Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 77 A Disagreement (Please recommend!)

Chapter 77 A Disagreement (Please recommend!)
A lot of stone bricks have been carved, and there is still a little corner to finish.

If it cannot be completed continuously and smoothly, then this stone will be useless, and it will have no proper effect at all.You must know that making the stones for this altar not only took Wang Yu's time and experience, but the most important material is the soul. Every time such a piece of stone is wasted, Wang Yu will have to get the soul again.

Although for the sake of his mother's resurrection, Wang Yu can do such a thing of anger and grievance to the guilty and evil people, but this is definitely not what Wang Yu is willing to do in his heart. It is not better to increase one's own strength, but how is this different from a demon?

If it was someone who was killed in battle, then Wang Yu would not feel the slightest psychological burden of collecting the soul, but Wang Yu would not feel any strange and perverted pleasure in attacking someone who had nothing to do with him.Wang Yu is still a human being after all, and he still has a lot of aversion to this kind of thing.

Based on the principle of not wanting to waste materials, Wang Yu ignored the ringing of the bell until a few minutes later when the stone brick was completed, he put it in a shrink bag and came to the door that was still ringing.



"Ding ding ding ding ding..." The doorbell rang.

"Qin, do you feel wrong, or we will come again next time, if there are people, how could it be so rude. Let's go."

Looking at Qin Gelei who was still ringing the doorbell, Scott said with some embarrassment, standing at the door of someone's door and ringing the doorbell for 10 minutes really made him feel a little uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"No, I can feel it, he's in this house." After hearing her boyfriend's words, Qin Gree also felt a little embarrassed and stopped ringing the doorbell.

"Well, maybe he regards us as someone else or an enemy or something. After all, he is only ten years old. Let's come again next time."

Click, the sound of the door opening.

Just as the two were about to turn around and leave, the door opened.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Looking at the two people outside the door, Wang Yu asked in a cold tone.Before opening the door, Wang Yu had already looked at it with the eyes of true knowledge. Wang Yu confirmed that he had never seen these two people before. He didn't know how he found him, so he simply asked straight to the point.

"Hello, we are here to find you, why don't we come in and sit down?"

Seeing that the door finally opened, both of them were relieved, and finally they didn't waste half a day standing here and ringing the doorbell, and now the Lord finally appeared.

"Come in."

After sizing up the two of them, Wang Yu stepped aside and invited them into the room.

Wang Yu and the two sat on the sofa facing each other, without pouring some tea and coffee, he asked directly: "Now can you tell me why you are here, if there is nothing important, I still have a lot of things to do." '

Wang Yu's impatient performance made the two feel very uncomfortable, but they still had to obey the professor's order.

"Do you know how your ability came about? I think you should understand what I said. If there are no accidents, you are likely to be our compatriots..."

"Your compatriots?" Wang Yu interrupted Qin with some amusement.

"Compatriots of Asians and Europeans and Americans? Oh, I think you mean that they are all earthlings, at least I am not an alien, that's right, so what are you trying to say, I really have a lot of things Do it, and it would be best if we could speak quickly."

"All right……"

Although she was a little displeased with Wang Yu's rudeness, Qin, who has a doctorate and a higher education, did not show her displeasure, and hoped to do her best to complete the professor's task.

"We are from the Mutant Academy, I think you may have heard of this school, which is a school specially prescribed for mutants, to teach mutant children how to get along with ordinary people.

Now we think you are a newly awakened mutant, so we hope you can go to school with us for an inspection, where are your parents, I think I need to ask their opinions..."

"Forget it," Wang Yu put away his smile.

"I think you've made a mistake. I'm not a mutant. I've said this to many people. If you come to me for this reason, then I think you can leave. It's best not to come to me again in the future. Me." Wang Yu said indifferently.

Wang Yu, who had memories of his previous life, realized the identities of the two.

Wang Yu understands Professor X's idea very well, but what does it have to do with Wang Yu, he is not a mutant, so he rejects it very simply, without delay.

I still have a lot of things to do, how can I take care of these chores sometimes.

In fact, there was another reason why Wang Yu didn't say anything about rejecting them.

If Wang Yu remembers correctly, Magneto will appear in a few months, using that radiation-activated X-gene machine, and Wang Yu wants to use this opportunity to do something.

"If it's not a mutant, can you explain the source of your abilities?"

Seeing Wang Yu's attitude, Qin Gelei's tone also cooled down, but instead of getting up and leaving as Wang Yu said, she held down Scott who was about to get up, and asked Wang Yu with a cold face.

"No comment, I am under no obligation to tell you anything."

"But everything you did has a very bad influence on us!" Qin Gelei looked directly into Wang Yu's eyes, with a slight anger on her pretty face.

"Even if you are not a mutant, most ordinary people don't know this. They think you are an evil mutant who only knows about destruction. Our professor paid a very high price for the mutants to live in peace with humans. We can't let you be like this, for nothing, to have such a negative impact on our efforts."


Hearing this, Wang Yu realized the reason for their arrival. It turned out that it was his own influence, which spread to mutants who were already notorious. This seemed to have a considerable negative impact on Professor X's plan.

"Then what do you want to do? To be honest, my time is very precious. If you want me to go to your school to be an obedient student, don't have this ridiculous idea. It's impossible.

If according to what you say, ordinary people think I'm a mutant, but what does it matter to me?

Just tell everyone that I'm not a mutant, don't use this excuse to blackmail me, don't even think about it, well, we have nothing to talk about, there are no other problems, I have other things, no deliver! "

As he said that, before the two policemen could speak again, Wang Yu instantly used the power of the spell to disappear into the living room as an afterimage.


Wang Yu's practice of leaving as he pleases made Qin Gelei and Qin Gelei very annoyed, and they disappeared without even giving a chance to answer.But the two had nothing to do about it. After all, Professor X had explained that it was not absolutely necessary, and it was best not to have a dispute with Wang Yu.

Scott wore red lenses, unable to fathom his emotions: "Maybe he is really not a mutant. I have never seen a person with so many abilities. It is said that he also has the ability to control objects and spray energy with his mind." Ability, what a terrifying character, now he is only ten years old, if he grows up, he still doesn't know what kind of person he will become."

"It must be an extremely rude person, that's right," Qin Gelei said as she stood up and walked towards the door.

The master had left, and the two of them had no interest in staying any longer, so they left here to reply to Professor X about this matter.

"Reply to this matter, and say that the people from the mutant school had contact with the target. I don't know what the two talked about." A salesman selling insurance, sitting on a bench by the road and eating a hamburger, Whispered into the tiny microphone on the neckline.

 Thanks to '☆Let Love§ Follow the Wind☆', 'Liuhuahu', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', 'I Want God', 'Cool Pad God 12138' for their support!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!And encourage the brothers and sisters of the author!

(End of this chapter)

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