Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 80 Encounter (2 more!)

Chapter 80 Encounter (Second Update!)

After a slight metal twisting sound, the door was easily opened, but after seeing the situation inside, Wang Yu couldn't help being surprised.

I saw a few white people in the room pulling an Asian man who looked to be in his twenties in the open space between the beds.At this moment, the Asian man was lying on the ground under pressure, with his chin pressed against the ground and his entire face facing the door. With a look of despair on his face, he was yelling and cursing loudly in Chinese mixed with English.

At this time, a strong white man was facing the door with his back to the door, and together with four other white men, five people were working together to grab the pants of the restrained Asian man on the ground.Although the Asian man was struggling hard, he couldn't resist the joint strength of the five white men, and his pants were about to be taken off.

Everyone was working hard, and they worked together to take off the man's pants, so they didn't notice the abnormality of the door at all, except for the Asian who was pushed to the ground and faced the door.

"Boss Henry, you come first after you take off your trousers. We haven't had a newcomer in our room for a long time. His must be very tight and absolutely comfortable!"

"Of course, even though he's a yellow-skinned guy, his skin feels pretty good, much smoother than yours."

"That's right, Boss, it's a pity that we can't play for a few days. The person who sent the message said that he must be killed as soon as possible, and he cannot be left alive."

"Okay, okay, even if it's for cigarettes, we have to get things done, I don't want to be hated by them, then, we can play hard for two days, and let him accidentally fall to death in the bathroom after two days. "

"That's great. We still have two days of chick to play with. I'm going to make two more holes in him."

"As you like, but you have to line up behind me..."

A few white people didn't know that they had been targeted by the "Grim Reaper", and they were still discussing who would enjoy it second.

Wang Yu felt a little curious about this, but decided to keep all their souls as his own.Gently walked into the room.

Baji!Trample to the sound of water.

Wang Yu's eyes moved, and he glanced to the side. Some of the landlord's bottles were still dripping. It seemed that the room was not peaceful just now. The water bottle that was placed with the water bottle on the table had fallen. On the ground, water was flowing all over the ground, and Wang Yu, who didn't notice it, stepped on it.

"What sound?"

Suddenly a white prisoner who heard the voice looked up at the door.

"Oh, Fack, I mean, my God, Captain Henry! Look, the door opens by itself."


"It's true! Who opened the door? Why didn't I hear anything?"

"Is this God forgiving us?"

"Whether it's made by God or the devil, anyway, I love them to death, and I want to leave this ghost place a long time ago."

"Forget it, what do you think is the use of getting out of this door? Can you get out of this building? Even if you get out of the building, can you get out of the prison gate?

I bet you'd never get to the gate and be shot dead.So now we better figure out a way to get the door back. "

Hearing that man's words, the other prisoners saw the abnormal situation at the door and abandoned the Asian man whose pants had been taken off on the ground.Talking about their own thoughts, they all got up and wanted to come closer.

Only this Asian man saw the whole thing. At this time, his eyes were wide open, staring at the footprints in the pool of water on the ground that drained the water.


"Head... son..."


Baji... Baba... Baba...

The prisoners hadn't walked a few steps, and something went wrong in an instant, and they all fell to the ground like a pool of rotten meat as soon as they made a sound.
Seeing that several prisoners were about to approach him, Wang Yu's eyes flickered, and he used the power of the sheep charm to tear out their souls, and then they were automatically collected into the soul collector.

"What's the situation, dead? This is...ghost...ghost...ghost! I'm sub-Ao! Don't kill me, I didn't do anything new here, I was framed and it's nothing to do with me, don't hurt me Me!! Don’t kill me this time..."

Seeing a few white prisoners suddenly fell to the ground, the ground was ashen, the Asian man on the ground shuddered, thumped from the ground in fright, and staggered back, with a terrified face, he spit out a series of words naturally from his mouth. Chinese.

"Well, are you Chinese?"

The voice suddenly appeared and it was still in Chinese!This made the other party's expression stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.

"I'm a Chinese ghost, right, right! I'm Chinese, and you'll know it when you hear the voice. None of those white-core people can say that.

We Chinese don’t fight Chinese people, please forgive me, there are so many white people here, if you kill casually, you should take revenge for our predecessors who died in the war, don’t find our own compatriots..."

Feeling that he could communicate, the Chinese became excited all of a sudden. He quickly moved his mouth and uttered a lot of words, as if he was afraid that he would speak slowly and be killed accidentally by this "fellow ghost" impatiently. It was the flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple.

"I'm not some Chinese ghost, I'm a wizard, what's your name?"

Hearing the words and phrases from the other party, Wang Yu now feels that he has a lot of interest in this Chinese compatriot he met suddenly. If possible, why not help the compatriot who is in trouble.

"Wizard? Isn't that a superstition?"

"Don't be silly, answer me!" Wang Yu shouted coldly.

"Ah, yes, yes, my name is Zhou Kaiwen. After I came to the United States, these Americans called me Kevin Zhou or just called me Kevin."

Hearing Wang Yu's scolding, Zhou Kaiwen quickly replied with a shudder in his heart.

No matter if it is a ghost or a wizard, since they have this ability, they don't seem like they can be dealt with by themselves.Don't look at the easy words, Zhou Kaiwen still feels very insecure about this mysterious existence that cannot be seen. He is afraid that the other party will not be satisfied with his answer, and he will follow in the footsteps of those white pigs.

"Oh? So how did you get into the prison, and also into the detention area for white prisoners? What's going on, it makes me feel very curious."

Wang Yu has not had normal social interactions for a long time. After returning from the world of adventures, he experienced a series of battles, and then spent two consecutive months making altar materials at home. Now Wang Yu feels as if no matter what Things can make you feel interested.

"It's all caused by these white-skinned pigs. Originally, I..."

It seemed that he remembered that he was almost raped just now, so Zhou Kaiwen cursed a few words before he said it, and then quickly told the story of his going to prison.

After listening to it, Wang Yu, who originally only wanted to satisfy his curiosity, gradually darkened.


 The second update is here, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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