Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 57 Revenge (1) Please recommend!

Chapter 57 Revenge ([-]) Please recommend!

With a smile in control of everything, Obaday closed the sound wave generator and put it in his pocket.

"It's a really nice little thing, it's a pity it wasn't approved for manufacture."

While speaking, Obaday put his head close to Tony's ear, as if he was going to whisper to an old friend, but his tone of voice was gloomy, as if a poisonous snake was hissing maliciously.

It made Tony's body, which was paralyzed and unable to move due to the stimulation of the sound waves, become more tense and stiff, and his hairs stood up excitedly.

"Tony, you are the same as your dead father, no matter how talented you are in research, you can't hide his childish way of doing things.

So..." Obaday paused, looked into Tony Stark's eyes, looked at him as if thinking of something, and continued talking playfully.

"So I made him unable to issue those childish orders again.

He was in a car accident, and I just gave away the route he took that day. "

While talking, Obadai took out a small tool in his hand, pointed it at the reactor on Tony's chest, and stuck it in with a creak.

"Now. This is your last contribution to the company, Tony... you've run out of value. is beautiful, this will be the heart of my armor, he will support me to success, and you!Nobody can stop me.

Enjoy your last moments, Tony, and when you see your dad, remember to say hello to him for me. "

With a buzzing sound, the reactor was taken out with the help of the tool, and he opened the tool to hold the shiny reactor in the palm of his hand. Obaday looked at its light with some fascination, and his confidence doubled immediately.

Seeing that Tony Stark was paralyzed and unable to move, Obaday knew that in a short while, the shrapnel in his body would enter his heart, and he was dead.

After thinking about it, he finally sneered and left here directly.Obaday didn't want to get blood on his hands. In his opinion, Tony was already dead, so he ignored him.

I was not afraid in the past, let alone now?

Holding the high-power reactor that Tony made for himself, Obaday walked out of the villa.



in the amusement park.

"Mom! Look, it's a shooting star. I saw a shooting star!" The child with ice cream in his hand was dragged by his mother to walk in the amusement park, when suddenly he noticed a bright spot of light moving fast in the night sky , He hurriedly told his mother about this big discovery.

"Really, where?"

The mother raised her head and followed the child's fingers to find the spot of light.

"This doesn't seem to be a shooting star, and shooting stars don't look like this." My mother felt something was wrong when she saw the light, and said casually.

"Where is it?"

"Maybe it's the signal lights of the plane or something, all right, now let's go ride that Ferris wheel! How about baby?"

"OK, all right!"



In the dark night sky, looking down at the seemingly vast and boundless land, in Albert's eyes, the light of the city and the darkness outside the city are clearly defined.

Albert had never felt like this before.

Fly freely in the sky, unrestrained, as if the world is free to swim freely, everything is in your eyes, and nothing can escape your perspective.

It was extremely cold in the sky at night, but this did not affect Albert. The suit he designed and made with nanomaterials not only has stronger defense and higher performance, but the driver's life support system is also very well done. .

Now Albert is going to arrive at his old friend Tony Stark's seaside villa in a few minutes. Tony likes this villa and always lives here. The whereabouts of Badai, Albert thought he would find it.

Before that, Albert deliberately went back to his home to settle the children well before thinking about other things.But when he returned home, he was shocked by the empty scene. When he saw the black blood left on the floor, Albert finally couldn't stop crying.

Now Albert has only one purpose, which is to find Obaday, then find out where his children have been taken by him, and then kill him in the cruelest way he knows.

No matter what obstacles are in place, they can't stop Albert's vengeance.

If it is an ordinary person, if such a thing happens at home, then his first thought must be to call the police, and then use the weapon of law to protect his own rights.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to have other methods to seek justice for themselves.

But Albert is different. The genius brain endowed him with extraordinary wisdom. Through learning, he mastered more knowledge. Using this knowledge, Albert gained the power that ordinary people do not have, the power of revenge!
After having this kind of power, Albert's thinking is no longer like ordinary people who have no choice but to act according to the rules set by a few people.And to a certain extent, you can break through this rule and act according to your own wishes.

This is why power makes people obsessed. No one can easily give up the power that can help them solve problems.


Finally Albert found Tony Stark's seaside villa, seems that he also found the purpose of this trip.

Inside the visor, he looked at a row of cars displayed on the screen and... Obadai who just walked out of the villa.Albert's eyes turned red, and he controlled the armor and flew over quickly.

"Where is what?" A bodyguard noticed the light in the sky and asked suspiciously.

"Huh? This is... not good! Stop him quickly!"

Hearing the doubts of his subordinates, Obadai looked up, and when he saw the bright light, he immediately realized that it was Albert who arrived in his steel suit.He didn't have time to think about how he found him, so he immediately ordered his bodyguards to shoot and stop him.

And Opadry himself, at a speed not commensurate with his size, quickly ran to a small truck in the convoy.

Da da da! ! ……Da da! …Da da……

Many bodyguards with guns, after Obaday gave the order, began to fire on the guy who fell from the sky.Apparently these bodyguards also realized that the thing that fell from the sky was not a 'meteor' but a machine controlled by people.

Seeing Obadai run into the trunk of the pickup truck.Albert didn't dodge or dodge, in the sound of ping-pong-pong, popping beans, and the sound of armor being hit by bullets, he landed facing everyone's bullets.

All the bullets have no effect on Albert's battle suit at all. Apart from making the surface of the suit flash continuously, one by one due to metal friction, there are fires and explosions, and there is no harm to Albert. No.


Albert raised his palm, and a series of beams shot out, knocking all the bodyguards into the air, even the bodyguards who were hiding behind the car and shooting were not spared, and the car was also knocked into the air.

"Oh, I finally found you, Obadi, you are really easy for me to find, why don't you come out? Now can you tell me who is the most childish one?"

After solving all the gangsters, Albert's words came out from the loudspeaker of the suit, and Albert walked step by step towards the pickup truck that Obaday fled into.

With the excitement of revenge, Albert feels that his brain is very excited now, and energy is constantly pouring out of his body. Albert feels that he is in this state now, and he can even work in the laboratory for a week. No need to rest.


 Thank you for '┍床緔把梮梮', 'Cool Pai Dashen 12138', 'Magic Dream Spirit', '☆Let love§ follow the wind☆', 'Qingqian Xiaoyun', 'Please don't ask me why', 'Liuhuahu ', 'In order to see the best small farm' everyone's rewards and support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who encourage the author!

(End of this chapter)

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