Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 69 Father's Redemption (Please recommend!)

Chapter 69 Father's Redemption (Please recommend!)

There is no time in the dark.

Wang Yu felt as if he was the meat thrown into the meat grinder, as if he was about to be torn into pieces by the destructive force, and finally turned into nothingness and could no longer exist in the world.

The scenery in front of him was bright again, and everything returned to normal. Wang Yu let out a sigh of relief, feeling very afraid that there would be a cold sweat on his back.

At the critical juncture, the power of the spell under the boost of the soul-seed exerted an astonishing power and instantly restored Wang Yu back.

The dog charm, which has been exerting its ability, kept Wang Yu from death or injury, and the horse charm instantly activated its power to remove all negative states.

After entangled with that terrifying destructive force for a while, the power of the spell finally defeated that terrifying but rootless energy and wiped it out completely.



Lying on the roof of a building in the distance, Hawkeye, who was holding a rough and bulky strange gun that seemed to be a half-finished product, saw with superhuman vision that Wang Yu, who had fallen after being hit, stood up again. Immediately, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"The plan failed, the authorized weapon can only produce a stun effect on the target, but the target recovers instantly, suspected"

"Yes, I understand..."

Hawkeye, whose expression only changed for a moment and then recovered, immediately reported the situation. After a while, after hearing the command returned from the earphone, his expression relaxed a little.

"Colson, Natasha, the mission is abandoned! Leave the battle immediately!...Natasha? Coulson?"

After repeating the call several times, Hawkeye, who didn't hear the answer, felt that something was wrong. When he looked up into the field, he suddenly found a pair of feet wearing black and red shoes, standing quietly in front of him.



a moment ago.

"Daniel, you're finally awake! Dad was really scared, but luckily you're fine!"

When Wang Yu was hit by the light beam and fell to the ground, Albert's heart was about to jump out of his chest. He immediately blocked Wang Yu's body and used his body to block Wang Yu to prevent another possible attack. Completely disregarding his own safety.He began to check Wang Yu's status.


Opening his eyes and seeing his father's caring appearance, Wang Yu's heart warmed up, and there was a strong affection in his heart that did not lose to his previous life.

"It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine, Daniel, huh..."

Seeing that his son was fine, Albert let out a long sigh, and held his son's head tightly in his arms.

"Listen to me Daniel, I know you now have amazing abilities beyond our imagination, but we can't be right with the whole world, so we won't be happy, Obadai has been killed by you, and his soul You put it away, it's time for us to leave."

Helping Wang Yu up, Albert's eyes were fixed on Wang Yu's, and he said the words with great sincerity.

In Albert's heart, Wang Yu is still just a child. Now that he has this ability, he is only eager to avenge his mother and hurt the innocent. He thinks that as long as he can make him understand these principles, then this battle can be over. up.

Now Albert's life is gray, and his wife's death seems to have taken away all the colors. Now the only motivation to support his life is his own pair of children. Albert hopes that they can take his wife's part and live well. Live on and continue the life of him and his wife.

"No!" Hearing these words, Wang Yu's face slowly turned cold, and he stood up from his father's arms.

"They are all sinners, and they all have to pay the price for their mother's death!" Wang Yu's cold words blurted out loudly.

Every time he sleeps, Wang Yu replays the moment of his mother's death in his mind again and again. This incident seems to have become Wang Yu's inner demon. If he can't relax, then I'm afraid Wang Yu will never forgive himself.

Albert's earnest words were in vain.

He looked at Wang Yu at a loss, how contradictory was the murderous intent and immature face, but when the two appeared together, there was a strange sense of oppression.

Looking at the two agents who did not attack again, Wang Yu's cold eyes made them feel very bad, like prey being stared at by an ancient giant beast, and they couldn't help but feel as if their fate was involuntary, but the two They were all specially trained elite agents, and they got rid of this feeling in an instant.

Ignore these two people, killing them is easy for Wang Yu, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has power all over the world, if this leads to its identification with Wang Yu as an enemy, then Wang Yu has no time to fight with them. Hobbies are like a game of whack-a-mole, playing hide and seek with them everywhere.

Among them, there may be the sense of threat brought by the thing that seemed to be able to kill Wang Yu after being hit before, which made Wang Yu slightly change his original attitude.

Turning his gaze to Tony Stark who was still lying on the ground, Wang Yu walked up slowly.

hum!The sound of energy oscillating.

The energy of the Divine Armor was mobilized, and the golden energy ball appeared in the hand and slowly grew in size. When he raised his hand, he launched it towards the target.

The berserk ability scorched the air in its path and made a buzzing sound.

The next moment, Tony Stark was about to be hit and killed by this berserk energy.

"No! Daniel! Ah!"

Suddenly a figure broke in, blocking the path in front of the energy ball.

boom!With a bang, the energy ball was detonated ahead of time, a big hole was formed on the ground, the soil was lifted into the sky and then fell down, and the figure was directly hit on the ground.

"What! Dad, why are you..."

Recognizing that it was the figure of his father, the power of the spell was activated, and Wang Yu's figure blurred and appeared in an instant at the place of the explosion. With some trembling hands, the soil lifted up by the explosion floated out of thin air and then separated, revealing the explosion. The figure covered by the steel suit.

At this time, in front of Wang Yu's eyes, the center of the armor on Albert's body that was hit in the center had been shattered but did not fall off, and the surrounding armor that was not hit by the front also had cracks, which looked very tragic.

Lifting off the visor, Wang Yu looked at his father's pale and bloodless face, and felt a twinge in his heart.The palm of his hand was pressed against his father's face, and the power of the horse charm was activated.

"Huh, ah!..." Taking a deep breath, my father opened his eyes again.Seeing Wang Yu's concerned and anxious face full of guilt, he couldn't help but smile.

"Why? Why do you have to stop me from avenging my mother? Could it be that you gave up your mother's hatred for the enemy who was once a friend?"

At this time, Wang Yu couldn't understand why his father still protected Tony Stark, a playboy, after he said so much. Could it be that their friendship is so deep!Deeper than the love with mom?
"No! It's not like this. You look terrible now, Daniel. Don't let hatred cloud your heart. You will never be happy if you continue like this. Think of the people who love you, Jenny, your mother will want you like this ?
As a father, I can't just watch my child fall into hatred forever. Even if you kill Tony, you won't feel good, you can only sink into pain forever, hatred will corrupt you will, wake up!Don't go on like this! "

Feeling that he had recovered, Albert tried his best to comfort Wang Yu with a serious tone and apologetic to his wife, hoping that he could understand his thoughts. .

He can't just watch his son like this, wrongly killing innocent people because of hatred, he wants to wake up his son, otherwise, with such a powerful son, he will only do more wrong things that people can't regret, In the future, there will be a lifetime of pain, and I don't know what happiness is.


 Thanks to 'Datiangui', '348545.qdcn', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', 'Cool Pai Dashen 12138', 'Jia Mingming's father', 'Bu Xing Tian Xia', 'Novel Love Book' for their rewards support!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Readers and friends who encourage the author!

  The author is also very entangled in the update, after all, more updates are also good for the author, but currently only one chapter can be coded a day, which makes it difficult for the author to speak, alas. I will work hard to improve and strive for hope Increase to two changes a day within a few months.

(End of this chapter)

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