Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 78 The crisis is dark (please recommend!)

Chapter 78 The crisis is dark (please recommend!)
"That's it, professor. It seems that he will not come to our school. He seems to know his own power very well, and he can use them well. There are many kinds of his abilities. It may not be known whether he has revealed or not. Maybe he really isn't a mutant, at least I've never seen a mutant with so many abilities."

Charles sat in a wheelchair in a friendly manner, listening to his students' reports.

"That's how it is, people in that area have also warned us, it's best not to provoke him, then we respect his own opinion.

As long as he doesn't cause the same chaos as last time, don't bother him anymore, but always pay attention to his movements, because any unexplained superpower crime will almost be pinned on us, we can't let the situation It's going to get worse.

We can't handle too many small cases, but we should try our best to avoid such well-known incidents. "

"Understood, Professor."

"Well," the professor looked at Jean Grey, "The failure of the last speech gave me a bad feeling, Eric won't just watch the Mutant Registration Act passed, although our ideas are different , but I can't do anything sorry for him.

But we can't let the conflict escalate, it's not good for us, the background of the mutants is still too weak, we can only become stronger if we follow the path of peaceful development like that country on the other side of the earth, during this period, any conflicts will be infinitely suppressed Zoom in and let the enemy take advantage of us. "


Qin and Scott heard Professor X's inner voice, and felt that they had great responsibilities, and the future of mutants seemed to be on their shoulders.

"I've said so much as soon as I came back. Okay, you guys go to rest. There are still tasks for Scott and Ololo to go."

"Well, I see, Professor."

Sitting in the wheelchair, watching the two leave, Professor X slowly frowned.

"I thought I could add another powerful helper, but now it seems a bit miscalculated. I hope Eric and the others won't succeed, otherwise it will be detrimental to the future of my plan."

The scheming Professor X originally wanted to recruit Wang Yu.

After all, judging from the information he obtained, he is still just a child. Maybe after learning that there is such a magical school, Dasheng might be curious to join the school. For this reason, he even sent the most powerful person in the school. Affinity's Jean Grey.

But now it seems that things are not going according to the good side in the end.



squeak!The sound of air being burned through.

Two crimson beams of light burst out from Manson's eyes, piercing through the metal wall not far in front, and at the same time, the accompanying impact smashed the metal wall into pieces, boom!Under the sound, debris flew everywhere.

"Very strong destructive power, you are much stronger than the X weapon of the previous generation! With this kind of power, your enemy is like a lamb to you, and you will be caught without the slightest effort to fight back."

A pleasant voice of praise came from Stryker's mouth.

It finally succeeded. After testing, the transformed Manson is far stronger than the first generation X weapon transformed. After deepening cooperation with Trask Industries, Stryker got more mutants genetic material.

After adding mutant beasts, the White Queen and other genetic modifications, Weapon X has almost reached the most perfect performance.

This is also based on the benefits of using the self-healing gene as a platform for other genes. If the genes of ordinary people have undergone such a degree of modification, the genes would have collapsed and turned into bloody rotten flesh and died.Only when this gene becomes a platform for carrying other genes, can genetic modification be truly carried out.

After each gene collapse, the gene chain can be continuously reshaped by virtue of its super self-healing ability, and finally it can successfully integrate the abilities of other X genes.

"General, there is news..."

A staff member of the base walked up to Stryker, handed him a document, whispered something in Stryker's ear, and turned away after speaking.

"Mutant school, I knew you must have some kind of connection, do you want to develop peacefully and slowly accumulate strength, and then attack at a critical moment?
Charles, you are more difficult to deal with than Magneto, and you are much more tolerant and gloomy than him. Don’t think that no one knows about your conspiracy. I will not let each of you go, whether it is you, Magneto or that Little freak, you all have to die, mutants don't have a single good thing, they will only bring disaster to everyone. "

After getting the information about the contact between the mutant school and Wang Yu, Stryker thought in his heart that the two should not be united, which would bring resistance to his plan.

Stryker attaches great importance to Wang Yu's powerful strength. If he goes to the Mutant School to join forces, then even if the Sentinel Project goes very smoothly, Stryker will not be able to feel at ease.

"Manson, it's time for your revenge."

hum!There was a sound like space vibration.

Not far away, Manson's teleportation appeared here after the test.At this time, Manson's face had returned to its original appearance. Possessing Mystique's genes allowed him to become anyone's appearance, with a pair of eyes looking at Stryker, waiting for orders.

"This time your target is this little girl. He is the daughter of your enemy. You need to capture her and bring her back, and then transform into her and sneak into their house. Do you understand?"

"As ordered!"

Under the control of the polymer biochip, Manson showed absolute loyalty. He had no doubts about Stryker's words and resolutely carried them out.

"Very well, just wait for the time to come."



After getting rid of the two X-Men, Wang Yu started to make the materials needed for the altar again. The amount needed is very large, and it takes a lot of time to make it.

Wang Yu also thought about whether to go to other worlds to find a way, so that he might find a way to revive faster, but in the end Wang Yu didn't make such a decision. According to Wang Yu's knowledge of the resurrection methods, the only reliable method in the end is the soul altar. Some.

For example, if you go to the mummy world and use the resurrection scriptures, can you really summon the mother's soul from the Marvel world to this world, and then resurrect it?Not necessarily.

The same is true for using Dragon Balls to revive, and the upper limit of Dragon Balls is the upper limit of the power of the Dragon Ball creators. As far as Wang Yu knows, there should be no Namek people who can have such power to penetrate the universe.

So if he wants to resurrect his mother in the end, Wang Yu still has to work hard in the Marvel world.

And after the soul altar is successfully made, it will also make Wang Yu more effective in the research of soul and magic, which can greatly increase Wang Yu's strength, so in the end Wang Yu chose to make the soul altar.

After making another piece of stone, Wang Yu stopped.

"The soul is really used very quickly. It seems that we must collect the soul. It is too wasteful to make a soul altar that is too small. It is better to make a large one at one time and succeed once."

The eyes of true knowledge looked through the wall, watching the smile of her younger sister Emily as she waved goodbye to her friends at the door.Wang Yu thought silently in his heart.


 Thanks to 'Invincible Quan Ye', 'SILENTWOLL', 'Mr. Pan', 'Fantasy Traveling Master', '☆Let Love § Follow the Wind☆', 'Book Friends 151224081531999', 'Yakumo Moonlight' for their support !And thank you to those who voted for recommendation!

  This Friday I received a recommendation from Shangsanjiang, so excited.

  To be honest, I did not expect this book to reach this level. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts. Without everyone's encouragement and support, I could not do it alone. Although I thank you every day, I still have to write today Thanks again for your support!

  In addition, the update speed is flawed, and the author is also helpless! , After hard work, the speed of coding now feels much faster than before. I hope that I can achieve two stable updates per day before it is put on the shelves. Friends who feel that the update is slow are really sorry for QAQ. I admit it, but future updates will be get better.

(End of this chapter)

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