Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 197 Datongmu Agarwood

Chapter 197 Datongmu Agarwood

The scene of the conversation between Long Aotian and the two brothers, Sage of the Six Paths, was broadcast live by Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi in the Infinity Moon Reading Skynet World.

Seeing floating in mid-air, the four characters displayed above his head, Sage of the Six Paths.

Everyone was in a trance. They didn't expect that the "Sage of the Six Paths", who founded the Ninja sect and taught people the true meaning of Chakra, is still alive!

At this moment, the people in the ninja world were stunned.

"Is he the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"It can actually float in mid-air!"

"Hey, what did I think, this text was automatically displayed on the live broadcast! Isn't it amazing?"

"Ah this!"

People in the ninja world were stunned by this novel gadget.

It turns out that you can also interact in this way!

"Hey, there are still gifts to give, amazing!"


Super Rocket 2000 Chakra/each, Yacht 1314 Chakra/an, Card 6 Chakra/an, Weak Chicken 0.2 Chakra/a, Like 0.1 Chakra/a. "

"Hey, there is even a text message function! Every time you send a text message, you need 0.1 chakra points!"

"Damn, there are voice and video functions! Monthly package? 78, 98, 128?"

"Then it will be easy to do missions and send information in the future?"

"Why do I feel a little expensive! A ninja can only condense about 100-150 chakras a day. Common people like us can't afford it."

"If you can't afford it, use WeChat! You only need to pay for the internet!"

"Makes sense!"

"Damn, there is also a Moments function!"

"Love love."

"Hey, can your focus be normal?"

"What are the nine black balls under the Immortal of the Six Paths? Anyone have a big answer?"

"Ah, this! I know, I read it from an ancient book, it's called fairway jade!" Hei Jueqian replied, and finally he knew one question.

"Fairway jade?"

"That's right!"

"What about the eyes on his forehead? Why do they look a bit like Sharingan!"

"That's called Jiugouyu Reincarnation Writing Sharingan!"

"Wow, the one upstairs is amazing, he knows everything! Dare I ask what your name is?"

"If you don't change your name, you don't change your surname, I'm Datongmu Chenxiang!"

"Ah this! Dare I ask, what is the relationship between Xiongtai and Otsutsuki Ichile?"

Heijue: "."

Shouldn't you ask me what is my relationship with Chen Xiang?
He was ready to confuse the ninja in the ninja world, and rescued his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya!
"He is my descendant"

"Ah, here! Then you go to Yile Ramen, do you have to pay for it?"

Heijue: "."


"By the way, friends, have you heard of Amway? I am a sage of the Six Paths, but I am not dead.

I was sealed in the sixth row of the third pit of the terracotta army in the land of ghosts.

Let me tell you that I have 3000 tons of gold and 300 million terracotta warriors in Ninja World.

Now only 198 chakras are needed to unblock it.

As long as you give me chakra.

On the day when I unseal, I will accept you as a godson,
Make you the successor of the Ninja sect!No joke! "

"Ah, upstairs, really?"



Heijue: "."

Someone took the lead!

"And then." Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"Then, in order to train Jubi into a sacred tree to complete the task assigned by the Otsukimoto family, Otsuki Ichishiki intends to sacrifice Otsuki Kaguya, who is one level lower than himself, to Jubi." The dragon that Uchiha Itachi's physical clone turned into Aotian continued.

"It's too late, let me tell you, who is this person? He can chat with the Immortal of the Six Paths!"

"It seems to be called Long Aotian!"

"Ah, I know, he is the hero of our Yunyin Village, he is the one who defeated Jinyinjiao!"

"Search and beat to death!"

"By the way, who is Datongmu Yishi! Is brother Chen Xiang there?? Is this your family?"

Datongmu Chenxiang: "?"

When I put a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, it's that you have a problem!

"Also, what is a tailed beast?"

"Speak with respect! Tailed beasts are not things, but cute creatures! The strongest of them is Nine Tails!" Jiu Lama said.

"I don't believe it, unless you can prove it to me!" Uchiha Itachi said while controlling the trumpet.

Nine Lamas rewarded 9 super rockets!

"Boss, rich!"

"Is this the legendary Nine Tails? I love it!"

The miniature Nine Lamas, who had just been resurrected and entered the world of Infinite Monthly Reading Skynet, looked at the compliments in the barrage, took a sip of Coca-Cola, and showed a cheerful smile.

It seems that dying once is not a big deal.

There is everything in this infinite monthly reading Skynet world!
Only unexpected, nothing impossible to buy.

It has chakra that makes it inexhaustible.

There are endless gadgets to buy here.

If the fox is born like this, what can the husband ask for?
belch!Unlimited Monthly Reading In the No. 9 villa in the luxury villa area of ​​Tianwang World, the Nine Lamas hiccupped and lay on a sofa, with piles of robots queuing up to load things.

For the Nine Lamas who own Chadunla, rewarding 9 rockets is just a sprinkle of water.

As long as it wants, it only needs to clap its hands, and the natural energy will be continuously turned into chakra for its use.

Nine rockets are nothing to it!
"Wrong! The strongest among the tailed beasts is obviously the cute and charming one!"

Shouhe tipped 11 super rockets!
"A grown-up bullpen, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Seeing this barrage, Yiwei smiled.

Sure enough, I am the best at guarding the crane with one tail!

But then, its smile froze.

"Hehe, that's it? How dare you call me a cat? She's so ugly! It's a shame."

Another trip rewarded 22 super rockets!
"? What's the fun with your cat?"

Jifu rewarded 33 super rockets!
"Dead turtle, are you interested?"

Sun Wukong rewarded 44 super rockets!
"Laugh, King Mu is not at home, and the monkey is called the king? I just can't see anyone saying that he is better than me."

King Mu rewarded 55 super rockets!
"It's really boring! Like I rewarded 66 rockets in one go, did I say anything? Would I tell you that the rhinoceros is the strongest among the tailed beasts?"

Rhino tipped 66 super rockets!
"Oh, it's just a dog."

Chongming rewarded 77 super rockets!
"A dolphin horse has the nerve to talk?"

Niugui said he didn't want to talk, and silently tipped 888 rockets

Kurama: "?"

Fighting Chakra with Lao Tzu?All of you here are younger brothers!

Nine Lamas rewarded 999 super rockets!
Shouhe tipped 1111 super rockets!
Another trip rewarded 2200 super rockets!
Nine Lamas rewarded 99999 super rockets!
"666666! Boss!"

"Please take care of me!"

"Is the boss missing the pendant?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at each rocket and smiled.

It's full of his trumpets, only Jiu Lama and Shouhe, a group of cute little tailed beasts, who don't know that people's hearts are sinister
Infinite monthly reading of what happened in the world of Skynet, let's not talk about it for now, let's go back to the mysterious space.

"Sacrifice to Ten Tails?" Sage of the Six Paths frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple.

"That's right." Long Aotian nodded and said: "Since the birth of human beings, they have never stopped fighting, fighting means chaos, and chaos means death.

As a result of death, the ground is soaked in blood, and life is lost.

The "Sacred Tree" is rooted on the earth, and it absorbs natural energy and produces chakra fruits through life. "

"What? The chakra fruit is formed by the sacred tree absorbing human blood and life?" The people watching the live broadcast were shocked.

"Anyone can explain, what is a sacred tree?"

Datongmu Chenxiang: "The sacred tree is the ten tails! Did you see it? It is the creature bound by chains next to the Sage of the Six Paths!"

"Ah this? I thought it was the big tree above our heads!"

"Ah this?"

"Then will we die!"

"What do you think?"

"I don't think so. Didn't you see that the Six Paths Sage and Long Aotian have tied up the ten tails?"

"Makes sense!"

"No wonder Otsutsuki Ichishiki hid in the dark to provoke a war in the ninja world! So it was to make the sacred tree grow again!" At this moment, the Immortal of the Six Paths completely transformed into the king of understanding, and he automatically imagined what happened.

"It's no wonder that Indra and the Asura Brothers fought against each other for thousands of years."

"No wonder the Ninja sect fell apart"

"No wonder Uchiha Madara and Senjuju will fight endlessly."

"It turns out that all of this is caused by Datongmu Yishi."

"The purpose is to use the sacred tree to absorb the blood of the dead?"

Heijue: "."

Brothers Indra and Asura fought against each other, Ninja sect fell apart, and Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhu turned against each other, wasn't it my fault?

Why did it involve Otsutsuki Yishi again?

Wait, who is this Otsuki Ichishiki?
Mother never told me!

Does the mother have other children?
Do not!
I am the mother's favorite cub!

Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma were stunned when they heard the words of the Sage of the Six Paths. They have been fighting for many years, is everything caused by Otsutsuki's style?
It turned out that they were all caught in the enemy's conspiracy!

Didn't even find out!
It sucks!

"I know about Ninja, I also know about Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, but who are Indra and Asura? Are they strong?"

someone asked.

Otsutsuki Chenxiang: "Indra and Asura are the sons of Otsuki Yui, the sage of the Six Paths. One is the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, and the other is the ancestor of the Uzumaki and Senju clans!"

"Ah this!"

"Why does senior Datongmu Chenxiang know everything?"

Datongmu Chenxiang: "Slightly understand, slightly understand"

"Could it be that the seniors are also their contemporaries?"

"Hey, I was discovered by you, so I don't need to hide it. In fact, a long time ago, there was a beautiful, kind and wise god of creation called Otsutsuki Kaguya. She carried the blessings of the people and gave birth to three children. children.

Among them were two children who were bewitched by the toad spirit because of their youth and ignorance. They listened to its slander and became evil gods. They trapped the kind and beautiful God of Creation Kaguya Otsuki Kaguya on the moon, and the world has continued since then With endless war.

While being imprisoned, the kind and beautiful God of Creation Otsutsuki Kaguya took advantage of Toad's unpreparedness and left behind her third child.

After her third child was born, she carried all the hopes of the God of Creation Otsutsuki Kaguya, and took it as her duty to put down the chaos of war.

But in order to save the god of creation and restore peace to the ninja world, it is necessary to collect nine tailed beasts to defeat the two evil gods.

During this process, he will meet a group of righteous partners to help him defeat these two evil gods and the toad spirit to rescue the beautiful, kind and wise God of Creation Otsutsuki Kaguya"

"!!!!!! Is this true?" The people in the ninja world were shocked!

Datongmu Chenxiang: "Really! It's more real than real gold!"

"Any partners who would like to join?"

"After the thing is done, there must be a big thank you!"

"In order to gain eternal life and powerful power, Otsuki's "head family" sent Otsuki Ichishiki, Otsuki Kaguya and others to different planets to plant chakra sacred trees, while guarding the sacred trees that only bear fruit once a thousand years , but also continue to offer Chakra to the Otsuki family, and hand over the Chakra fruit to the Otsutsuki family after the Chakra fruit is ripe.

However, the millennium is too long, and Datongmu always seizes the day and night.

So he decided to sacrifice the entire planet to the sacred tree to obtain the chakra fruit.

But at the critical moment of the sacrifice, the kind-hearted Otsuki Kaguya resolutely launched an attack on Otsuki Ichishiki for the sake of the common people in the ninja world.

The unsuspecting Otsutsuki Ichishiki was caught off guard by Otsutsuki Kaguya and lost half of his body before he was able to escape.

Later, Otsuki Kaguya cut off contact with the Otsuki family in order to prevent the earth from being discovered by the Otsuki family, ate the fruit of the sacred tree, obtained chakra, and opened the Nine Gouyu Reincarnation Sharingan on his forehead, becoming a The ancestor of Chakra, and quelled the war in the world in an instant!

After that, Otsuki Kaguya, who ended the troubled times, was called the "Goddess of Mao" by the world, and gave birth to twins after people's blessings-Otsuki Yuyi and Otsuki Yucun. "When Long Aotian said, he subconsciously beautified Otsuki Kaguya's image.

Change her to a kind god.

"Ah this!"

"It turns out that it was Kaguya Otsutsuki who saved the earth back then!"

"Damn, I remember Otsuki Yuromo is the name of the Sage of the Six Paths, so then, Otsutsuki Kaguya is the mother of the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"Damn it, it's exactly what Brother Chen Xiang said! Otsutsuki Kaguya really exists!"

"Then the Sage of the Six Paths is evil?"

"Ah this?"

"Ah, you are so tall! Can you change the word!"

"Aba Aba!"


Although people in the ninja world can't understand what I mean, what the hell does it mean, but after reading the translation of Skynet World for infinite months, they also understand the meaning of these two words.

Since then, these two words have been out of control.

"Then what?" said the Immortal of the Six Paths.

The two of them were also limped.

"Afterwards, the earth entered a period of peace." Long Aotian continued to fool around.

"What about Otsuki Ichishiki who escaped?" Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"When Otsuki Ichishi was seriously injured and was dying, a monk named Ci Xian happened to pass by.

Seeing this, Datongmu Yishi used the right eye secret technique "Shaoming Viguna" to shrink himself into Cixian's ear, and then lodged in his body in the form of a "wedge", gradually controlling Cixian's consciousness and Body.

But because Otsuki Ichishiki's chakra is too strong, Cixian's body can't bear it, making Otsutsuki Ichishiki unable to complete the capture and reincarnation, so he can only slowly dormant in the ninja world.

And Cixian has been able to survive for thousands of years because of the power of Datongmu Yishi. "

"And during the dormant time of Otsuki Ishishi, he controlled Cixian, using the techniques of "white eyes", "sharing sharing eyes" and "infinite moon reading" to make people feel fear and awe of Otsutsuki Kaguya, " The honorific title of "Goddess of Mao" was also bewitched by Otsutsuki Ichishiki to become a "ghost".

"Afterwards, he spread rumors that Kaguya Otsutsuki used cruel means to impose dictatorship on mankind!"

"Thus, people who didn't know anything raised their flags and launched an attack on Kaguya Otsutsuki!"

Long Aotian's face became ugly when he mentioned the Immortal of Six Paths and Datong Mu Yucun.
They seem to have underestimated Otsuki Ichishiki.

Perhaps, they were deceived by Datongmu Yishi in the first place!
At this time, in the world of Infinite Moon Reading Skynet, there is a man with pale skin, long blue-white hair, no eyebrows, two horns on his head, wearing a white robe with a unique jade pattern, his eyes are white eyes, and there is a reincarnation writing on his forehead. The woman with round eyes stands on the street, looks at the two people in the live broadcast, and sheds tears
(End of this chapter)

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