Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 66 Revenge () Please recommend!

Chapter 66 Revenge ([-]) Please recommend!

"Revenge? What do you want to do?"

When Wang Yu said this word again, Tony Stark's previous apology was gone, and he looked into Wang Yu's eyes coldly.

"Kill me? Just like you just killed those soldiers? There are so many people, they are just carrying out orders, his family has family members, parents and relatives, and some even have children. If you understand the kind of loss of relatives Grief, then how could you have the heart to take their lives! You butcher!

Since you have the power to keep them from hurting you, why would you kill them!Or is it that this power has turned you into a devil! "

Tony got more and more excited.

He couldn't believe he was still in America.

Even when he was in the Middle East, he had never seen so many people die with his own eyes.

And they are white people of the same race as themselves, not those desert peoples or Vietnamese Asians, but out-and-out Americans.

It was wiped out in an instant!

Tony feels unacceptable!unacceptable!
"Don't think you are just a child, I will let you get away with it!"

Tony Stark always likes to speak first before speaking, so before speaking, he has ordered his artificial intelligence Jarvis to concentrate 90.00% of the energy.

As soon as the words fell, the right hand of the steel suit was already aimed at Wang Yu.

Tony knew that Wang Yu's strange power could stop the bullets out of thin air and in ways he couldn't fathom, but he believed that the light beam shock wave in his palm would definitely play a role.

So this was almost a blow with all his strength, and in an instant the attack was going to hit Wang Yu who seemed to be unresponsive and still sneered!
"No! Tony!"

Boom!The trill of metal clashing.

Tony, who was about to deliver the strongest blow, was instantly hit by a sudden attack from behind, and the entire armor was directly knocked into the air. After breaking a street lamp, he smashed into a tank that had just been disabled and could no longer start.

The armor of the tank was directly dented, and some harsh sounds of metal twisting and breaking could be heard.

"I knew, Dad, you won't watch him attack me and remain indifferent."

Wang Yu looked at his father with a smile, and understood that he loved his family just like himself, and couldn't stand their being hurt.

"Let's complete this revenge together, they must get what they deserve..."

As he spoke, Wang Yu took out a small square box engraved with Chinese characters for prison, which was dark red like a wooden material.

The moment Wang Yu took out the box, the temperature around Wang Yu seemed to drop below zero, and a refreshing coldness appeared at some point.

"What's this? Daniel."

Although he was in the steel battle suit, Albert still felt the coldness, as if it was not the real coldness in the air, but the coldness emanating from his heart, which was extremely strange.

This caused Albert to ask Wang Yu this question first. Originally, he wanted Wang Yu to let Tony Stark go.

Now that his son had killed so many people, Albert had to choose between his relatives and the law, and in the end he chose his relatives.But Albert still hopes that his son can let Tony Totak go, and he doesn't want him to get deeper and deeper in the hatred, which will destroy him.

After all, if he is tried, although his son is a minor, he can normally be protected by law, but the example of special affairs is common in all countries.

The fact that Wang Yu has such a powerful body gives those people a stronger basis, because he is not an ordinary American kid, so it is likely that he will not be protected by normal minor protection laws.

"Nothing, this is a box of hell that I specially made when I rushed here. Its function is to form a space inside that the soul will not disappear, and it will allow the soul to be eternally treated in it like in hell. Endless torment.

This is what I made with the souls of more than 100 special soldiers I collected last time. It should be very useful. "

Standing in front of Opadi's dead dog-like body, Wang Yu said slowly and in a teasing tone.

It seems to be answering Albert's question, and it seems to be telling Obaday where he will stay in the future.

As if he understood Wang Yu's words, Obadai rolled up his body tremblingly, but he couldn't make a sound. He knew it was useless to say anything.

"Soul? Daniel, what happened to you, why you have so many strange abilities, can you tell me, right now."

Albert frowned and said.

He couldn't figure out what had happened to his son, that such a big change had occurred, whether it was these strange abilities, or his thoughts that made him feel strange.

"Okay, I'll tell you what's going on, but now's not the time, because...someone is coming!"

While Wang Yu was speaking, something that surprised Albert happened.

Wang Yu opened the box of hell to Obadai, and a white transparent phantom visible to Albert's naked eyes was pulled out of Obadi's body, as if some force was pulling him.

Albert seemed to have heard Obaday's cry for help in the dark.

The shadow seemed to be desperately pulling him back, but it couldn't withstand the invisible suction, and it was so short between breaths!was sucked into the box, and then Wang Yu closed the box.

"My God, you devil! Albert, do you still want to defend him? You see what he did, he sucked out people's souls! He still wants to do this to me, don't you care about that at all What! Where is the upright and trustworthy brother I used to know!"

In an instant, Tony Stark got up from the completely scrapped tank, ignited it and flew back.I happened to see everything that happened, Wang Yu's introduction to the box and the scene just now.

Tony already had to believe in the fact that people have souls. At this time, Obady was lying on the ground like a corpse, and Jarvis's scan showed that he had no vital signs at all.


Hearing the old friend's questioning, Albert felt that he had a very headache. On the one hand, he was his family. The family was good friends who had talked and appreciated each other for many years.

"I will not let Daniel hurt you, and I will not let him hurt anyone else. I will take him out of here and find a place where no one will know."

Albert stopped between Tony Stark and Wang Yu, and said to him with a solemn expression.

"This is impossible!"

"This is impossible!"

Two voices spoke in unison.It made Albert's head hurt even more.

"Yes, it is indeed impossible."

At this time, another voice attracted the attention of everyone present.

A middle-aged white man with a receding hairline and a broad forehead came out in a well-tailored black suit.

"Neither of you can leave, especially you, Mr. Daniel!" Then he turned to Tony Stark and said, "Mr. Let them be brought to justice."

"I think you have made a mistake. You must still not understand how terrible he is. Didn't your superiors inform you? Just now a group of heavily armed troops were wiped out. Excuse me for being rude. You came here alone. Come to die?"

It seems that this scene is somewhat familiar.

Tony saw that this person didn't seem to understand how powerful he was, and he came here alone to catch this terrible devil child. It was really desperate, so he quickly reminded him.


 Thanks to 'Fall in Love with Spiritual Food', 'Book Friends 151224081531999', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', 'zjpx', 'yuluohuayu', 'Ren Xiaotaoer', '☆Let Love § Follow the Wind☆', 'Book Fan 2' , 'Garfifiga' for the support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who encourage the author!
(End of this chapter)

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