Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 36 Hiruza Sarutobi: It seems that I am really old (recommended tickets please!)

Chapter 36 Hiruza Sarutobi: It seems that I am really old (recommended tickets please!)
"This reporter, it's not convenient for me to answer your question, but I can remind you, first go and learn about our Konoha history.

As we all know, since the establishment of the village, Konoha has always implemented one village, two systems.

The Konoha Police Department established by the second generation of Hokage, Senju Feima, has always been served by people from the Uchiha clan. They are mainly responsible for maintaining the law and order of the village.

This not only expresses the trust of the Second Hokage in Uchiha, but also fully demonstrates the good qualities of the Uchiha clan who are strict with themselves and lenient to others.

As for why the Uchiha clan carried out self-examination and self-correction activities, you have to ask Minister Uchiha Fuyue of the Konoha Police Department. "Hirizhan Sarutobi said softly.

"As for saying Itachi is a puppet that we supported to control the Uchiha clan, that's even more nonsense."

"A child as good as Itachi, do you think he will be at our mercy? Even if he agrees, the Uchiha clan will not agree. We pet him, and it is too late to train him. How can we control him?"

"Okay, today's interview ends here.

I have business to attend to.

As for the Nine-Tails Rebellion and the human experimentation, I, as Hokage, have a duty to do so, and I will definitely give an explanation to the dead compatriots and the dead villagers. "

"I put my words down here, no matter who the murderer is, we Konoha will definitely not let him go!"

"It's a man, we have to bring him back from the ends of the earth. If it's an individual organization or a village that wants to sow discord, then they must be prepared to bear our Konoha's wrath."

"Here, on behalf of Konoha, I would like to say to these people with ulterior motives, I am not old yet, and I can still lift a sword. If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

"Just trying, you will die!" When Sarutobi Hiruzen said, he gave the Fire Nation reporter a cold look.

The Fire Nation reporter shuddered and lowered his head guiltily.

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi returned to the office, he slammed the table hard, and it collapsed. The table was torn apart, and the Anbu fell silent. This was the first time Hiruzaru Sarutobi had been so angry since he had been in charge of Hokage for decades. , made such a big fire.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a gloomy face, today's interview was like being led by the nose by the people behind the scenes!

He hated the feeling of being out of control.

"Have you found it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly.

"I found some news." Anbu swallowed and said.

"Say!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes turned cold.

"Today's news, reports, and big-character posters all have aristocrats behind the scenes.

According to the information sent back and found by the spies hidden around the nobles of the Daming Mansion and Anbu, there were two mysterious people in the middle of the night yesterday, deliberately leaked information to several newspapers, and used illusion to control a group of street gangsters and underground organizations .That's it after that," Anbu replied weakly.

"Heh, mysterious person, illusion?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi sneered.

"Does the Daming House know about this?" Hiruzen Sarutobi said, he thought of the reporter who suddenly launched an attack in the Land of Fire today, it must not be a coincidence, it must have been premeditated.

"The daimyo knows, but it's just a laissez-faire attitude. Maybe for the daimyo, this matter is an internal matter of our Konoha, and he doesn't pay much attention to it."

"About the Twelve Guardians of the Daming Mansion." Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked.

"According to the news from the daimyofu spies, some of the twelve soldiers who were close to Konoha died a while ago. It is said that these people died of civil strife, not of assassination or mission, but... there is no way to verify.

However, according to the information sent back before their death, some members of the Twelve think that Hokage is unnecessary, and believe that the real power of the ninja should be in the hands of the daimyo of the land of fire." Speaking of this, Anbu broke into a cold sweat: "It is said that the daimyo now We are planning to recruit a few more elite Jōnin from the ninja world to serve as guards in the Guardian Twelve, presumably to guard against us Konoha. "

"This is just gossip and rumors. We, Konoha, leave the Budamyo Prefecture, and the Daming Prefecture cannot do without Konoha. One country, one village, this is the rule set by the first generation of the Ninja God.

It's impossible for a daimyo not to understand the principle of dead lips and cold teeth.

There are always some people with ulterior motives who want to drive a wedge between Konoha and the Daming Mansion, which is simply unreasonable! Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped the table: "Give me an order. Konoha is forbidden to spread privately and talk about the news about the Daming Mansion. If there is any, it will be severely punished!" "

"Of order!" Anbu quickly responded, and when he came out, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, his back was completely wet, and he almost thought he couldn't get out.

Shortly after Anbe left, Sarutobi Asma came to Hokage's office, and then seemed to have a conflict with the third generation. There was a fierce quarrel inside, and then left angrily.

Hokage Hiruzawa Sarutobi sighed as he looked at Asma's leaving back through the window from upstairs.

Then he flipped through the official document.

Then, as if he remembered something, he looked at the mission report that Uchiha Itachi gave him this morning.

"Konoha Police Department, self-examination and self-correction."

"Self-examination and self-correction are the entry points for the investigation and correction of problems, including carrying out ideological and political work, deepening warning education, expanding the scope of clue collection, and strictly punishing members who violate discipline and law who refuse to confess their problems."

"There are laws to abide by, laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strictly enforced, and violations must be investigated"

"If you don't find out the problem, you can't pass the test. If you talk about it early, you will take the initiative, and if you don't talk about it, you will be passive."

"Konoha Police Department should take the lead in examining the problem, dare to take the knife on itself, and lead the subordinates to conduct self-examination and self-correction."

"Self-inspection is lenient, and investigation is stricter. Those who are self-inspected can be dealt with lightly; those who are investigated should be dealt with strictly according to discipline and law."

"If there is a case, it will not be established, if it is suppressed, it will not be investigated, and if it is found guilty, it will not be prosecuted. All these moths will be fired!"

"Scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair justice, and law-abiding by all people."

"We must focus on strengthening external promotion, really open the door, open the door, let the villagers participate, let the villagers supervise, sincerely ask the villagers to judge, and resolutely prevent formalities and going through the motions. Only by convincing people with virtue can we change the image of our Uchiha clan."

"Is this the new leadership team of the Konoha Police Department? Dare to start from yourself and see that Uchiha Fugaku wants to pave the way for Itachi!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed.

"Fuyue will do the evil, and Fuyue will carry the notoriety. Itachi just needs to enjoy the results."

"As long as you make a start, no one will dare to violate it later."

"I don't know about the Uchiha clan, how many heads lost last night!"

"Hey, it looks like I'm really old." Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat paralyzed on the chair, as if he had aged decades, like an old man who was dying.

For some reason, he read this report as if Uchiha Itachi had written it to him on purpose to stimulate him.

Now Hiruzaru Sarutobi can be said to be upset and irritable, he doesn't even have the heart to approve official documents and handle official affairs.

He felt that every word written in the self-examination and self-correction report of the Uchiha clan was like cutting his flesh.

At first glance, I don’t know the meaning of the text, but after reading it, I already see the meaning of the text.

If he could be as ruthless as Fugaku Uchiha, less indecisive, looking forward and backward, the Senju Clan would not perish, the Uzumaki Clan would not perish the village and the country, and Bai Fang and Nichiza would not have to commit suicide.

Orochimaru dare not restart human experiments, Danzo will not be so rampant, Konoha will not become what it is now, and Shisui will not be forced to die tragically. Tsunade will not be lost and leave the village, and neither will Zirai. I will be away all year round and will not return, and Minato will take over the power in a stable manner
But now, only Tsunade is left in the Senju Clan, the Uzumaki Clan is even more fading, and the Hyuga Clan and Uchiha Clan have gaps with Konoha.
Although outsiders praised him as the Hokage who held the highest power in the Fire Country for the longest time in the history of ninja world, he was also the longest-lived Hokage.

But only he understood that it was just the people below trying to curry favor with him, and he was just a peach eater.

His fate is so good that the first and second generations have already done everything they need to do, and left him a luxurious family fortune. He only needs to be responsible for one thing: enjoyment, and that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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