Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 68 Revenge (Final) Please recommend!

Chapter 68 Revenge (Final) Please recommend!

The female agent in front of him, dressed in a tight combat uniform, with red hair and a beautiful appearance, with a charming temperament and evil spirit, should be the famous black widow that Wang Yu knew in his previous life.

For a world-class agent like this, if he self-hypnotizes himself while hiding, it is entirely possible to not reveal his murderous intentions, thus making the target unaware.

In fact, this method has been spread among some special operations personnel such as agents and snipers. Those who can use this method proficiently are all the best players. , Almost all have gone to see God.

Even ordinary people can detect this kind of murderous intent under certain circumstances. For example, veterans on the battlefield and professionals who often wander between life and death can often feel this kind of murderous intent before the enemy attacks. , so as to be able to deal with the imminent death crisis in advance.

After reacting, Wang Yu first checked his father's condition, and found that the arrow was like an octopus-like hook. The tight claws were on the outer layer of his father's armor and did not penetrate the armor, but his father was completely paralyzed and unable to move. , I could only really stare blankly at the front.

With his whole body covered in armor, his father was also able to get the trick. Wang Yu really didn't understand how they did it.

He grabbed the arrow and turned it into dross with a flash of energy in his hand.Then the power of the spell was activated, instantly restoring father's health.

"I said who are you?"

Tony felt the same way when he saw Albert, who was wearing nano-armor, get hit instantly.

This is an armor shell made of high-strength nano-alloy. In Tony's experiments, the performance of this nano-alloy has far exceeded that of the current aerospace alloy by more than [-] times. Both toughness and strength are ideal.

In terms of resistance alone, it is far better than the performance of the armor on him. (Tony will never think that anyone can surpass himself in terms of technology)

But even so, he was knocked down to the ground, which made Tony feel a chill down his spine.

If Albert's armor is vulnerable, then what is he?Is it really canned meat covered in iron, waiting for people to eat?
"There's no time to talk about it now! If you don't want to be the second Obaday, then get out of here!"

With no time to answer Tony's questions, Black Widow immediately sprang into action again.The ability Wang Yuxin showed surprised her. The previous battle plan was obviously no longer possible. If the mission is still to be completed, it may depend on the tacit understanding between comrades.

Thinking of another item prepared by his comrades in arms, which is the weapon used to prepare for this situation, he calmed down a little, and immediately stood up again to narrow the distance between him and Wang Yu.

"This woman is crazy!"

Seeing the black widow rushing over, Wang Yu thought to himself.

Knowing that she is not her opponent, but rushing to suffer death, this is not in line with the principle of being an agent, unless she is confident that she can cause an effective attack on herself, which is obviously impossible.

"I won't hide behind a woman!"

Tony saw the touching charm of the Black Widow even in battle, that outstanding figure, and he couldn't help but throbbed in his heart as a veteran of the flower bushes.

He ignited under his feet and lifted off into the air, aiming the launcher with both hands at Wang Yu.

Thinking of Wang Yu's fearless look just before being sent flying by Albert.

Tony didn't think Wang Yu's appearance just now, he just believed that Albert would be able to stop him before he attacked.

It must be this weird kid who is confident that he has a way to resist his own attack!
Tony simply let go of the intensity of the attack, without any intention of suppressing the power of the attack, and began to mobilize the energy and gradually increase it.

In the palm of the armored hand, the light from the launch port gradually became dazzling.

"I think you must have made a mistake. Don't you think that you will be more powerful than an army of hundreds of people? What a crazy idea!"

Wang Yu once again used the power of the chicken talisman that he often used.

The black widow who was running only felt a sudden weakness all over her body, and she actually got rid of the gravity of the earth and floated up.

Without the support of real objects, no matter how powerful people are, they can't do damage.

It's like hanging a strong man who can lift a car by a rope, then he can't use his strength.

If you start from the ground, you can't stand still, so what else can you talk about.

The current Black Widow is facing this dilemma. After the secret weapon that can be launched is also floating in the air like herself, she has absolutely no other way.

This time she didn't bring a gun, because she knew that a gun was useless against Wang Yu.

Wang Yu raised his hands and shook hands, looked at the female agent who was about to be controlled by him, and dismissed her tricks casually, thinking about how to make S.H.I.E.L.D. understand his intentions.

The feeling of being controlled by others is not good. Black Widow feels that life and death are in the hands of human beings, as if she may be killed at any time.

Fortunately, someone rescued her immediately.

call out!boom……

Seeing the scene below, Tony, who was flying in the sky, aimed at Wang Yu's launch port, raised his hand, and a thick beam of light attacked it.

Tony Stark didn't have any self-hypnosis ability. Before attacking Wang Yu, he radiated his intention, which was keenly sensed by Wang Yu.

At the same time as the beam was shot out, Wang Yu raised his head and used the light of the pig charm that he had never used before. In an instant, the two beams were surrounded by electric current, and the flame-like beams shot towards each other, blocking the downward beam.

Seemingly defeated by the power of the spell, Tony blocked the light beam for a while, and was instantly engulfed by the lightning eyes shot out from Wang Yu's eyes, and shot back at Tony instead.

Tony was shocked. He never thought that this would happen again. Before he could react, he was hit by two pillars of fire. The armor was burnt black and fell from mid-air with green smoke.

"Tony..." Albert, who had just recovered, saw Tony being beaten down by his son, and hurried up to catch Tony, opened his visor and scanned his vital signs, and learned that he was not dead but fainted And so, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daniel! Stop it! Let's get out of here and find your sister. Now that Obaday is dead, don't fight them anymore. There will be no results if this continues!"

Albert did not want Wang Yu to take revenge on Tony, because he believed that Tony was innocent and Opadi was the culprit.

But Wang Yu didn't think so, if it wasn't for Tony Stark's inaction to the company, his family wouldn't be in this situation, and his mother wouldn't die, he couldn't escape this crime!

"Father, you have to know that the reason why my mother died was because of the Stark Group. How could Tony Stark have nothing to do with him? Needless to say, he must pay the price, no matter what it is!..."

When Wang Yu and his father were talking, something unexpected happened.

An orange beam of light coming out of nowhere suddenly hit Wang Yu, and he couldn't perceive it at all beforehand, and it just appeared in an instant and delivered a fatal blow.

In an instant, Wang Yu only felt an extremely powerful and frightening unique force breaking into his body, destroying him crazily, tearing himself apart, almost making him unable to resist, his soul power was instantly paralyzed, and his eyes went black.


PS: High-energy warning in the next chapter!
 Thanks to 'Book Friends 160311030424529', 'Shadow Cat 321', 'Daguai Shou', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', 'Xuanyuan Broken Blade', '☆Let Love § Follow the Wind☆', 'Sunset Snow', 'zhirong ', 'Cool Pad God 12138', '1234 may not be known', 'Dark Son:' A few rewards and support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Friends with encouraging authors!

  The next chapter is a high-energy warning!

(End of this chapter)

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