Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 383 Undead Monster (please subscribe!)

Chapter 383 Undead Monster (please subscribe!)
During the time when the street lights were not on at dusk, the light in the city seemed very weak, but a police officer who was evacuating the citizens still saw a young man running towards the warning area at a glance.

"Back! Back! Don't go there! There are monsters there! Get out of here, go back to your home or a safe place!"

"Don't you recognize me, I'm Barry Allen."

When the young man came nearby, the police officer recognized him as a trace investigator from the bureau.

"Aren't you injured! When did you wake up?"

The police officers were relieved to see that it was their own person, and did not expel Barry again.

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

Da da da da
Boom boom boom.
boom! !

Fierce gunfire continued to come from the direction of the park, and the sound was still moving outwards, it seemed that the battlefield was about to shift to the street.

"What's going on here, what the hell are you fighting with? How's Joe? He's all right?"

After finally meeting a police officer on the scene, Barry wanted to know the situation.

"I don't know, when I came here, it was all attracted citizens, as if they thought there was some kind of performance here.

I have been ordered to evacuate all citizens going forward, if you want to know something, you have to go to the front line to find out. "

After looking around and seeing that everyone was returning, the police officer started walking towards the police car.

"The task here seems to have been completed, I have to go to the front to join the battle, how about it, are you going?

Oh, and if you're not in good health, forget about it. "

As he said that, the police officer took the lead and got into the driver's seat, and checked his armed belt.

"Of course, I'm fully recovered physically and I'm a police officer, so I'm not going to back down."

Upon hearing this, Barry sat directly in the co-pilot.

"Did you take the guy?"

hum!After starting the car with a click, he glanced at Barry with a smile, the policeman said.And with a slight movement of his chin, he gestured behind him.


Barry turned around and looked, good guy, there are several police firearms in the back row, as well as offensive grenades, shock bombs, bullets and other consumable items.

"I've thought about this for a long time!"

Although he is also a police officer, Barry Allen, who can be assigned to civilian staff, has rarely been able to touch these firearms. Now it seems that he can finally enjoy the gun addiction.

Barry, who wisely knew that his marksmanship was not very good, inserted a pistol into the armed belt he had just strapped on, and decisively touched a large-caliber police shotgun.

And turned around in the box containing the buckshot, took a lot of buckshot on his body just in case.

At the last moment, I couldn't help but take a few more grenades and hang them on my body instead of the shock bombs. After all, I heard that the enemy is some kind of monster and not human, so there is no need to worry about the opponent's life.

The car stopped quickly, not because they had already arrived at the scene, but because Barry and the two saw several police officers lying on the ground in front of them, motionless.

A bad premonition appeared in the hearts of the two of them, especially when Barry saw Joe's partner Eddie Thorne, covering his abdomen with a bright red hand.

After stopping the car, the two rushed up immediately, and Barry rushed directly in front of Eddie Thorne.

"Thorn! Thorne! How are you, wake up, wake up!"

Feeling the slap on the face, Thorne, who seemed to be still breathing, really opened his eyes.

"Alan, why are you here, where are the others, ah!!"

Just as he was about to move, a sharp pain suddenly spread from his abdomen to his mind, making Eddie Thorne feel as painful as his body being torn apart.

Barry looked down and saw that Thorn was pressing a piece of gauze that had been dyed scarlet red and started to turn black in Thorne's hand. God knows how bad the wound was pressed underneath!
Resisting the pain, Thorne panted heavily, and said with difficulty:

"Those monsters can't be killed, bullets are useless to them! Huh, get out of here, run! Inform the National Guard, ah, the sheriff, ah!! They lead those monsters out of the city, they I can hardly hold on any longer, those damned monsters! Hoo hoo."

Speaking of this, Thorne's face was already sweating, his pale lips parted tremblingly, but he couldn't say a word.

The massive blood loss made him very weak, and the pain from the wound tortured his nerves all the time. Now he is holding on with one breath, and he may die at any time.

"How am I going to save you, damn it, I don't have any tools now, I, oh, wait a minute, there should be a first aid kit in the police car, there should be emergency morphine injections in it, yes, there must be, you must hold on!"

Speaking of this, Barry suddenly realized that he turned around and rushed towards the police car, but he didn't notice that the time around him had changed. In Thorne's eyes, after Barry put himself down, he disappeared instantly and appeared in the police car like a lightning ray Suddenly, the items in the police car began to move at an inhuman speed.

"It seems that I am really going to die, and I have begun to hallucinate."

Thorn, whose expression was suddenly blank, blinked, then turned his eyes to the sky with enlightened eyes.

The sunset has completely set at this time, and the stars all over the sky reveal their beautiful figures after the sun has passed away, looking vast and mysterious.

"What a nice view."

"I found it! There is also a booster, you have to hold on and don't sleep!!"

A rushing voice broke the calm.

After finding the medicine, he rushed back quickly and injected the injection into Thorne's body.

At this time, the police officer who had checked the surroundings came back, "My God, what kind of monsters are rampant! They are all dead, and there is no one alive. What a tragedy! You found their bodies A survivor?"

The police officer turned around from the other side of the unrecognizable flower garden, and rushed over after seeing Barry injecting the people on the ground.

"He was seriously injured, but he is still alive. He needs a doctor, and he must be treated immediately!" Barry said with an ugly expression after lifting a corner of the gauze.

"Did he say something just now? Shouldn't we be dealing with some wild animals? How could so many people die? Could it be that aliens are fighting us? Why did things become like this!"

The expression on his face was very sad. Many of the corpses he saw just now were people he was familiar with, but now they were thrown on the ground one after another, and some of them were torn into several pieces. The tragedy was simply indescribable.

"Get Thorne into the car first, he told me just now, the sheriff asked to notify the National Guard immediately, the firepower of the police station can no longer suppress those monsters, Thorne said that those monster bullets can't kill them at all!"

As he spoke, Barry began to talk to the stunned police officer, and carefully carried Thorne into the police car without touching the wound as much as possible. Then Barry asked the police to take Thorne to the hospital, while he got out of the car and went to the police car. Run in the direction of the gunshots.

Seeing Thorn in the back row who had fallen into a blur, the police officer slapped the steering wheel hard, turned the car around and sped towards the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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