Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 63 Hiruza Sarutobi, feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain

Chapter 63 Hiruza Sarutobi, feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain!
"Sarutobi Hiruzen, now the evidence is solid! What else do you have to say?"

"What else do you want to deny?" The furious villagers and ninjas broke into the school, attacked Hiru Sarutobi, and started an interrogation!

From their eyes, mouths, and expressions, Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not feel the slightest respect, only boundless abuse and spat.

This cold gaze made him feel chilled and even despaired.This Konoha shouldn't be like this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi closed his eyes in pain, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him was real!

If it is a dream, please wake up quickly!

However, the reality is so cruel, the villagers who greeted him were full of hatred.

"Say it!"

"Do you dare to do it or not to admit it?"

"Say, did you do the human experiment?!"

"The Senshou Clan, the Uzumaki Clan, and Hatake Sakumo, did you force them to death?"

One by one, rotten eggs, rotten vegetables, and some excrement were thrown towards Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face without mercy.

Sarutobi Hiruza subconsciously blocked it with Chakra.

But what greeted him was boundless ridicule.

"You Sarutobi Hiruzen, you still know how to lose face!?"

"Since you know you want face, why do you do such a thing?"

Facing the questions from the villagers and ninjas, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't speak.

He hated himself for being too late for losing the opportunity, and even more hated Danzo for leaking Konoha's secret.

"Come on, stop them!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi closed his eyes in pain, he knew that in the face of these furious villagers, it was useless for him to say anything.

All in vain.

He understands that it takes two to three months to build a bamboo rat nest in a shed, but it takes two to three days to dismantle it.

Just like the prestige he has established, it only takes one word from Danzo to erase all his achievements.

Because, the one who knows Sarutobi Hiruzen best is Shimura Danzo!
Danzo must have exposed all the dirty things he has done over the years.

It doesn't need to be true, only one out of ten is required, and the villagers think the other nine are true.

Itachi Uchiha wore an Anbu mask and followed Anbu to maintain order, while letting go of a few crazy people without a trace, giving them a chance to humiliate, attack, and insult Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Let him also taste the violence of language!
Think of their Uchiha clan, who have worked hard to maintain law and order for Konoha for so many years.

Are there still few who are insulted?
Now it's just treating the person in the same way as the person.

After all, don't persuade others to be kind without the suffering of others!

Even Nagato knows that only by feeling pain can we understand pain!
So Sarutobi Hiruzen, feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain!

Only if you understand the pain of Uchiha and Hatake Sakumo, will you understand the horror of gossip, cyber violence and trolls!
Tianzang also panicked at this moment, he didn't understand, he just used a wooden escape, and he was a little confused to make the villagers and ninjas hate the third generation so much.

"You guys are making a mistake!"

"It's Orochimaru and Danzo-sama doing the human experiments!"

"It's nothing to do with the third generation!" Tianzang built fences with wooden traps to block the furious crowd, and at the same time he opened his mouth to defend Sarutobi Hiruzen loudly.

"Shut up! We are standing up for you now, you are still speaking for the enemy, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Or have you been limped by Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

"Do you dare to say that the human experiment on the cells between the pillars was not initiated by Hiruzaru Sarutobi?"

"Now that the incident happened, I want to find someone to take over for your immediate boss, right?"

"I bother!"

"As the shadow of Konoha, he cannot escape the blame! Human experiments on the cells in the Hashirata have been going around for decades. Counting from when Tsunade-sama was a child to now, how many people have died in the past few decades? One innocent life, how many wronged souls have been produced?! Is it just like this? Impossible!"

"Without the protection of Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the concealment, do you think this experiment can be done?"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, are you still a human? Doesn't your conscience hurt? Didn't you know how to use monkeys, mice and other biological substitutes before the human experiment was successful? Why do you want to use humans? Did you do it on purpose?"

Hearing these words of abuse, Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a deep breath, tried his best to restrain his anger and disappointment, and kept shouting in his heart, don't force me, don't force me!
"Hey, do you close your eyes and think we have nothing to do with you?
Do you think you can't see those wronged souls with your eyes closed?
It's useless, as long as you live, these ghosts will haunt you!Even if you hide in the pure land, it's useless!

"Oh, do you still want to kill me now, drag me to Anbu for interrogation, and then charge me with a trumped-up charge?"

"Let me tell you, as long as you dare to swear with your soul, use chakra seals, and say that the human experiment on the interstitial cells has nothing to do with you, I will immediately kowtow to admit my mistake and kill myself on the spot! But the question is, do you dare?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, he didn't dare, because he was the one who did it.

"Hehe, don't you dare? Coward! I'm bah!"

"No, you are an ape. You are a beast. To say that people still overestimate you. You are like your surname! Pooh!"

"It's not as good as a beast!"

Hearing this sentence, Hiruzaru Sarutobi opened his eyes and stared at the man with murderous intent, he finally couldn't help it.He wanted to kill this person on the spot to vent his hatred!

He has never been so aggrieved since he was a child!
You forced me!
The less knowledgeable a person is, the more he possesses a strange courage and a strange sense of pride, because the less knowledgeable, the more absolute what you believe, and you have never heard the opposite view .

The more uneducated you are, the more you will use your own narrow malice to speculate on other people's lives.

If you can't make a mistake, make a mistake.

Therefore, if you want to become a god-destroyer, you don't need a threshold.

You don't need to be literate, it all depends on your mouth.

You don't need to have the consciousness of independent thinking, all rely on loud shouting.

This is the horror of trolls!
For them, there will be a special pleasure deep in their hearts to pull down those who used to be high above them!
When others are having a bad time, they are happy!

It's a pity that the reputation of a good person is tarnished by these naked malice!

Some people can't even roll over until they die.

Like Sakumo Hatake!

Will those who scolded him back then regret it?

I don't think so.

Once it is discovered that the hero will also fall into the well, the person who throws the stone is extra brave, and the crowd will be extraordinarily crowded.

The spectators don't care what you do, they just stare at your "mistakes".Once found out, I can't wait to tell everyone, I can't wait to drown you with saliva.

They don't think they are wrong at all, they are only busy looking for the next prey, such as Uchiha in the past, such as Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen today!
"People's words are awesome, but real words are awesome! Danzang, I have to say, you won this time."

"But don't forget."

"I am the shadow of Konoha!"

"Everything I do is for Konoha!"

"Why do I need to explain to you?"

"Leave merits and demerits to future generations to judge! If I say I am right, I am right!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi ordered to Uchiha Itachi and Tenzo's subordinates: "Tenzo, suppress these troublemakers for me!"

"Extreme means are used in extraordinary times!"

"Take down the root of the leader, and the ninja!
"If you resist, kill me on the spot!"

"I'll see who dares to take the lead in messing up Konoha!"

"Let's see who is with the rebels!"

"I see who dares to act as the thief's pawn! Work for him!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said directly.

Danzo, do you really think that with these people, I can be caught without a fight?
Do you really think I, Hiru Sarutobi, can't lift a sword?

"This..." Tianzang hesitated.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you have the ability, you dare to touch me, try!" A root said arrogantly.

"It's really disrespectful to bump into Hokage-sama! You should be killed!" Uchiha Itachi made a move, and the samurai sword behind his back was drawn, and blood overflowed!

The root of the lead, in an instant, the corpse is separated!
Try and die!

Konoha's villagers and commoner ninjas were stunned, they didn't expect Anbu to really dare to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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