Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 62 Kakashi: I'm just treating him in the same way.

Chapter 62 Kakashi: I'm just treating him in the same way.

On the way to the Anbu base, Kakashi was in a trance when he saw the villagers protesting violently on the street.

He couldn't believe it, he was the one who did these things.

He just put up a few big-character posters, and used illusion to control a few people to send out a few press releases. He didn't expect this to happen.

Just as Itachi said, there is a black spot on a piece of white paper, and everyone pays attention to the black spot on the white paper, and it is impossible to pay attention to other white places.

Obviously white occupies the majority, why does everyone only see black dots?
Don't they see this blank sheet of paper?
No, it's just because everyone's eyes are focused on the black spot and attracted by him, so the black spot will become bigger and bigger in their hearts.

Just like the third generation at this moment, he perfected the education system of the ninja school, taught Sannin, and cultivated a large number of talents.

However, there was a stain on his body, the human experiment on interstitial cells, and this stain was enough to ruin his life.

No matter how he justifies, the villagers will not believe it.

Just like his father, Konoha Baiya, he has done countless missions in his life, and his strength is not only superior to Sannin, but also Konoha has made contributions, shed blood, and killed the enemy Ninja Village. It is also called Konoha's white fangs.

But when such a respected hero sneaked into the enemy's camp to perform a secret mission, he was forced to make a dilemma: carry out the mission or save his companions.

According to the regulations, it is strictly forbidden to give up the mission, but my father gave up the mission to save the lives of his companions. The companions in the village blamed him for the loss of the village, and finally even the companions he rescued began to blame him.

Heartbroken and frustrated, the father was forced to commit suicide.

At that time, Kakashi didn't understand why his father behaved like this.

But now he understands.

All the mouths melt the gold and destroy the bones.

His father had done countless missions in his life, but only this time he failed.

It's like a blot on a piece of white paper.

His reputation is ruined.

Because in the hearts of the villagers, Hatake Sakumo is such a perfect person, how could there be black spots on such a good piece of white paper?
This must be fake.

So they cannot accept it.

They are keen to create gods, and they are more willing to destroy gods.

It doesn't matter whether you are a hero or not, and what contribution you have made.As long as you make something they don't want to accept, subvert your unsuspected cognition, and violate your prejudiced position.
That will ruin you.

The standard of a hero is not what he contributes to his field of expertise, but what the hero does, free from his own harsh fantasies.

"You are a hero. How can you take the lead in violating the rules? What do your admirers think of you? How can you set an example for others?"

This sentence is quite chilling.

Your hundreds of successes are worth one failure.

Another example is Danzo, he has done so many wrong things in the dark, and many things are beyond description.

But unfortunately, he did it well this time, so a white dot appeared on his black paper. At this time, many people would ignore his blackness, and even these people would be surprised that there were white dots on such a black paper, so His mistakes were ignored.

This is the inferiority of human beings.

Kakashi felt sad for Sarutobi Hiruzen, sad for his father, and even more sad for Konoha.

However, sorrow is sorrow, the third generation will still step down, and Danzo will still die.

Because Itachi told him that his father, Konoha Baiya, as a shadow-level powerhouse and Konoha's elite, accepted all S-level tasks.

For S-level missions, only Naruto, as well as Naruto's assistant and two consultants can know the specific missions.

But unfortunately, after the mission failed, the details of his father's execution of the mission were known to everyone in Konohaden. If no one leaked the secret and someone pushed behind him, he wouldn't believe Uchiha Itachi even if he killed him.

Hearing what Itachi said, Kakashi also reacted.

That's right, the mission was issued by Hokage, and if the mission leaked, shouldn't he be held responsible?Is it not responsible for the people his father saved?Why is it aimed at his father?Just because he led the team?
Another doubtful point is that Itachi said that since it is sneaking into the enemy's camp, of course, the fewer people there are, the safer it is, and the greater the chance of success, and Hatake Sakumo can complete this task alone, but why did he not Ye executives just want to arrange a few oil bottles to follow Hatake Sakumo?
As we all know, Hatake Sakumo is strong in one-on-one, and a chakra dagger is invincible. He can fight alone, but he has to give up the mission for a few trash because he can't bear it.

What's even more ridiculous in the end is that not only are these trash not grateful, but they bite back and slander directly. If no one instigates or pushes them behind, Uchiha Itachi won't believe it.

After Itachi mentioned this point, Kakashi understood even if he was stupid.

Obviously, this mission was premeditated, and the purpose was to stain his father Sakumo Hatake's political career with an indelible stain.

Then why did that man deliberately destroy his father Konoha Baiya?

Uchiha Itachi said again, one reason may be that Konoha Hakuba's skill is so high that Hiruza Sarutobi wanted to suppress it, so he didn't do anything, let gossip run rampant without blocking it.

The other is that Danzo wants to ascend to the position of Hokage, and Konoha Baiya is a stumbling block to his progress, so he tries to destroy it.

His father, Konoha Baiya, was proud and arrogant, and it was because he discovered the filth of the high-level officials, coupled with the death of the important minister, that the minister had to die, since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been in a dilemma, so the disheartened Hatake Sakumo chose to commit suicide.

Therefore, as Itachi said, whether it is Sandai or Danzo, it is inseparable from his father's death.

The revenge of killing the father is irreconcilable, whether it is Sarutobi Hiruzen who does nothing, or Danzo who promotes it behind the scenes, they are all to blame.

If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be an orphan!

They slandered their father, slandered Uchiha's debt, and wanted to pay it back!
What I'm doing with Itachi now is just treating him in the same way as he did.

So, I was right, it was them who were wrong!The whole world is wrong!
Looking at Kakashi, who is full of resentment and killing intent, has been completely blackened, Uchiha Shisui hiding in the dark:

When did Itachi's mouth become so powerful?

Is it true that, as Itachi said, his other gods and Itachi's Zuidun have successfully evolved into an illusion, Zuidun, and other gods?
It seems that it was a correct decision to give my eyes to Itachi and let him take my eyes to appreciate the changes in the ninja world!

Then, next, it is necessary to add fire to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

For Konoha, for Uchiha, I, Uchiha Shisui, would not regret dying!

Uchiha Shisui opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and continued to cast illusions on the crowd of demonstrators!
Check your eyes and meet the right person!
Those who accidentally saw Zhishui's eyes in the crowd fell under his illusion!
At this moment, in the eyes of the villagers and ninjas, the people who died in the human experiment and the Nine-Tails Rebellion are their relatives, and they want revenge!

Those crazy eyes, devouring eyes, and excited expression seemed to have the hatred of killing his father, taking his wife, and killing his son with Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and they were inseparable!

I can't wait to eat his flesh, drink his blood, cram his tendons, chop up Hitoru Sarutobi and throw his bones into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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