Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 198 Immortal of the Six Paths: I want to destroy Mount Miaomu and Hama Wan!

Chapter 198 Immortal of the Six Paths: I want to destroy Mount Miaomu and Hama Wan!

"Instigated by Otsuki Ichishiki, these unsuspecting common people, nobles, and daimyo launched an attack on the homeland where Otsuki Kaguya is located."

"All of a sudden, the earth, which has been in chaos for many years, once again set off a raging war!"

"Otsutsuki Ichishiki, who was hiding in the dark, was ecstatic to see this scene."

"He didn't expect people on Earth to be so stupid, so easily bewitched!"

"The loss of life and the nourishment of blood means that the sacred tree will bear new fruits."

"As long as he swallows a chakra fruit, he will not only return to the peak."

"Even Otsutsuki Kaguya will not be his opponent!"

"At that time, the whole earth will be reduced to his big tree-like seedbed! Like vegetables, let him harvest!"

"In order to avoid Otsutsuki Kaguya's suspicion and to discover the fact that he is not dead, under the control of Otsutsuki Ichishiki, the wars between other countries and the country of the motherland have won and lost, and they are anxious in a strange state."

"Every day, innocent people are reduced to the souls of the sword, and become corpses.

"Countless families of wives and children are separated every day!"

"If someone is interested in investigating, they will find that every time the population reaches a certain level, several countries on the earth will start a war again!"

"A war means death, and death means the loss of life."

"Under the nourishment of blood, the chakra fruit is slowly growing"

"And all of this is in Otsutsuki's plan."

Hearing what Long Aotian said, the people in the ninja world couldn't help cursing and spraying wildly, and bullets flew up one after another.

"MD, why are these people so stupid?"

"Don't you know it's a conspiracy?"

"I'm sorry, they really don't know, because the nobles and daimyo have been controlled, and the people at the bottom are just war machines under the control of Otsuki Ichishiki!"

"Their sacrifices are only to satisfy the nobles and daimyo's ambition to rule the world!!"

"As everyone knows, it is this ambition that was fooled by Otsutsuki!"

"They are just hard-working employees in the vegetable garden of Datongmu!"

"I'm really anxious to death!"

"Why didn't the Goddess of Mao not find out?"

"Don't panic upstairs!"

"Since the ninja world is still fine! That proves that the goddess Uno must have won!"

"So, knowing the result, I don't panic at all!"

"That makes sense!"

"Justice will triumph over evil! Long live the Goddess of Mao!"

Datongmu Chenxiang: "Long live mother!"


"When I put a question mark, it wasn't that I had a problem, but that you had a problem! You are too much upstairs, why is the goddess of Mao becoming your mother, she is my wife!"




Otsutsuki Kaguya: "You ants, how dare you slander Aijia and speak obscenities, you should all be damned!"


"Damn it, the speed upstairs is so fast, I even preempted the name!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya my wife: "?"

"Under the control of Otsuki Ichishiki, countless nobles and daimyos want to capture Otsuki Kaguya and treat her as his concubine, pet, or concubine! Otsuki Kaguya has thus become the public enemy of mankind! Everyone I want to compete and covet the object!"

"But as the war on Earth continues, the Chakra Fruit is also growing day by day."

"The goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at the fruit that was about to ripen, and the people on earth who had lost their minds and wanted to put her to death!"

"She felt something unusual!"

"She felt that there was an invisible black hand pushing everything in the dark!"

"The purpose should be the Chakra fruit!"

"So for the sake of the peace of the earth, and to force the black hand behind the scenes to appear, the goddess Uno is going to pick off this immature chakra fruit and destroy it!"

"Otsutsuki Ichishiki, who saw this scene in the dark, had his eyes cracked. He didn't expect Otsutsu Kaguya to be so decisive! He would rather destroy the chakra fruit than let him get it!"

"So, Otsutsuki Ichishi ordered all countries to launch a general attack on the country of the motherland!"

"In an instant, the earth is full of flames!"

"Suddenly set off a big battle!"

"Leading the earth to be littered with corpses!"

"In addition, the army controlled by Datongmu style slaughtered wildly along the way, massacring the city!"

"The chakra fruit ripens overnight!"

"Looking at the ripe chakra fruit, Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Goddess of Uno, no matter how stupid she is, she will understand that everything the enemy does is for it!
Therefore, in order to prevent the Chakra fruit from falling into the enemy's hands, she resolutely launched the infinite moon reading, trapping the human beings of the whole earth in the world of infinite moon reading, thus quelling the war on the earth.The earth has thus regained peace! "

"After this battle, only a part of human beings were wiped out and returned to prevent human extinction."

Hearing Long Aotian's words, everyone was delighted.

"Good job!"

"It's a waste of time to fetch water with this big wooden one-style bamboo basket!"

"I didn't expect my wife to be so decisive!"

"This Datongmu is so regretful that his intestines are green!"

"You deserve it, you deserve it!"

"Ah, love, love, my wife saved the world again!"

"It's no wonder that she is the goddess of Mao!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya: "."

"After that, after that!" Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Yucun said anxiously.

They knew very little about their mother.

Saying it from Long Aotian's mouth now makes me feel a little bit better!

Unexpectedly, their mother is so great!

No wonder she is called the Goddess of Mao by the people on Earth!

It turns out that she saved the earth twice!
"Afterwards, a toad spirit from Earth's native land saw that the alien Otsutsuki Kaguya was so powerful, so he wanted to marry him back home!"

"But it was rejected by Kaguya Otsutsuki!"

"This is why the toad wants to eat swan meat!" Long Aotian continued to babble.

"Ah this!"

"MD, a toad spirit also wants to marry my wife. What a fart! Courting death!"

"That's right! If you want to marry, you will marry me, a strange man with both beauty and wisdom, temperament and elegance. A toad wants to eat swan meat in delusion! You want to die!"




"The toad spirit who was rejected became angry from shame! So it turned from love to hatred, it swore that what it couldn't get, no one else could get it, so it planned to destroy Datongmu Huiye!" Long Aotian said.

"Damn it! No way, no way!"

"Doesn't this toad spirit know about apartheid?"

"MD, my wife won't just end like this? I have a bad feeling!"

"The one upstairs tells you a scary story. The legend of the goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya has not been handed down, so it is very likely that she will be cool!"

"Damn it, shut up upstairs! You crow mouth, be careful I'll kill you!"


"My wife cannot be defiled!"

"Don't die!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya: "Aijia, I don't know that there is such a person as Hamamaru, or a beast! Don't spread rumors!"

"I understand upstairs, just like my goddess doesn't know my name! This is a sad story."

".Come upstairs, tell us the story behind you, and let us have a good time,"

Otsutsuki Kaguya: "."

"Otsutsuki Ichishi saw that his plan had failed, and just happened to meet this toad again, so he came up with a plan and secretly cooperated with it!"

"Therefore, one man and one beast, working hand in hand, colluding together, one beast is in the light, and the other is in the dark!"

"Otsuki Ichishiki secretly killed the girl whom the Sage of the Six Paths Otsuki Hagoromo had a crush on with his white eyes, sacrificed her to the sacred tree, and by the way put the blame on Otsuki Kaguya who also had white eyes!"

"This toad spirit named Hama Wan told the Immortal of the Six Paths the news of the girl's murder."

"The Sage of the Six Paths didn't believe that mother would do this at first, so Otsutsuki combined with Hama Wan, so that the Sage of the Six Paths discovered the human beings under the sacred tree who had been cast with infinite moon reading!"

"The Immortals of the Six Paths are all witnesses and witnesses!"

"Because of my beloved girl died again!"

"Ask Otsutsuki Kaguya to stop the worship of the sacred tree, and release the humans in the infinite monthly reading!

"The goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya was very disappointed when she saw that her child could not understand her painstaking efforts, so she planned to regain the Chakra that had been distributed to the two children.

Then, under the bewitching of Hamamaru and Otsutsuki, Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Yumura obeyed Hamamaru's words, and the two of them held the immortal tin staff and launched an attack on their mother, the goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya.

The euphemistic name is: Save the human beings trapped in the infinite moon reading!
Otsutsuki Kaguya, who has experienced two consecutive battles, was already extremely weak, and because she shared the power of the chakra fruit with the two children, she was no match for four hands at this time!

In order to protect Kaguya Otsutsuki, the goddess of Uzumaki, the sacred tree became ten tails.

The battle between the three lasted for several months, and this battle brought great disaster to the world.

Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was extremely weak, became weaker as he fought, and he couldn't bear to hurt the two children, so he was always at a disadvantage.

Under the ebb and flow, the power of Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Yumura surpassed that of the goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya, and they were finally sealed on the moon by the two of them using the power of yin and yang to use the Earth Explosion Star! "

Hearing Long Aotian's words, people in the ninja world were completely angry!

Unexpectedly, Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Yucun are such a thing!

He even betrayed his mother!

"MD, is the Sage of the Six Paths an idiot?"

"Why listen to a toad?"

"Is he a pig?"

"With just one sentence, the two brothers sealed their mother!"

"It's just scum!"

"Not worthy to be a son of man!"


Sage of the Six Paths: "."

Otsutsuki Yumura: "."

I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell!

Because they really listened to Hama Wan's words and sealed their mother!
But once Long Aotian reminded them, they also understood that they were really cheated!
If my mother really wanted to destroy the world, why did she let some people out?

There is also the strength of the mother, who can kill them easily, but she puts water everywhere and shows mercy!

If the mother is really that heartless, she should slap them to death!

"Immortal, I won't talk about the rest of the matter, you should understand it too!"

"After the goddess Otsuki Kaguya was sealed, your two children were bewitched by the mastermind behind the scenes!"

"The war lasted for a thousand years!"

"You should have the ability and power to stop this!"

"However, just because of Tomamaru's words, there will be a child of destiny who will save the earth, so you listen to it and turn a blind eye to the ninja world."

"For the dispute between the two children, let it go!"

"Let the two of them fight for a thousand years! Cause countless deaths and injuries in the ninja world, am I right?" Long Aotian, who has become a clone of Uchiha Itachi's entity, said.

"That's right." The Sage of the Six Paths said bitterly.

"Then, do you know why Hama Wan used Child of Destiny to prevaricate you and prevent you from pacifying the ninja world?" Long Aotian smiled and said.

"I know, the purpose is to make the ninja world fight endlessly!"

"Use these dead lives to enshrine the sacred tree!" The Sage of the Six Paths said with a gloomy face.

At this moment, his face is extremely ugly. Anyone who has been cheated for thousands of years will not have a good temper!

"By the way, I forgot to mention, Infinite Moon Reading Skynet World, Otsutsuki Kaguya has also been resurrected." Long Aotian said.

"What? Me, my mother really resurrected?" Otsutsuki Hamura's eyes widened with disbelief on his face!

"This..." Sage of the Six Paths was also stunned, he didn't expect his mother to really be resurrected.

That being said, the No. 2 in the world of Infinite Monthly Reading Skynet should be Ichishiki Otsutsuki and his mother!

"Since that's the case, what should you do next? Don't I need to teach you?" Long Aotian said.

"I know! Destroy Mount Miaomu! Kill Hamowan, redeem my sins, and correct the mistakes I made!" The Immortal of the Six Paths narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!
It was the bastard Hamo Wan who made himself lose his mind and sealed his mother in a flash of heat.

If it weren't for the strength of the younger generation!

The earth may be over!
When he thought that the earth would become a seedbed like a big tree, he was afraid for a while!
He almost became a sinner of the earth!

"Hagoromo, Yumura, Aijia is waiting for you in the world of Infinite Moon Reading Skynet! Don't let Aijia down again!" Otsuki Kaguya's voice sounded from the bottom of their hearts.

Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Hamura trembled!
They have never forgotten this voice for thousands of years!

Unexpectedly, my mother was really resurrected!

"Don't let Aijia down again." This sentence, they understand!
That is, atonement!

Atonement, how to atone?Otsuki Ichishiki is dead.

Then only one Hama Wan is still alive.

So Mount Miaomu must be destroyed!
Sage of the Six Paths and Otsutsuki Yumura disappeared into the live broadcast in bits and pieces.

Otsuki Kaguya knew that the two of them were going to Mt. Miaogi!
Toad ball?

Is it you who made my two sons betray me?

Then you also taste the taste of being betrayed!
Although I don't understand, who woke Aijia up!

But this infinite month reading Skynet world is really good!
Not only is there an endless supply of chakra, but there are also many new gadgets.

Otsutsuki Kaguya decided to have a good time playing here before the main body of the moon is not out of trouble!
Because only she knew that what Long Aotian said was false, because she wanted to live, that's why she attacked Datongmu Yishi.
Because she didn't want to return to the original planet, she ate the fruit of the sacred tree.
Because she was very afraid that the members of the Otsutsuki family would come to the earth to take the fruit of the sacred tree, she kept asking people to enshrine the sacred tree, so that the sacred tree could absorb people's souls, and thus create a large number of living weapons Bai Jue to deal with in the future Arriving Peach, Gold, and Pu.
Now that things have happened to this point, they have lost their original appearance.

But what is the truth now, and does it matter?

As long as she doesn't say it, others don't know, this is the real history. That's enough!
(End of this chapter)

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