Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 135 The Gaze from the Big Brother

Chapter 135 The Gaze from the Big Brother

Wang Minghao almost lost his temper.

Are you a waste?

"Today is April Fool's Day, right?"

"Definitely is."

Wang Minghao comforted himself while encouraging himself.

"Lu Fei, can Ming Hao embrace the beauty?"

Li Xing looked at the situation opposite and asked weakly.

"I don't know about this either!" Lu Fei didn't understand the basic direction of his relationship. In the vigorous love between him and Xiaoya, it was Xiaoya who took the absolute initiative.

To what extent did he take the initiative? Until Xiaoya confessed to him, he was still in a dazed state, thinking that Xiaoya was trying to make him happy.

This is actually not Lu Fei's fault, Xiaoya is a very good and extremely calm girl.

Xiaoya in the game, no matter what situation she encounters, how difficult the situation is, she still treats it with a normal mind.

Sometimes even Lu Fei wonders why Xiaoya's mental quality is so good?

Although in terms of games, Xiaoya may not be as successful as Lu Fei, but in terms of love or heart, Xiaoya is an out-and-out big sister, and Lu Fei will always be the one who is taken care of.

"That guy Minghao hasn't been kicked back so far, I think it's probably settled." Deng Cong analyzed.

Everyone agrees with Deng Cong's point of view. For a boss like Wang Minghao who has his own bugs, many girls will be obsessed with him because of his look. As long as you are a woman, no matter how hard-hearted you are, you can't compare to Wang Minghao. The idol halo.

It's just that they don't know that Wang Minghao's self-esteem has been severely damaged at this time.

Wang Minghao adjusted his mentality, and said without losing his demeanor: "Actually, there are many things in this world that are more meaningful than games."

The Scarlet Witch smiled lightly and said, "Actually, there are many things in this world that are more interesting than love."

Seeing that Wang Minghao was silent, she went on to say: "My world game is everything, and your world's women may be everything. This means that we are not on the same road, understand?"

"I agree with your point of view, but don't deny my point of view. One day, I will let you know that love is an indispensable part of your life."

Wang Minghao got up and left his seat.

"Even if I need love, my love is not you." The Scarlet Witch whispered, as if she was telling Wang Minghao or herself.

"How is it? The room number has been set?" Deng Cong had a bad expression.

Yiyi Xiaoyan and the others next to her looked repulsive. Do men treat love like this, thinking about it with their lower body at every turn.

Li Yun, on the other hand, appears to be much plainer. She is the oldest among the group of people, and she is more able to accept feelings.

Xiaorou sat next to Lu Fei quietly. Seeing that Lu Fei didn't discuss this topic with them too much, she was somewhat happy. The man she liked was not a big pig's hooves. This kind of wooden feeling was very similar. True love, she loves it.

"I asked for a hammer's room number, but I was rejected." Wang Minghao sat down decadently at the side.

"Fuck, am I blind? You were rejected? Is this world crazy?" Li Xing asked in disbelief.

Seeing Wang Minghao's heavy heart, Lu Fei and the others comforted him a few words.

"Don't worry, after a long time, it's good to understand. At that time, you will find that she still belongs to someone else." Feng Peng comforted.

Wang Minghao's negative emotions +1
"Hey, I want to be a little brother. Although I failed today, I will definitely fail tomorrow. If you fail a few more times, you will find that you are used to failure." Li Xing said with a look of compassion.

"You scumbags, how do you talk? Minghao is very sad and sad now. Aren't you adding fuel to the fire?" Deng Cong said angrily.

Zhuan turned his head to look at Wang Minghao and said: "Don't listen to them, love is like this, the more you care about it, the less you can get it. Believe in yourself, if you sort out your mood, you will find that you still have no chance."

Everyone laughed.

This originally particularly embarrassing atmosphere was disturbed by a few thick-skinned but shameless guys.

Men are like this, comforting people will not be as straightforward as women. Sometimes a few simple jokes seem to add fuel to the fire, but they often have immediate results.

Things like emotional intelligence are invisible, but they do exist. The most precious thing that God bestows on human beings in terms of love may be so different.

Women's sixth sense, men's high EQ.

But sometimes when it comes to love, a man acts alone and seems to be a helpless lone wolf in front of a woman. In fact, it is not the case. When a group of lone wolves form a group, they are just a group of lovers who like women.

"Now let's play the second match, ace against ace."

People reacted more.

"Ace vs. Ace? What the hell?"

"It won't be another awesome professional team, right?"

The audience speculated that this competition was hosted by Dongfeng Company, and no one knew how many professional teams it invited.

Of course Lu Fei didn't know either.

"Let us invite you, KT, a strong professional team from Miaoya, to play."

As soon as the commentator finished speaking, the fans below started a heated discussion.

"Team KT? The leader of the four major teams, I'm a big fan!"

"The KT team, which has won the national championship for three consecutive years, is unable to compete in the championship game."

Lu Fei was surprised that at this juncture, Dongfeng actually invited the KT team under Miaoya. He had to admire the generosity of the two companies for such an exchange when the relationship between the two companies was so different.

Now the whole Hai City and even the whole country know that Lu Fei slapped Meow Ya in the face on behalf of Dongfeng.

"Sister Yun, what does your dad mean? Why did you invite the KT team?"

Li Yun understood what Lu Fei meant. Now the two companies are in a state of tit-for-tat. If there is any mistake, the previous efforts may be in vain.

"I don't know either. I only know that the party taking the initiative this time is Miaoya Company. Although the All-Star Game is hosted by our family, its participants can apply to participate as long as they meet the standards."

Lu Fei nodded, games have no borders, he understands this.

But thinking about it, he still felt something was wrong. Now that the media was focusing on it, Lu Fei felt that it must not be that simple for Miao Ya to participate in this star game with such a big fanfare.

Lu Fei looked at the members of the KT team under the spotlight, he basically knew them all.

The sniper's skeleton, one of the three golden flowers, Wangyoucao, Dionysus, and Xu Hua, who was recently defeated.

At this time Xu Hua was looking at him, what surprised Lu Fei was that he didn't see anger in Xu Hua's eyes, he looked very calm, as if the previous confrontation had never happened at all.

Lu Fei did not avoid Xu Hua's gaze at all. The two eyes met, and the strong confidence emanating from Lu Fei made everyone around Lu Fei tremble.

The KT members on the stage naturally felt Xu Hua's strong momentum. Seeing the two real bosses looking at each other, this doubled the pressure on the bones and others on the side.

This is the stare from the boss in the legend.

 These chapters are a bit tiring to write, and as a lone wolf, it means that women really don’t know how to write about their thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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