwen recalled what happened to him, feeling inexplicably sad and indignant, and said with self-blame.

"What are you talking about? If she doesn't want to leave, then Lisa won't agree to your plan, um." As he spoke, a thought suddenly appeared in Wang Yu's mind. Once this thought appeared, he couldn't restrain it anymore. Live, and began to take root and sprout, which made Wang Yu's eyes shine.

"Kevin, do you want to settle accounts with those people, do you want to have the strength to get rid of the current predicament, instead of being wronged in vain, suffering the torture that you shouldn't have suffered in this dark prison?"

"Huh? This"

Hearing the voice of this invisible existence again, Zhou Kaiwen calmed down and looked at the direction of the footprints in the water with some surprise.

"I, I. You mean, I don't have to be in prison? What am I going to do?"

"Hehe, very good." After hearing Zhou Kaiwen's words, Wang Yu knew that he was not a person who only knew how to accept things. Wang Yu decided to give him a chance and see if he could seize it.

call out!
A green light flashed and hit Zhou Kaiwen on the forehead.

"Ah!!" The sudden abnormality made Zhou Kaiwen scream, and subconsciously blocked his eyes with his hands.

"I'm fine? What did you do to me?" The expected feeling didn't appear, Zhou Kaiwen didn't feel anything, and everything seemed to be the same as before.

"I gave you a chance, if you can meet my requirements and make me feel satisfied, then I can let you be my subordinate and always have this power.

If you agree, then after leaving this prison, call me in your heart, and I can feel that I am waiting for your decision. "

After seeing the word 'Qi' flash and disappear on Zhou Kaiwen's forehead, Wang Yu said these words in a flat tone that could not tell the emotion.

"Power? What power, how can I do it?"

Zhou Kaiwen was a little confused, so after hearing these inexplicable words, he seemed a little at a loss.

"Huh? Are you still there? Can you explain clearly, I agree to be your subordinate, as long as you can help me get out of here safely." Suddenly seeing the footprints in the water disappeared, Zhou Kaiwen said urgently.

After waiting for a long time without a response, Zhou Kaiwen understood that the existence who claimed to be a wizard had left, but he still didn't understand what the power was for him, and he couldn't feel it.

"As for the test, could it be that I have to find a way to leave this prison? Damn it, the control here is so strict, how can I run away!"

"Look, Bob! How are those doors open!"

"Send the alarm!"

Woo! ! !
The sharp and piercing sound of the siren resounded throughout Rikers Island.

After hearing the alarm, Zhou Kaiwen shivered all over, and even broke out in sweat.

 Thanks to 'SILENTWOLL', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', 'Fantasy Time Traveling Master', 'Broken Loyalty', 'Zhou Wei Whoring', 'Lazy Cat', 'Zhou Xun Dao' for their rewards!Thank you for those who voted!Make friends with readers who encourage authors!
(End of this chapter)

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