Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 37 This prosperous world is as you wish!

Chapter 37 This prosperous world is as you wish!
However, Hiruza Sarutobi didn't even know how to enjoy it, so he turned a good deck of cards into a bad one!

The first ninja world war was fought by the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, and it was the second generation Senju Tomona who led Konoha to defeat the Shikoku, deterring the ninja world, causing the disadvantaged Shikoku to flee back to their respective ninja villages.

Even if Jinyinjiao rebelled later, as the second-generation shadow guard, he not only failed to play the role of guard, but also made the second generation the queen, causing the second generation to be surrounded and beaten to death.

But fortunately, he managed to escape back after paddling in the audience, and inherited the position of Hokage.

In the second Ninja World War, "Konoha White Fang" Hatake Sakumo beheaded Scorpio's parents, and it was through Kato Break, the death of Nawaki.Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru persisted so hard that Sanshoyu Hanzo bestowed them the title of Megatron Ninja World, which is really humiliating Konoha Sannin, in exchange for peace.

Also this time, he still paddled all over the court and did not participate in any battles.

In the third Ninja World War, it was Matt Dai who turned the seven ninja swords into three people, and it was the yellow flash Namikaze Minato who led the young Kakashi to destroy the Kannabi Bridge. The peace that was bought after waiting for others to gain fame.

He also paddled all over the court.

Looking back on the three Ninja World Wars, Hiruzaru Sarutobi understood that Konoha's heyday was just a fictionalized heyday that he boasted about.

To put it nicely, it means planning a strategy and winning thousands of miles away. To put it badly, it means coveting life and fearing death, lingering on one's last breath.

Even if he was enjoying it, he still played with Konoha alive.

The Senju Clan is gone, the Uzumaki Clan is gone, the Uchiha Clan is almost gone, and the Hyuga Clan is slowly losing their hearts. If this continues, he will be Konoha’s eternal sinner!

"Danzo. Orochimaru." Hiruzaru Sarutobi closed his eyes in pain, he wanted to die like a hero, instead of dying of illness or old age.

"Then, let me be like a ninja, dignified, and truly die in battle!"

"Just let me be brave once, and go to the battlefield again, this is my last dignity as a ninja!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi opened his eyes.

"Unfortunately, he can't do it after all. It's easy to create a god, but it's even easier to destroy a god. If you make a mistake, it's a mistake and you can't change it!"

"If an apology is useful, why do we need the Konoha Police Department?"

Uchiha Itachi said to Kakashi.

All mouths make gold, and a hundred mouths cannot argue!
The ancients said: people's words are terrible, which means that three people become tigers.

Group public opinion can always influence the will of individuals, and no one can avoid it.

When everyone says the same thing, no becomes yes, which is impossible to argue and irresistible.

This is the characteristic of human beings.

Sandai and Danzo have done so many wrong things, Naruto has suffered so many grievances, and even forced the glass-hearted Sakumo Hatake to commit suicide, can this be forgotten?

So we can only increase our efforts to let Danzo and Sandai feel the anger of the people!
Feel the power of public opinion.

Let them feel the pain that Naruto and Hatake Sakumo felt!
The performance of the three generations at the press conference, the press conference, they thought they were perfect, they thought they were perfect, they thought this matter was over.

He thought he had maintained Konoha's image, but he underestimated the hearts of the people and the focus of the villagers' attention. At the same time, he also made the villagers of Konoha feel chilled.

Right and wrong, feel free.

The anger and anger in the hearts of the crowd dispersed by Anbu could not be appeased by anyone.

The mountains and rains are about to come and the wind is all over the building. Behind the seemingly calm, how many moments of pain and despair are hidden?

"That's right, in the end it's the officials who protect each other." Someone said disappointedly.

"Yeah, as long as Master Danzang comes out and says something to prove his innocence, wouldn't he be willing?"

"Just let us see if his eyes are Sharingan, and if his arms are interstitial cells, can't you agree to such a simple request?" Someone burst into tears.

"So many people died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and the human experimentation was so outrageous, so forget it?
Hehe, he said it nicely, saying arrest, arrest, but in these years, I haven't seen any Anbu, and I haven't seen any ninja accept the task of hunting down Orochimaru! "

"What's even more ridiculous is that Naruto lives in our Konoha. Others don't understand what happened to him, but don't people in our own village understand?"

"Officials and officials protect each other, there is no way to redress grievances, the ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and those who break the law get away with it!"

"Seeing what the three generations said today, I was so angry that I was shaking all over, my whole body was sweating and my hands and feet were cold on a hot day, can Konoha get better?
Children of us small families and ordinary people, how should we live to be satisfied?
Tears flowed down unsatisfactorily. This village is full of oppression against our low-level people. When will we really stand up. "

"Heaven, earth! The first generation of adults, the second generation of adults, open your eyes and see, this prosperous age is as you wish! This is the successor you have chosen!" Someone wailed in grief on the Konoha Memorial Monument cry.

"You said that children will never be sent to the battlefield again!"

"But take a look! Under the rule of the third generation, Uchiha Itachi went to the battlefield at the age of four, and your descendant, the only seedling Nashu of the Senju clan, died in the second Ninja World War at the age of 12! "

"Hirizan Sarutobi said one thing and did another. If you look at the other ninjas in the village, which battle did not take the lead? It is the same three generations, but the third generation of Raikage single-handedly defeated ten thousand ninjas and fought After three days and three nights, he died of exhaustion.

Look at him Sarutobi Hiruzen, sending a group of children to the battlefield, but hiding in the village for the elderly! "

"My child, 10 years old, went to the battlefield at only 10 years old!

During World War II, Konoha's ninjas in the Land of the Rain suffered heavy casualties, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Only Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade were humiliated by Sanshoyu Hanzo and given the title of Konoha Sannin. "

"Samshoyu Hanzo has earned the title of demigod for real, but Hiruza Sarutobi, a person who hides in the village and dare not fight, let his disciples fight, but shamelessly let a group of flatterers under him flatter him Became a Doctor of Ninjutsu, the strongest Hokage.

He actually leisurely agreed and accepted it! "

"The most ridiculous thing is that the hero of our Konoha Village, Konoha Hakuba Hatake Sakumo, with a short knife, killed the sand ninja village with fear, broke out the great reputation of our Konoha, and made other villages talk about it. , do you know his final ending?
But because of his great achievements, he was killed by this group of people who squatted in the village and dared not go out to fight, greedy for life and afraid of death! "

"The fourth generation of Namikaze Minato, at a young age, broke out the reputation of the yellow flash, swept the battlefield invincible, and even let other villages issue orders to give up the task immediately when encountering the yellow flash of Konoha during the execution of the task, without any investigation. the right to responsibility.

"But such a hero died in the end to protect the village by using ghouls to seal Nine Tails."

"But Danzo, who is a high-ranking member of Konoha, watched helplessly and ordered the root to not support!"

"Hahaha! Second-generation adults, take a good look, this is your disciple!"

"What's even more tragic is that Naruto Uzumaki, a child of the fourth generation of heroes and a yellow flash, was persecuted by Danzo and the third generation, under the persecution of Danzang and the third generation, he was ridiculed, had no food, no warm clothes, not only lived in an orphanage since he was a child, but also suffered Unfair treatment, even the family property left by the fourth generation was confiscated!"

"It's nothing. The saddest thing is that the heroes who died in the third ninja war, after their death, their property was taken back to the village, and their children were sent to orphanages. Even basic food and clothing guarantees nothing."

"If it weren't for the new patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi, who donated [-] million today, these children might starve to death!"

"Hahaha, this is what your disciples, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo said about the prosperous age!"

The people in Konoha also felt sympathy when they heard this mournful cry.

Those who hear it are sad and those who hear it cry.

People in Anbu also felt extremely sad when they saw this.

Is this the Konoha they guard so hard?
This prosperous world is as you wish, why do you feel more harsh the more you listen to it?

What the three generations of adults and Danzo-sama have done is really chilling!

(End of this chapter)

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