Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 45 Pain (please recommend!)

Chapter 45 Pain (please recommend!)
"You tell me!"

Albert ignored the palm stretched out in front of him, and stared blankly at Obady's eyes, "My! Of! Wife! Son! She! Now! Here! How! What! How!".

Without blinking his eyes, Albert tried his best to straighten his body, and said sonorously.

But in his heart, Albert seemed to have a premonition.

Perhaps the inexplicable connection between two people who love each other deeply, or the reason as a scientist, after analyzing the conversation between them, some kind of judgment obtained subconsciously.

There seemed to be twinkling lights in his eyes, and he asked Obaday pretending to be calm.

"No, no, impossible, maybe it means something else, don't" tremblingly waiting for Obady's answer, hoping that it must not be what he thought.

However, Murphy's Law seems to be very fond of Albert, and he likes to frequently show his disgusting wonders in this troubled family.

"Okay." Without a trace of embarrassment, Obadai withdrew his outstretched hand naturally. Obadai is a veteran of the mall who has experienced a lot of troubles. He showed a helpless expression, pulled the corner of his mouth, and his expression instantly became heavy and regretful. , very sincerely.

"I have to tell you the truth, please prepare yourself mentally.

In fact, this is not anyone's fault. It can only be said that this is a joke made by God. Maybe the old man takes good care of your wife and hopes that she can become his beautiful angel.

In the morning, when your wife was returning home, she accidentally fell down and hit the back of her head on the edge of the table. There was no heartbeat at that time. Unfortunately, your wife has been confirmed dead. "

When Obadi said something, Albert's eyes dimmed a bit, and when he heard the result, Albert had already fallen into a state of trance.

He could only hear the thunderous rumbling words in his ears, as if they were constantly echoing;
Confirmed death
Confirmed death
Confirmed death
Confirmed death
Confirmed death
As if sentenced to death by fate.Albert felt powerless in an instant, bent down and sat on the ground, slowly raised his hands, the pain was scratched on his face, and the memory in his brain was flipped out.

The first time I saw her was at the entrance ceremony, I liked her confident smile.
The first time I struck up a conversation, I mustered my courage and looked silly at the time
She was surprised when she confessed, she will never forget that romantic night
In her work, she will always support herself behind her back, even if sometimes, she has to spend the night alone... Then she comes to help herself as an assistant.

At the wedding, wearing a wedding dress under the spotlight, the moment when the rings were exchanged, my heart was filled with excitement and love. How much Albert wished that time would stay at that moment.

Every time he recalled a picture, Albert felt as if his heart had been stabbed. After a picture flashed by, his heart was riddled with holes, bloody, and full of dead silence, as if all the beautiful past Everything ends at this moment.

"Please be sorry, we are old friends, aren't we? Listen to my advice. The past always has to pass, and looking to the future is the right choice. Promise me, you can get everything you want, don't you always want Increase funds? As long as you help me, then this will not be a problem, presumably your project will be promoted with such a large amount of funds, and with your ingenuity, you can definitely get what you want."

To judge others by himself, Opadry does not pay too much attention to these emotional matters. As a business leader, public figure, and capitalist who has experienced countless twists and turns
Now only things like wealth, power, and fame can move his heart. After having these other things, there is nothing that cannot be obtained.

Obaday believes that Albert can turn this corner, because this is the truth proved by his countless experiences. Feelings are just the condiments used to spice up life in spare time, and they are not fatal things. Capital That's the most important thing, and he should thank himself for being able to help him get these.

"I...just wife to live! What is more important to me than her? No, she is my life..."

After hearing Obaday's words, Albert felt his heart beating again, but this time, the driving force behind its beating was no longer love and beautiful beliefs, but pain and revenge...

"Tell me... how she died. I don't believe it was just an accident. No matter what, someone has to pay for it." Albert put down his hands, raised his head slowly, looked at Obaday and asked .

"Why is everyone so naive, am I crazy or the world is changing too fast? I don't know it anymore. I have good intentions and give such a high condition. He doesn't seem to even listen, and ask me this stupid He is really a smart idiot, only smart in research, and really hopeless in other aspects.”

Seeing his appearance, Obaday was already so angry that he wanted to slap him. He felt that what he said just now was regarded as fart, and he would not enter at all. If the researchers under him hadn't told him, only Albert may have a solution. If he could solve the key problem of the micro-reactor, Obaday would have let him go as far as he could.

"Don't be stupid! Albert, wake up from those stupid and childish thoughts, Jennifer is dead, understand? Accidents happen every day, and countless people die due to accidents every day. Why do you Can't accept the reality? I..."

After talking for a long time without receiving a response, Obaday stopped persuading him. After noticing Albert's firm gaze, he understood that no matter what he said, it would be a waste of words, and it was impossible to make this elm head wake up. Come here, let him change his mind, and simply stop persuading him.

"Well, it seems that you helped me choose my other plan, which is also my least favorite. In fact, Albert, who we could cooperate with originally, I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it.

I remember that you seem to have two children, right? Let me think about it, oh yes, a boy and a girl, what a happy family. "

Looking at the stubborn Albert, Obaday opened his mouth and revealed a cold sneer.




"Brother, where are we going now? Where's Dad?"

Emily felt very puzzled at this moment, didn't her brother say that she would go to the hospital to find her father?Why did he come back alone, and now he is driving again, and he doesn't know where to go.It made her feel a little scared, which was the fear of the unknown.

"Father is not in the hospital, so he may have left first. My brother will take you to look for it now. Don't be afraid, sister. Are you hungry? How about we go get something to eat first?" Wang Yu suddenly remembered that the two of them had been together for a whole day. I didn't eat anything, so I asked Emily.

"Well, Emily is already very hungry, and she hasn't dared to tell her brother for fear of disturbing you."

Hearing her brother's question, Emily covered her belly and said obediently with her head lowered.


 Thanks to 'Look who wets the bed', 'A knife with the mountain', and 'What is growing up' for their rewards!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!And brothers and sisters who support and encourage the author!

  If the author writes the second update, the update will be added. Now because of the relationship with work (no weekends off), I can only use code words during off-duty time, so the update is a bit small, but the author is also working hard to make himself faster. , and has achieved some results.

(End of this chapter)

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