Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 382 Saving Barry Allen and Saving the Future (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 382 Saving Barry Allen and Saving the Future (Please Subscribe!)
Just when Wells was thinking about what to use to sharpen Barry to become a real Flash, Barry had already left the interstellar laboratory, and couldn't wait to see the little sister he had been secretly in love with.

Almost without thinking, the old horse walked to the coffee shop where Iris worked. The two had a tacit understanding since they were young, and their eyes and hearts intertwined with each other.

Excited, joyful, and unbelievable expressions appeared on Iris's face, and Iris almost pounced on her, exclaiming happily.

"My God, you're awake!"

Looking carefully at every detail of Barry's body, Iris's emotions were almost uncontrollable.

For Barry Allen, who has been with him since he was a child, Iris has the same affection for his younger brother. This may be another sustenance for Iris and Barry Allen's lack of maternal love since childhood. The relationship between the two has always been very good. .

"Why didn't Interstellar Lab call me in advance, your legs can walk? How do you feel now? I saw your heart stopped beating, that's true!"

"I just woke up, yes, don't worry, I'm fine Iris, I'm healthy now"

After seeing Barry wake up, Iris decided to ask for leave, and the two went to the police station together, planning to tell the good news to their former guardian, Joe West.

drop.! ! !

All of a sudden, a car horn honking suddenly startled Barry, and the world in Barry's eyes suddenly changed strangely.

He could clearly see every detail of a person on a mobile phone suddenly crossing the road not far in front of the car, who was frightened after hearing the car horn.

Sudden tightening movements, flustered eyes, subconsciously stopped footsteps, subconsciously contracted nerves, and with a flick of the fingers, the mobile phone next to the ear suddenly broke free and fell forward.

Looking around, time seems to be extremely slow.

In Barry's eyes, the movement of all objects seems to be slowing down at a speed many times slower than that of a snail.

Suddenly, the image in the eyeliner flashed, everything around him returned to normal, and there was a lot of traffic.

Barry turned his head and looked at the guy crossing the road again, only to see that the mobile phone in his hand had dropped on the road in front of him, and was directly run over by the front and rear tires of the car that arrived later, and it was already shattered into pieces. The car drove away long ago, without any intention of stopping.

Seeing that nothing happened, Barry withdrew his gaze, feeling a little dazed.

"What's going on, did you have hallucinations just now, or some kind of sequelae?"

Barry couldn't figure out what he saw just now. Since he woke up, there seemed to be some changes in his body, but after thinking about it, he didn't find anything wrong.

After hearing the sound, Alice, who was walking, glanced at the source of the sound and quickly understood what happened. He felt lucky that the guy who lost his mobile phone was not hit by a car.

"what happened?"

When he suddenly felt that Barry stopped, Iris asked inexplicably.

"It's okay, let's go."

After hearing Iris' voice, Barry came back to his senses and smiled.

Soon, the two came to the Central City Police Station. However, they did not find Joe. Instead, they were told that Joe and his partner Eddie were sent to the police to investigate the public and report that there was a monster murder case.

"Oh, bad luck."

The two people who were in a hurry to surprise Joe were immediately disappointed when they heard the answer from the police station.

But just as the two were about to say hello to the rest of the police station, everyone started to move hastily.

"Quick, quick! All field workers bring guns and ammunition, and call the nearby National Guard immediately! We are in big trouble!"

The door of the sheriff's room was flung open, and the sheriff stepped out and began to shout orders.

"What's the matter, sir?"

The sheriff turned his head and saw Barry Allen, "When did you wake up? Forget it, it's urgent now, something happened to Joe.

The monster, described in residents' alerts, has now been identified.

But no one present could tell what kind of beast it was.Now these monsters are destroying everywhere in the city, and there have been casualties. I must mobilize all the police forces in the police station. If you are healthy, I hope you can return to work as soon as possible."

After giving the order, while explaining the incident to Barry, the sheriff quickly took the bulletproof vest and pistol, and finally ordered Barry to leave the police station with everyone. Immediately, many police cars began to rush to the scene of the incident. .

"There's something wrong with Joe!"

After hearing this sentence, Barry felt anxious immediately, but when he was about to rush over, he suddenly felt something was wrong with his body.

"God, I hope nothing happens to them."

It was the first time I saw such a big fight in the police station, especially when I heard the sheriff say something happened to Joe, I felt panicked.

"Are you OK?"

Iris, who heard no movement around him, turned around, noticed the unnaturalness on Barry's body, and asked with concern.

"No, it's okay. I want to go out and get some air. I'll contact you later, okay?"

As he said that, Barry, who felt more and more wrong in his body, quickly left the police station without waiting for Iris to answer, leaving behind Iris who didn't know why, and looked at his back in confusion.

"My body, what's going on, what's wrong with me!"

Everything around him began to change, and the movement of all objects began to be fast and slow, and there seemed to be a certain feeling in his body, which was constantly connecting with himself.

Buzz buzz! ! !

With normal vision, Barry watched in amazement at his trembling left hand, as if he had hit a mosaic with his left hand. Suddenly, an incomparable shock and panic descended on Barry's heart!
"This is definitely not an illusion!"

Wells was in the interstellar laboratory at this time, waiting for Barry Allen, who was eager to see his family, to rush back.He had already calculated Barry's discomfort after the speed force suddenly became a speeder, and he would definitely return to the interstellar laboratory to ask himself and find a way to solve the abnormality on his body.

He knows his future enemy too well, Barry Allen's thoughts and character that appear weak after being disturbed and attacked.

But just when Wells was in his room, waiting comfortably for Barry to throw himself into the net, and thinking about the first whetstone.

After inadvertently scanning a news page that popped up on the computer, his expression suddenly changed.

"What the hell is this!"

Quickly clicked on the window, and a series of live photos were pulled down.

When he saw the list of injured personnel on the text below, Wilston suddenly felt that something was wrong, because he saw that Joe West's list was on the list!
"No, this is too bad, what kind of monster is that! Oh, why is FU here, hell!"

The sharp-eyed Wells immediately spotted an inconspicuous corner of the news picture, which was Barry Allen's face!
"He hasn't received training yet, and now he is no different from an ordinary person, so we can't just let him take risks like this! What to do! Damn it!"

Thinking of this, Wells couldn't wait any longer, and began to control his wheelchair to rush to the secret room in the corridor, preparing to pass through the battle suit and become a speedster to protect Barry secretly.

Although Barry has become a speedster now, he has not yet received guidance, and he will not be a real Flash in the future.

Although the speed force in my body has partially recovered due to the appearance of Barry, if there is still no Flash in the future newspaper in terms of artificial intelligence, my future will still disappear!
Anxious and burning, Wells desperately used the wheelchair to move around continuously, and finally entered the secret room without any danger.

In less than a second, a yellow light that was almost invisible to the naked eye flashed and disappeared in the interstellar laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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