Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 56 Changes (Please recommend!)

Chapter 56 Changes (Please recommend!)
"Sir! Just learned that the inventory of nanomaterials is zero. Now we can't use it to make your new armor."

An anthropomorphic electronic voice came out of the speaker, which was a computer intelligence program written by Tony Stark: Jarvis.

After hearing what Jarvis said, Tony frowned.

"Who used the materials? Didn't you say that these are the materials I need, and no one can move them!"

Tony said to Jarvis angrily.

Before that, he had been busy for a long time, and carefully planned and calculated the design, all of which were designed in a targeted manner based on the performance characteristics of nano-materials. Now if there is no material to make it, then the design he just made is in vain. , but also to re-design work.

One thing needs to be repeated several times to complete, which represents inefficiency and waste, which makes Tony very unhappy. He pushed several activities in order to design this suit.

Thinking of rejecting those seductive girls and wasting time on repetitive things, he wanted to smash the face of the guy who touched his material with a wrench!
You must know that nanotechnology is still the most cutting-edge science. Perhaps only his old friend, Albert, can produce it in the world.Especially this kind of material produced in the laboratory is expensive and difficult to produce. If you want to wait until you can make a suit of materials, you don't know how long you have to wait.

"Sir, it was approved by the chief executive, Mr. Obadestein, to conduct new energy experiments." Jarvis answered Tony's question meticulously.

"Obadi, Obadi is Obadi again! Recently I seem to hear this name countless times all day long, can you tell me what's going on?"

Tony broke out, and a series of unsatisfactory things made him irritable.He drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, bang the glass, and put it heavily on the bar counter.Then go back to your own laboratory, ready to re-modify your design.

"Sorry, Pep, I'm know, I have to concentrate on something, let me calm down, well, tell Opadry, I'd better rest at home for a few days, and tell him not to come Bother me."

When he reached the door, Tony turned around suddenly, startling Pep who was following him.Then, after explaining a bit embarrassedly, he walked into the studio on the next floor.

After standing still and watching Tony leave.

Pep raised his eyebrows, shook his head and pulled the corners of his mouth. After showing a wry smile, he picked up the file and left the villa.



Sitting in the studio for a while, Tony Stark always felt that something was wrong.

Why his company's arms are actually in the hands of those terrorists? He has never made such a decision.


But this is a fact, and he also experienced the power of his own products, well, it can only be said to be quite good, and now there are still a few fragments in his body, ready to kill him at all times.

But that's not the worst.

Picking up a glass of the green mush, Tony drank it down in one gulp.Enduring his strange smell, he swallowed it directly.

Now Tony drinks several cups of this thing every day, and the effect is not obvious.

The reactor in his chest didn't affect him completely. The radioactivity of the palladium element needed to support the operation of the reactor tortured his health all the time, so he needed to drink a lot of this plant juice every day to neutralize the radiation.

Tony has always believed that as long as he finds a replaceable element, he can completely solve this problem.

Tony, who still has many elements that have not been tested, believes that he will be able to find an element to replace it, so he is not concerned now.

"Sir, there is some news you might want to know." Jarvis' voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Tony's daze.

"Oh, let me see." After swallowing all the strange taste in his mouth, Tony said casually.

The monitor on the wall automatically turned on and played a piece of news.

"At about seven o'clock this morning, in the Stark Industrial Building in the central area of ​​Manhattan, a stranger suddenly appeared and attacked the attacker. Dozens of casualties!
It is said that the assailant once asked Stark's staff about the location of the company's top executive, Obadestein, so this should be a premeditated and targeted attack. The following screen is transferred to the chief of the New York Police Department Mr. George Stacy speaks..."

Tony was stunned to see the mess after the Stark Tower was ravaged in the picture.

"Why didn't anyone inform me, damn it, what are they trying to do! And who is that monster, and why did he bother my company? There must be something I don't know, damn it!"

Tony Stark, who was angry in his heart, had already realized that his rights had been emptied, and began to be vigilant violently in his heart.

Jarvis: "I don't know, sir. The images of the attackers have not been found, but the information obtained through the intrusion into the police system shows that the death toll is not just dozens of people, but 110 and nine people, all of whom are special forces. Serving soldiers in the army, I think the attacker must be very powerful, sir, you may need to strengthen security and vigilance measures."

"Okay, I'll strengthen it now."

Standing up, Tony opened the interface of the holographic image, glanced at the design just now, and saved it to his private database.Then a new interface was created.

On the basis of Mark II, the design has been slightly adjusted, and another aviation alloy has been chosen as the material for production, so as to solve the problem of high-altitude icing.

"Jarvis, how long will it take to finish?"

After the design was completed, Tony looked at the graphics on the whole body screen with satisfaction.

Jarvis: "About two hours, sir."

"Okay, then I'll take a shower first." Tony, who had been busy for a long time, handed over the work to Jarvis, prepared to relax, took a comfortable bath, and walked to the bedroom.

The internal parts are basically ready-made. Jarvis only needs to process the shell and a few key parts, and then assemble it, so it doesn't take too long. The efficiency of mechanical automation is very high, and it will be completed soon. A high-tech steel suit has been made, waiting for Tony's use.


Tony, who came out of the bathroom, gently smoothed his hair with his hands.


Stopping, Tony, who didn't hear the answer, called out again.


Tony groaned suddenly, and fell stiffly on the sofa beside him. The blue veins on half of his face were exposed, as if covered with little black snakes crawling around, which was hideous and terrifying.

A figure came out, holding a sonic generator the size of a lighter in his hand, and Obadai stood in front of Tony Stark with a smile.


 Thanks to 'Yi Nu Duan Shu', 'Qing Qian Xiao Yun', '☆Let Love § Follow the Wind☆' for their support!And thank you to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who encourage the author!
(End of this chapter)

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