Chapter 136 Three Great Squads
Lu Fei, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon, this time I will take back everything I lost.

Xu Hua was in a good mood. After the last contest with Lu Fei, he was under a lot of pressure both in terms of popularity and the company.

This made him yearn for today's game. For him, this is the only chance to regain his dignity and glory.

The massive loss of popularity and the company's blame made him have a strong hatred for Lu Fei.

Regarding the last defeat, although the company did not make him pay the corresponding price, Xu Hua felt that the more this happened, the more he would be sorry for the company.

Then he shifted his gaze to Li Yun. Li Yun's gaze from the audience also looked at the stage, but he didn't stay on him for a moment, so Xu Hua's mood fell to the bottom.

If Li Yun didn't dare to look at her, or if she avoided looking at her, Xu Hua would have the courage to start all over again.

But this kind of gaze is as calm as water, and it is normal, there is not even much emotional change, it is completely looking at a stranger.

Xu Hua knew that he and Li Yun could never go back together. This beautiful and outstanding woman was once within his reach, but now he is out of reach.

Li Yun really let go of Xu Hua. Back then, she didn't realize that she had been cheated. She used to think that Xu Hua was her rightful man.

Xu Hua used to have too much aura. He was an excellent man with both strength and emotional intelligence.

In the eyes of most people, he is a male god who has a good harvest in both love and career, and has luck that ordinary people can't match.

For quite a long time, Li Yun felt that she might be with this man in front of her for the rest of her life and become the envied Mrs. Xu.

After all, you will wake up from the dream. Sometimes you think it is a beautiful dream and you don't want to wake up, but in the end you find that it is just a nightmare in a gorgeous coat.

It's so scary that whenever I think of sleeping, I will tremble, and when I mention my feelings, I will cry unconsciously.

Thinking of this, Li Yun unconsciously glanced at Lu Fei beside him. It was thanks to him that she could quickly get out of the relationship.

At the beginning, I just gave him a place to sleep, but he saved his life.

They are also men, Xu Hua and Lu Fei, one is a demon armed with justice, and the other is an angel in ordinary clothes.

It would be great if he appeared in my life earlier. If you had radiated your own light earlier, how could I fall in love with Xu Hua, and how could I lose so embarrassingly.

Li Yun looked at Lu Fei's profile and then at the equally handsome Xu Hua. They were both excellent men who could be chosen in case, but they were far from each other.

"Sister Yun, are you okay?"

Lu Fei discovered Li Yun's abnormality, and he knew it was because of Xu Hua.

Li Yun turned her head away and said calmly, "I'm fine."

"Now let's invite the second royal family team."

"Fuck, royal family?"

"Do you really want to play in the professional league?"

"Wow, I saw Brother Coquettish, he is my favorite professional gamer."

"Sister Yun, how strong is this Royal Family team?" Lu Fei looked at the enthusiasm of the fans, no less than the KT team.

"Royal clan team, one of the four major teams, the captain Pingtou brother, is that person."

Lu Fei saw that it was a tall and thin man with an unattractive appearance.

A flat head looks energetic and energetic.

The one with red hair is called Duke, the one on the left is called Ga (ga) Zhen (zhen), and the one on the right is called Brother Feng Sao.

Brother Pingtou, interesting, this reminds Lu Fei of the overlord of the prairie, Brother Pingtou, who is either fighting or on the way to fight, not to mention that this is in line with the essence of the game of peace.

Then another team came up.

"I'll go, it's the Three S team."

"My God, another ace team."

"Half awake is so handsome."

"I just like the way he can't wake up."

"There are also big trees. Big trees are textbooks for licking dogs."

"This All-Star ticket is worth it. I met so many big shots."

Li Yun looked at Lu Fei, and found that the latter was still in a daze, and took the initiative to explain: "San S team, the full name is SSS, one of the four major teams in Haishi, the captain is half awake. Xu Hua was combined and called the Three Gods of Peace."

"Didn't you say that Xu Hua was the only existence who broke through the three-star killer?" Lu Fei couldn't understand why there were so many killer stars suddenly.

Although the Scarlet Witch is a three-star killer, her score is not as high as Xu Hua's, and she is cold and arrogant, and her reputation for strength is far less than her beautiful appearance.

Lu Fei was speechless, and really echoed the old saying "Obviously you can rely on appearance, but you must rely on strength."

"Half Awakening is a three-star killer who just appeared recently, and his popularity is not as good as Xu Hua, so many people think that Xu Hua is the only one in the peace elite three-star killer."

Lu Fei nodded.

Li Yun continued: "So far, Xu Hua still holds the record for the highest score among three-star killers, but it doesn't make much sense now, after all, he is now a five-star killer, and his strength is not the same."

Now all four Haishi teams have arrived. To be precise, three teams have arrived. Only Scarlet Witch is here from the Avengers team, and the other three teammates are not present.

This made Lu Fei a little confused. Now that there are three of the four major teams in Haishi, it means that the specification of this game has undergone a qualitative change.

In this case, you can maximize your exposure and make your team popular quickly.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei understood that an old team like the Avengers doesn't need such an occasion at all. Now the four major teams are well-known in Haishi and even the whole country.

Like the KT team, which has won three national championships, it has long been famous.

Looking around, she saw the Scarlet Witch lazily leaning on the seat. The appearance of the three ace teams did not surprise her.

Lu Fei had to admit that in this aspect, she was very similar to Xiaoya.

"Now let's continue to invite the dream team and the FM team."

Xiaomeng and Su Yu took their team members and walked up to the stage.

"The captain of the Avengers team, Scarlet Witch, is invited to come on stage."

The Scarlet Witch put away her lazy sitting posture, wearing a neutral dress on her body, there was an indescribably weird feeling.

She has the gentleness and intellectual beauty that a woman should have, as well as the arrogance and arrogance that is unique to a boy.

Just such a woman, the moment she came on stage, almost caught the attention of all the men, even the half-awake who had been in a half-asleep state, her eyes lit up a bit.

"Lu Fei."

"Huh?" Lu Fei looked back at Xiaorou.

Xiao Rou sweetly smiled and said, "I'm just calling you, so you won't be lost just like them."

Lu Fei couldn't help laughing. He really didn't care too much about the Scarlet Witch. It is imperative to figure out the purpose of the KT team's trip.

Seeing Wang Minghao, Li Xing and the others almost straightened their eyes. Lu Fei not only smiled wryly, but this man and woman are actually like that.

 Today, I added two characters given by book friends, one named Ga Zhen and the other named Liu Mingshu. I tried my best to shape them. The two professional players expressed a lot of pressure.Ha ha!
(End of this chapter)

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