Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 65 Revenge (9) Please recommend!

Chapter 65 Revenge ([-]) Please recommend!

The scene that appeared in Stark Tower came again!And it was even more shocking than last time, and everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

All the bullets and shells attacking Wang Yu stopped in the air like the pause button in a movie, and the powerful kinetic energy carried in them seemed to disappear, and they couldn't move forward even a little distance.

Although Wang Yu has many ways to easily avoid this blow, such as using the supersonic speed of the rabbit charm to flash out of the attack range, or using the gravity control of the chicken charm to fly directly into the air and become invisible, you can easily avoid this attack s attack.

Wang Yu didn't want to hide, because these people were too weak.

He believed that he had the ability to defeat and eliminate these armies who attacked him and offended him, and not only these, Wang Yu would attack all those who dared to touch his bottom line in the future.

Because only when everyone knows that they are not easy to provoke, can't be provoked, and that they will pay a heavier price than the benefits, can they be truly safe.

This principle is universal, just like nuclear weapons, if you dare to touch my bottom line, then everyone will finish the game together.

Because of the peaceful and stable environment in his previous life, Wang Yu, who was weak and hesitant, has changed. Now he seems to be a sharp sword to protect his family, ready to cut off the thorns that reach out to his family at any time. , any tentacles with malicious intent.

For this reason, Wang Yu can only become stronger and stronger, become extremely powerful, only in this way can he truly achieve what he wants to do.

Regarding the Marvel world, before the incident, Wang Yu originally wanted to let nature take its course, and he still had a sense of detachment towards this world. Apart from his family, Wang Yu felt that he was just going through a very difficult situation. Just a realistic movie.

But when the danger came, Wang Yu suddenly realized that he couldn't stand aloof and watch everything. He had to protect his family.

Wang Yu, who grew up under the peaceful and stable red flag in his previous life, now feels this uneasy feeling.

With the emergence of abnormalities, seeing the frontline commander whose attack was ineffective, he decisively ordered to stop shooting.

Immediately, the loud noise caused by the firing of guns, heavy machine guns, and rifles stopped, and the strong contrast seemed to be very quiet now, as if someone had unplugged a speaker that was playing a happy song at the highest volume.

"Didn't he say that his ability is a violent explosion? Why can he still control these shells and bullets like the Magneto King, damn it, they missed such important information and didn't tell me! Hurry up and use the special power to deal with Magneto King!" Shoot!"

When Stryker saw this scene, he reacted instantly, and automatically figured out what he thought was the correct countermeasure, and immediately ordered his subordinates to execute it.

However, there is no hurry.

Before the subordinate took two steps, all the shells fixed in the air turned 180 degrees and aimed at the place where they were fired.

And in an instant, on the surface of these shells and bullets, non-stop jittering light began to appear, as if burning flames, and they were shot back with the whistling sound caused by rapidly passing through the air.

The soldiers in the scene who were shocked by such a fierce firepower and resisted by such a strange method, when they found that the bullets they fired were actually adjusted to aim at themselves, there was a commotion in an instant, but it was a pity that they had not waited for them. When he took some action and was still struggling between executing orders and escaping for his life, it was too late.

The ammunition whistling through the air, under the action of mysterious power, slammed into the body of the 'master' fiercely, and instantly burst out the injected mysterious power.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!
Compared with the previous lineup, the explosion was not inferior, and the improvised positions where soldiers temporarily used armored vehicles and some sundries were blown upside down.Infused with the power of the Dragon Talisman, these ammunition exerted their original power, but they were indeed the ones who shot themselves out. This scene has to be said to be a bit ironic.

In the last few roars, the three helicopters that did not move their positions after shooting also fell down, which became the closing ceremony of the battle that had just begun and ended.

"Cut, it's too vulnerable!"

Standing where he was, watching the remaining soldiers who were still alive throwing away their weapons and fleeing for their lives, Wang Yu said something that only the victors are qualified to say.

The armored vehicle that Stryker was in didn't shoot at Wang Yu, so it didn't have the firepower to fight back at him. As soon as the power of the explosion stopped, the only armored vehicle that was not damaged immediately drove at full power from the battlefield that turned into a sea of ​​flames. evacuated out.

As for how to explain after going back, Stryker hadn't figured it out yet, so he could see that this little freak was too powerful to deal with.

The people I brought were defeated without even blocking a single counterattack. The opponent has the destructive power close to that of a fourth-level mutant, and a simple collective attack can only be turned into a refueling battle.

Besides, many people are interested in my own research, and it can be used to fish myself out when necessary. It is better to escape than to lose your life here.

Wang Yu didn't stop Stryker from leaving, nor did he go after him. He needed someone to go back and tell the top management in the United States, here!There is a guy who is more difficult to mess with than Magneto, if you mess with yourself, then what Magneto can do, you can do the same thing, and he is ten times stronger!
"Daniel, you..." Albert couldn't believe it. The child in front of him who killed hundreds of people in an instant was his own son.My son is so kind and sensible. Although he doesn't fit in with the group, he never gets into trouble with the children.

But most importantly, where did he get this terrible power?Could it be that he is a mutant as the general said?

Albert, who just wanted to desperately rescue his son, had a lot of doubts during the period from the accident to the destruction of the Strykers.

"Daniel, can you tell me how you got these abilities? Are you really a mutant!"

"No, I'm not a mutant! I'll tell you about this problem after I settle the matter at hand. Now I have to complete my revenge!"

After hearing his father's question, Wang Yu felt very relieved. He thought his father would first ask him why he killed those people.It seems that my father is not as unreasonable as in those novels. On the contrary, he is very smart and a scientist of tomorrow.

If Wang Yu was an ordinary person, then under the attack just now, he would have no bones left. No matter what, the lives of his own people are of course the most important thing. Albert naturally understands this.

That's why he won't ask his own children why they killed those 'innocent' soldiers like those Bitches from the Heart of the Virgin, in this case, obviously you should have the ability not to kill them and nothing will happen.

If this really happened, then Wang Yu could only say that that person was a picked child.


 Thanks to 'Black Dragon Entering the Cave', 'Buddha Crossing Dragon Bone Sea', 'Book Friends 160915174001132', 'To see the best small farm', 'Mo Nian Mo Lian', 'Kong Kong 3654', '☆Let Love § Follow the Wind☆', 'Book Robber Wenzhong', 'Aresa 灬 Faith', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', several people's rewards and support!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who support the author!

(End of this chapter)

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