Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 42 Father's Whereabouts (Please recommend!)

Chapter 42 Father's Whereabouts (Please recommend!)
Facing his sister's words, Wang Yu, who was still feeling sad because he failed to revive his mother, couldn't help feeling a little confused.

yes.Where can I go?

Originally, Wang Yu planned to take action directly to retaliate against Stark for his "favor" to his family, but...he still has a younger sister who needs to be taken care of by himself. Although her mother has not been fully revived, she is like a vegetable, even her body cannot be taken care of. Just leave it here.

"Emily, do you know? In fact, there is something that my brother has not told you."

Wang Yu suppressed the sadness in his heart, got out of the car and returned to the room with his sister, and said to Emily with a forced smile on his face.

"Huh? So what does brother have to tell Emily?"

With an innocent face, Emily wiped away the tears shed in the room because of fear, and waited for Wang Yu's answer.

"Emily, don't you know, actually... my brother is actually a magician, just like the wizards and magicians who have magical powers in the stories you read. Now if my brother wants to use magic, he will take his mother with him. Emily found Dad together, and then we went to another place and lived for a while.

Mom is just falling asleep now, and it will take some time to wake up. When Emily is sleeping with mom, please stay with mom, okay? "

Wang Yu looked into his younger sister's eyes, and told the story with a serious expression, with a smile on his face, hoping to make his younger sister relax and not be too nervous.

Wang Yu didn't want Emily to really know what happened just now. If she knew that her mother had just died once, God knows how sad this delicate little girl would be. Wang Yu couldn't imagine.

So I chose to make up a lie, and the vital signs of my mother's body have returned to normal, so that I can provide proof for my words, and should be able to convince Emily that what he said is true.

find father!It was what Wang Yu was thinking now.

Something happened to the mother, and nothing else could happen to the father.

Wang Yu has no clue about all these things now.

But if he finds his father, then he will be able to let Wang Yu clearly know the whole story, so that Wang Yu can understand what all this is for.

Revenge on Stark is possible at any time, but for Wang Yu, between revenge and the safety of his family, Wang Yu absolutely chose the latter without any hesitation.

"A magician? Is it the kind of magician who can fulfill people's wishes? But since my brother is so powerful, why didn't he let my mother wake up." Emily looked at Wang Yu suspiciously.

Seeing his sister's disbelief, Wang Yu smiled wryly.

"Magicians are not omnipotent. Although they can achieve many things that ordinary people cannot achieve, there are some things that magicians have to find a way to do. Believe me, Emily, my brother will definitely find a way to wake up my mother , our family will return to how it was before.”

When Wang Yu said seriously, his younger sister Emily was taken aback for a while, not knowing if it was true or not.

Although I have read a lot of story books, some of the above stories have very magical things happening, but after growing up, Emily vaguely understands some things. What happened in those stories may not be true.Because she has never seen what happened in it, it has appeared in reality.

The Alberts have done a good job in educating their children, allowing them to grow up happily. If you told them that those fairy tales are all lies and non-existence at a very young age, then this child will never be born. , it is unlikely to have a happy childhood.

After all, fairy tales are a part of children's growth, and they cannot be destroyed from children's lives so bluntly.

"Look, how about I show you magic? Then you should believe it."

While speaking, Wang Yu used the power of the armor on his body to fly up.

"Wow!" Emily opened her mouth in disbelief.There was a very surprised look on his face, he was dumbfounded, and he showed a very pitiful little appearance.

"Brother, you are really flying! My God, it's really magic."

It took a long time for Emily to realize, covered her mouth in disbelief, and spoke softly in a childish voice.

"Of course, my brother will become an adult in a while, and then we will drive to find Dad, how about it?"

Seeing that his sister finally understood what he said, Wang Yu fell from the sky and told her what he was going to do in a while.

After comforting his sister for a while, Wang Yu started the car that had just been put in the garage.

It was parked on the side of the road, the car that my mother drove back, Wang Yu put it in a shrink bag before no one saw it, took it back and put it in the garage.

After a while, Wang Yu returned to the room again, carried his mother's body to the garage, put it on the back seat of the car, and put some quilts under it to make it more comfortable, and covered her body with the sheets he found. After blocking it, he told his sister to sit in the co-pilot's seat again, then started the car, opened the garage door and left the already empty home.

In the world of adventures, Wang Yu has learned to drive a long time ago. For Wang Yu, who has super learning ability, this is not a difficult task.

Of course, in the Marvel world, Wang Yu does not have a driver's license, which is a problem, a mage, such a small problem is actually not difficult to solve.

In the sound of his sister screaming again, Wang Yu used the transformation magic to transform into his own appearance in the previous life. After comforting his sister again, Wang Yu told her that this was just a small magic, don't worry about changing back after a while.

In the past, Emily, who had seen Wang Yu's miraculousness and was already somewhat immune, reluctantly agreed with Wang Yu's words, and stopped saying that Wang Yu was transformed from a monster.

The search for his father did not go well.

When Wang Yu and Emily drove to the laboratory where their father worked, they found that there was no one there. Father Albert was not here, and no one could tell them what happened.

In the end, Wang Yu found clues in his mother's mobile phone and found the number of a nearby hospital.After dialing, Wang Yu knew the location of the hospital, and Wang Yu hurriedly drove again to the hospital where his father was.

Wang Yu looked cold on the road.

The most unwanted thing happened. Even before they had an accident, his father might have had an accident. The person who answered the phone was just an operator, so Wang Yu didn't get the information he wanted to know from him.

Now Wang Yu feels really terrible, he doesn't know anything, he doesn't understand anything, and he is a time traveler, damn it!
The hand holding the face plate became stronger and stronger, and Wang Yu's thoughts became chaotic.


Bang! ! ...

When Wang Yu was in a daze, he didn't notice that the light ahead turned into a red light, and he directly hit the side of a private car that was driving normally.

When Wang Yu came back to his senses, there was no rush!Wang Yu had no choice but to temporarily use the power of the inscription to protect his younger sister and mother while stepping on the brakes. As for himself, Wang Yu, who owns the divine armor, didn't think that the car accident would do anything to him. Only the two of them were protected.

Then there was a violent impact, and the car vibrated and deformed non-stop, making a loud noise.


 Thanks to "Light Sky", 'Red Sheath Knife', 'God-level Devil', 'Yu Fengф' for their rewards!Thank you for your support!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Make friends with readers who encourage authors!
  The author will not keep this speed, the author will try to improve his speed!It won't be long.

(End of this chapter)

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