Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 59 Revenge (3) Please recommend!

Chapter 59 Revenge ([-]) Please recommend!

"Come down, genius, what's the matter? We've run out of means? Is there no other way?"

Seeing Albert who was hiding in the sky and not daring to come down made Obaday very happy.

Last time in the underground manufacturing center in District [-], the scene where he was beaten and fled by Albert was still deeply in his mind. Now he can hang and beat Albert in reverse, which made him feel not so good.

"Obaday!" roared with boundless anger.

"What?" Hearing the voice behind him, Obaday, who was concentrating on the situation above, was startled.Because this voice is so familiar to him, the owner of this voice should be dead by now!


The moment Obadai heard the sound, he was covered by an explosion. The entire prototype was blown away by the air wave, and after being blasted tens of meters by the shock wave, it hit the ground without any movement.

"Now tell me! You betrayed your father, you caused his death! Don't you!"

Accompanied by bang!With a bang, a red and yellow steel battle suit landed beside Opadi, grabbed Opadry's prototype, and slammed it on the ground again, iron fists began to rain down on the opponent.

"You betrayed him, he trusted you so much. You little man! You're damned!" Tony roared.At this time, hatred has blinded his heart, and he is determined to kill Obadai and seek justice for his father.

Although his relationship with his father is not harmonious, in Tony's heart, his father has always been his pride and idol. Now his character may not be deliberately learning from his father, wanting to become a great person like his father.

In the Marvel world, Tony's father participated in the research and development of nuclear weapons and was the main developer of them, and his company is a global technology giant, leading the world's technology trend.

These are all things Tony is proud of.

but now.

Someone personally admitted that his father's death was not an accident or a car accident, but was killed by someone, and the person in front of him was one of the people who killed his father, the person he trusted the most.

How ironic!
"Enough! You bastard!"

boom!Amidst the sound of violent metal collisions, the prototype machine that had been under the wind suddenly moved, and a thick mechanical arm grabbed Tony's punch again.

"Not only will I kill your father, I will also kill you. I have worked so hard to create this company! And you all want to destroy it. How can I make you happy? How much have I paid for the company? Why? ?Why do you all want to destroy it!?

Tony!We are an arms company!Not those charitable hypocrites!This is how we started our business. You said that if you don’t sell weapons, you won’t sell them?Did you think it was no big deal!

You too, your father too, they are all so childish, now I will make you guys disappear like before! "

Amid the same angry roar, Obadai launched a counterattack, relying on his huge armor strength to start a hand-to-hand combat with Tony.The two Iron Men moved to the urban area after fighting the battlefield, causing many accidents.

Obaday doesn't think he is wrong. Although he knows that what he is doing now is against the law, which of these capital tycoons has a clean ass?Even the president of the United States will invade and plunder the interests of other countries to achieve his political goals.

As long as you have the ability, what is this?
I have been in the arms business for so long, and if I say I don’t want to do it, I won’t do it. Isn’t that ruining my job?The property of the entire company was damaged due to orders from Tony Stark.The stock fell to the lowest point in Stark's history, how could he bear it.

Hearing what Obaday said, Tony fell silent.

It's not that he thinks what Obaday said is correct, but that Tony understands that no matter what he says, it is impossible to get Obaday to plead guilty. The only way is to get him out of his armor, and then a little bit, let him understand The price of killing his own father was not easy to bear.

"Are you...Tony?" Suddenly Albert appeared behind Obadai in his steel suit and joined the hand-to-hand combat.Immediately, the battle situation escalated, and the destructive power of the three iron men exploded. After collapsing two overpasses, a group of iron men approached a more crowded place again during the fight.

"That's right, who are you?" Before Tony Stark came out, he saw the battle between Albert and Opadi in the villa, and understood that the two now have a common goal so they are not enemies. I took the time to ask.

"I'm Albert. Damn it's really you. I knew that no one but you could build this reactor like me." After hearing the answer, Albert breathed a sigh of relief and cooperated While attacking Obaday, he responded to Tony's words.

Tony Stark: "Albert! It turned out to be you, why... you made this look yourself?"

"Of course, you are not bad. It seems that your armor is good, but it is still a lot worse than mine," Albert said humorously.

"Oh, damn it, if he hadn't taken away all the nanomaterials, and there was nothing left, you thought my armor would be weaker than yours? In other respects, even the current armor is no worse than yours!" Tony heard. With a taste of teasing, Albert replied unwillingly.

"Aren't all the nanomaterials produced by me, you have the ability to produce them yourself!"

"You two have said enough, now go to die!"


Seizing the opportunity in an instant, Obadai took advantage of a fast-moving bus to get out of the battle circle, huh!The rocket launcher under his feet was ignited and began to lift off, and in the process, the missile slot was used to continuously launch miniature missiles.

After the distance was drawn, the two sides began to shoot at each other. The attacks of Tony and Albert could often hit Opadi's somewhat clumsy prototype very accurately. The increase in strength and armor made him lose his flexibility. speed.

However, Opadry's machine guns and missiles could hardly hit the nimble and fast two, and they were dodged by the high agility of their mobility.This caused the surrounding cities to suffer.

The robot war escalated, explosions and bullets flew randomly, the road was destroyed and vehicles couldn't get through, and the walls of surrounding buildings were bombed with holes everywhere.The police had already arrived, but they didn't dare to step forward when they saw this scene, so they had to direct the traffic below and let all the people outside leave this dangerous area immediately.

After being smashed into a police car, Tony finally found out about this situation. Looking at the city after the war, he couldn't bear it.

"Albert, we have to go somewhere where no one is, look at this city, we can't go on like this!" Tony linked Albert's communication signal and said so.

"Okay, let's lure him away!" After talking about the plan in the communication, Tony and Tony gave Obaday a slap in the face of the fierce attack, and then flew back.

"You two mice, don't try to run away!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Tony and Albert applauded each other.

"Idiot, do you think I'm a battle maniac?" Looking back at the two figures that were quickly going away, Obaday did not go into a rage like Tony and the two thought, but moved into the city with a sneer, preparing to End this fight.

Obaday could see that it would be fruitless if this went on, these two people were really slippery.So Cunning Obadai gave up his plan to do it himself, and planned to use other methods to deal with these two guys after returning to the company.

"Oh, Iron Overlord? It really doesn't take much effort to come, you don't even think about going anywhere now!"

Suddenly a child appeared in front of the prototype, with no fear on his face, blocking Obady's way.


 Thanks to 'Magic Crazy', 'Cool Pai Dashen 12138', 'Loving Daziyuan', 'Creation Purple Light', '☆Let love§ follow the wind☆', 'Honkai poi' for their rewards!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who encourage the author!

(End of this chapter)

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