Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 60 Revenge (4) Please recommend!

Chapter 60 Revenge ([-]) Please recommend!

"Go away!"

Obaday didn't realize who the person in front of him was, and continued to run into the urban area without any consideration, preparing to hide himself in the shortest possible time and get out of the sight of Tony and Albert.

Now I already have the physical object of the Ark reactor.

Obaday believes that those researchers should be able to crack the mystery this time.

Once he succeeds, he can use this to establish a higher influence in the military and political circles, so as to solve all troubles, including the two little mice, Tony and Albert!

Bang! !The vibrato of metal strikes.

The running prototype was like an ordinary person tripping over a step while running, froze for a moment, then fell down in an instant, and rolled forward five or six times by inertia before stopping.

"Oh!" Obadai was taken aback, got up and looked back.He didn't know what happened just now, he couldn't believe it, what did that brat do just now, he tripped himself!

Like a prank, he stretched his legs when he ran to him.

"You are... I remembered, you are that mutant!"

Looking at the child's face, Obaday finally found the corresponding memory in his mind.It seems to be the superpower who was suspected of being a mutant in the attack on Stark Tower not long ago, and he is chasing after him!

For a while, Obadi panicked, but when he thought of the powerful force displayed by his armor just now, the sudden panic gradually subsided.

Obaday felt that with his current strength, he should be able to deal with this mutant, even if he was not an opponent, he could at least leave.

In fact, Obadai's original intention was not to get too entangled in this kind of matter.

Who is he after all?
He is the controller of the Stark Group, as the brain and leader of an organization!
If it wasn't a last resort, he didn't want to personally do this kind of thing that only his subordinates would do.

But if necessary, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Want to run? You can't go anywhere without answering my question."

It was Wang Yu who stopped Obadai in front of him.

Originally, he had just arrived in this city and was about to start looking for Tony Stark's seaside villa.

If Wang Yu's memory is correct, Obadai will eventually come here and snatch Tony Stark's Ark reactor.

But now it is much more convenient. The target he wanted to find came to him by himself. This really made Wang Yu sigh his luck today.

"Whoever hires you to deal with me will not succeed, now that I have this suit of armor, what can you do to me?

Those of you who only know how to rely on your own strength will never understand the greatness of technology!Technology, it allows us to get everything we want!If you want to court death, then I will accompany you! "

While speaking, the Gatling machine gun was already aimed at Wang Yu, and the last missiles were fired when they got rid of Tony.But Obaday believes that even just machine guns can deal with these mutants.

After all, mutants are also flesh and blood, and if you shoot them with a single shot, they will kill you with a hole. Humans can still deal with them. Otherwise, the current mutants would not be willing to be discriminated against, reduced to the bottom of society and unable to resist. .

It seems that Obadai's good luck has run out today, because Wang Yu is not a mutant, but a more dangerous and terrifying... wizard.

"What happened to me!"

Obaday, who was about to shoot and kill the mutant, suddenly realized something was wrong.

The picture inside the armor suddenly rose up, as if he was flying, but he didn't turn on the aircraft!But the feeling of weakness under his feet told him that he was really rising.

"Damn it, let me down!" Obady, who tried hard for a long time but couldn't regain his balance, couldn't help shouting.Now even an idiot would know that Wang Yu must have caused all this.

"Heh, you're quite arrogant. It seems that you know how powerful I am. You saw the video of me going for a walk in Stark Tower. If you dare to face me like this, it should be this armor that gave you courage. Yeah?"

It looked like Obaday was in a weightless environment, unable to find his balance, and constantly struggling.The expression on Wang Yu's face was flat and unsurprised, and he continued to maintain the power of the chicken charm to control gravity.

Pooh! ...

Obaday finally thought of a way. The rocket injectors on his legs were ignited, and a powerful thrust appeared instantly, and Obaday was about to be taken out of this area.


Before Opadry could feel happy, two red beams of electric current shot at him, instantly detonating the rocket injector on his leg.

"I said, you can't escape, now you get out of this pair of iron sheets!"

With one hand, through the blessing of the power of the soul seed, Obadai felt an inexplicable force covering his whole body in an instant. He only heard a harsh metal twisting sound, and a strange tactile sensation appeared all over his body. Bright.

Obadai was horrified to find that his armor had now turned into a pile of distorted parts, floating in mid-air with himself at the height of a person.

"What have you done!"

Losing Lai Ji's armor to protect him, Obadai really panicked. This mutant has such weird power, what should he do!

"Well, it looks much better this way." Wang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and gave a weird smile.As soon as the power of the spell was released, the pile of twisted metal parts in Obadilian fell from mid-air in an instant.

It was scattered all over the place.

" are you looking for me for? I don't remember ever seeing you. If you want money, I think we can cooperate. I can give you a lot of money! I will never let you down of!"

Obadai was in a panic, pretending to be calm and trying to bargain with Wang Yu.

It's not that Obaday was cowardly, he was terrified and begged for surrender after a little threat, it's not like that.But Wang Yu brought him too much fear.

As a wizard who studies soul power, Wang Yu is already very different from ordinary people.Especially when Wang Yu felt malicious towards him, sensitive people would often be able to perceive the oppression in the dark, a strange perception of imminent disaster.

In addition, Obadai knew nothing about Wang Yu, and even thought he was a mutant, so the current scene appeared.

You must know that the mutants of Magneto have always been equated with terrorists in the hearts of ordinary people. They ignore the lives of ordinary people and only care about their own kind, so maybe there is still a little , the reason for this part.

"Listen to me, I don't want your money, now I ask, you answer, understand?"

Seeing Wang Yu's icy little face, shrouded in tremendous pressure, Opadi, who seemed to be trembling in his soul, swallowed dryly, and nodded.

"Very well, now you tell me, my father Albert, where is he?"


 Thanks to 'Mo Ling·.', 'Depressed Water Fried Buns', 'Cool Pad God 12138', '☆Let Love§ Follow the Wind☆', 'Sadness', 'Hot Blood Evil Emperor', 'Luo Rong', 'Please Don't ask me why', 'Sunset Snow', 'My name is Your Majesty', 'Book Friends 130829150158242', 'FFfff', everyone's rewards and support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Friends with encouraging authors!

  It's really not that the author wants to procrastinate or something, the manuscript is just saved, the author doesn't want to run naked!Everyone measure!Will try to improve my speed.
(End of this chapter)

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