Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 41 Past (Please recommend!)

Chapter 41 Past (Please recommend!)
Time went back to two hours before Wang Yu left Marvel World.

The house Wang Yu lives in is near the Stark Industrial Park. This area is full of family members who work for the Stark Group, or people who are related to Stark.There are complete living measures and various shops here to provide better services to these people.

Neighbors all gathered on their own lawn from afar, watching what happened at Wang Yu's house.

After rows of vehicles arrived, everyone began to discuss.

"Look, isn't that the director of the nanomaterial development experiment, Mr. Albert's house? What happened?" The person who spoke seemed to be familiar with Wang Yu's house.

"I don't know, these people came here before noon, broke into the door directly, and didn't do anything like shout out."

"I remember they had two small children at home and it would scare them, these people are so rude!"

"Then... shall we call the police?"

"Call the police? Forget it, it's none of our business. They are the security personnel of the Stark Group. I don't want to piss them off."

"Then let them do what they want? Invading people's homes? It's just too... oh look, it's like something's going on inside."

"It's a little girl, she slipped out the back door."

"It was Albert's daughter, I remember her, probably his brother told her to leave the house first."

"I think it should be like this. That boy Daniel has been different since he was a child. He thinks like an adult. He is not naive at all. Can intelligence be inherited? I really don't know what he thinks in his little head."

"Huh? Little girl, why did she go back again?"

"I don't know, maybe I went back to find her brother, hey! You see, that kid Daniel came out of the small window in the basement. I knew there was nothing that could stop him."

"He seems to have heard something, maybe his sister called him in the house."

"He went back to the house, too."

"I can't see it now, everyone is in the house, man, what do you think happened?"

"Who knows, it's none of our business. How about our two families going to BBQ together on weekends? It's been a long time since we went."

"That's right, no problem."...



Stark Group Chief Executive Office

Obadie scolded angrily.He stared sharply at Director Manson, who was completely gone at this time, and who had just been at Wang Yu's home with arrogance.

"What did I ask you to do? I just asked you to take back the company's property, and you killed me. It's so ironic. My men will never be able to do what I want. The things I explained, the Middle East is also the same, and you are here too!
I just want to force Albert and the others to admit defeat to me, well now, you killed his wife, then you! ...can you go make me nanomaterials!ah! !You idiots who have done more than fail, your thinking is extremely naive, can't you use your poor brains with little capacity to think about it, since the BOSS has given you a task, then go and do things according to my requirements. ? "

Obaday felt terribly angry.

Nothing made him feel more depressed now than this.

It is a trivial matter that a human life occurs, and the Stark Group's lawyer team can completely handle this matter, and they have their own connections, as long as they use a little, insignificant benefit.

But this result has completely ruined his plan.

Albert's nanomaterials are indispensable in his plan, especially his own plan in the Middle East failed.Thinking of this, Obadai's mind was a headache again. His plan was perfect, but those who carried it out would always give themselves some surprises.

It is clear that one bullet can complete what he explained, but those people who are stupid by eating sand in the desert don't follow the routine that was agreed in advance.He just dragged people into his lair to help them make weapons!
Make weapons, let's make weapons, but they can't even do this well.

Their own base with hundreds of weapons personnel and weapons and ammunition everywhere was overthrown by a seriously injured patient whose body was full of shrapnel.Even when they saw him with bare hands, they still supplied him with weapons. In the end, he, a dying person, created a super-era robot in a broken cave, and wiped out all of them.

Obaday felt that there was nothing more ironic than this. No one would ever be able to carry out what he explained.

It seems that this matter has to be done by yourself, otherwise these people can't do anything.

Obaday pinched the center of his brow and rubbed it to relieve his depression.Signaled Manson to disappear from sight.

When Manson backed out and closed the door,

Obadai raised his head and looked at the air indifferently.

"The materials that Albert handed in, there were still some leftovers that should be enough for planning, and they are part of my usual supply.

Although the thinking is naive, I have to say that the role of these scientific researchers and geniuses is really amazing. I thought I had used up the value of that playboy and the rest was not important, but I didn't expect to give myself Such a big surprise came. "

Obaday's heart burned when he thought of the fragments recovered from the Middle East afterwards.

He has a hunch that this will have a fatal impact on the future arms market, and the defense systems of all countries will have to be rewritten for this.

It can change the mode of warfare, combat theory, tactics and strategy, and a series of other things will all be changed by this new weapon.

"Albert's matter is secondary now, I need to gather all the researchers, restore the surprise that Tony this kid gave me, and upgrade it by the way.

It's his luck that he didn't let him see his father this time, as long as this thing is finished, then no one can stop me, there are many opportunities to deal with this playboy, and there is no rush. "

Obaday pressed the internal telephone;
"Is the staff here? Well, I'll be right there."

"No one can stop me!"



in the car

"Brother, where are we going? Mom, why hasn't she woke up yet?"

Emily was carrying her small backpack, holding her teddy bear tightly in her arms, and asked Wang Yu who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Just now, after returning to her own house, Emily looked at the evacuated house and was a little scared. She could only hug the teddy bear and squat obediently in the corner, her mind was messed up and flustered.The longer you spend in an empty room, the more lonely and fearful you feel.

"Emily! You come out."

Just when Emily was feeling scared, Wang Yu's voice came over.


 Thanks to 'Flowers Falling in the Rain', 'Poison Scorpion Zhiguang', and 'Son of Darkness:' for their rewards!Thank you for those who voted!And readers and friends who support the author!

(End of this chapter)

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