Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 46 Accept (please recommend!)

Chapter 46 Accept (please recommend!)
"I will do as you say."

"Very well, I'm glad you made the right choice." Hearing the answer he wanted, Obaday looked at Albert with a smile, and said in a playful tone.

"Take him to our laboratory and tell him what to do," he ordered to the people around him.

Looking at Albert who slowly walked out of the office with a calm expression, Obaday nodded in his heart. In his opinion, Albert can still be saved, at least he will not commit suicide in a completely impossible situation. If Just now Albert went his own way again, ignoring his current situation.Then Obaday will never show mercy.

The old friends who fought the world together could betray themselves, let alone a mere Albert.

Thinking of these Obadai began to fall into anger, is there such a big gap between geniuses and ordinary people?The son of my old friend, a playboy who eats, drinks, plays, plays with women, and sleeps with starlets all day long, can make things in that kind of shabby broken cave. In such a large group, there is no one Can make it!
They can't even give themselves a model, even a theory, they are simply a bunch of stupid pigs, wasting huge funds for nothing, but they can only achieve negligible progress in such a long time.

If not, would he have persuaded Albert like this in his capacity?Totally impossible!He will only use various means to control Albert and let him work for him.In fact, if Albert had been very unyielding and fought to the end just now, then Obaday would not let him go softly.

"It's okay this time. Although Albert mainly studies nanotechnology, he is a genius just like Tony. He has unique insights and research on mechanics, energy, and magnetic fields. If it doesn't work, then we can only This is it..." Thinking about the next plan in his heart, Obadai stared at the front with cold eyes.



blah blah blah...

Escorted by many staff members, Albert walked through the long corridor and entered the elevator, along with the staff members who 'escorted' him.

Albert is very calm now, and there are endless waves hidden in the calm, just like the calm before the hurricane, it seems that once it erupts, it will destroy everything...including himself.

After everyone entered the elevator, Albert felt his body lighten, as if he was running downwards. After a short while, the elevator stopped.


After the elevator door opened, a huge space appeared in front of Albert.

This seems to be an underground base, and the tall roof is filled with fluorescent lamps, filling the entire space with light.The space was divided into several units. Following the guide, Albert noticed that they seemed to be making something like a robot. The finished materials were placed on the workbench and pieced together by the mechanical arm.

But there is one thing that Albert carefully observed. There is a circular space on the chest of these robots, as if some parts are missing, waiting to be installed.

"This is where you work, Dr. Wang. If you need anything, please let us know. We will serve you specially. This is the item information that you need to make this time. Be sure to complete the requirements of the supreme executive officer. I wish you good luck."

He was led by the guide to a door, and then gave Albert a document, and left here after explaining something.But the staff who followed did not leave, they all stood in a circle and looked at Albert as if they were waiting for arrangements.

Ignoring them, Albert pushed open the door and walked into the room.

His eyes swept around, flipped through the documents in his hand, and with a twitch of his mouth, a sneer appeared on Albert's face.Now he has a slightly clearer idea of ​​what Obaday wants.

"Come in, I'll start working right away. I need my laptop. There are data I want to use there. Bring it to me right away. You, it's you, start that machine, warm it up, I want to use it. Somebody go get me some fast food, are you trying to starve me to death?"

Loudly ordered these staff to perform their duties and let them move.

At this moment, Albert already had a plan in his mind.

As a senior talent with high IQ, high education, and high practical ability, Albert is very smart, and he can understand everything.After calming down a little, Albert used his rationality to analyze the collected information and the conversations and expressions of all the people he heard after meeting Obaday.

In the end, it was concluded that Jenny's death could not be a simple accident. They were lying, and it was very likely that Opadry caused her death. Even if he was not the murderer, he still had an inseparable relationship with this matter!
This conclusion was obtained after countless calculations in Albert's brain full of wisdom.There is at least an 80.00% possibility.

But why?

Obaday gave him the answer, and after combining everything he had observed before and the information they gave him, Albert came to a conclusion that Obaday wanted to hide his friend Tony and create a A weapon, a weapon such as a robot or a mecha, an epoch-making weapon.

But Obaday cannot succeed alone, he lacks one vital item, without which Obaday can do nothing, accomplish nothing, even if he is good at other things, and that is... ...the energy source that powers the core of this weapon!
With the current battery technology, it is impossible to support the energy consumption of this kind of robot. It will take more than ten hours of work to finish playing, and this is still in the case of carrying a large battery.And the information that the other party handed over to him is the key to solving this problem.

Thinking of this, Albert smiled. What could be more interesting than this? Obaday wanted to secretly control himself so that he could transfer the energy source he needed without telling Tony Stark. Made it, and yet he screwed it all up.

Now Obaday has given his hope to the person who hates him the most. If he doesn't give him some surprises, how can Albert be reconciled?

Now... is the time for him to prepare for revenge.



"Are you full?"

"Well, Emily is so full, the food here is really delicious, shall we come here to eat again next time, brother."

After Wang Yu and Emily came out of a big Chinese restaurant, they returned to the car.Hearing his sister's question, Wang Yu smiled.

"It's just that you are too hungry, so it tastes delicious. In fact, the food in this restaurant is just average. If Emily wants to eat Chinese food, can my brother prepare it for you in the future? The food made by my brother is better than this one." How many."

"Is that so, that's great, you can't forget it."

Hearing Wang Yu's words, the little girl screamed happily and jumped up from her seat excitedly.

Suddenly Emily saw her mother in the rearview mirror.

"Mom is also very hungry. Mom didn't eat in the morning. Let's take mom to the restaurant. I'll feed her, otherwise she will be very hungry. Emily was very hungry just now, and it was very uncomfortable. Woolen cloth."

Hearing his sister's words, Wang Yu couldn't help his eyes sore.I don't know how to answer is good.


 Thanks to 'God-level devil', 'The book that can't be eaten', 'A blade with the mountain', 'Coolpad God 12138', 'Longtu God', 'Fantasy Traveling Master', 'Book Friends 151007134334280', 'Hot Blood Evil Emperor', 'Luoxingyuechen', '11982130' for their support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Friends who encourage the author to bacterium!
  In fact, it's not that the author is deliberately trying to catch everyone's appetite. It's really that the author can post as much as he writes a day, and the author doesn't want to write hydrology.Now I am already working hard on the speed of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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