Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 181 Fighting Didara

Chapter 181 Fighting Didara

The army of filth is unstoppable.

In front of them, the weak warriors of the Land of Earth couldn't stand a single blow.

Earth Dungeon, Dirty Soil, Reincarnation, The good thing about the soil of the dead is that they not only have the ability of immortal reincarnation, but also have the strength of the dead. Although the chakra is a little less, they are still easy to deal with mere warriors. of.

After all, these filthy people themselves were the ninjas who perished with the third generation of Raikage in the third ninja world war.

Although their strength is only at the level of Zhongxiaren, the victory lies in the fact that they are immortal.

With the sword added to the body, regardless of whether it is ignored, the backhand is just a slap.

The samurai of the Land of Fan were bewildered, and their heads were chopped off when they doubted their lives.

These filthy warriors had never enjoyed such a hearty battle before.

When I used to seal spells, I was most afraid of being interrupted by others.

Well, don't worry about that at all now.

Only the hands are still there, and the head is still there.

Even if there is nothing in the body, the whole body is pierced by bows and arrows.

They all can do ninjutsu.

One by one, the fire escape-cremation technique, the wind escape-the ashes are blown up technique, the thunder escape-the lightning five-lash technique, the earth escape-the millennium kill technique, and the water escape-the sea are all water techniques. , Out of his mouth, he went towards the warriors of the land of the earth.

The warriors of the Land of Earth have never seen the whole scene before, either they were burned by fire or blown by the wind, some were even worse, they were directly turned into charcoal by electricity, what's more, the chrysanthemums were all over the ground, and those who were unlucky even died without a whole body.

The dirt army was invincible all the way, and directly killed the daimyo's mansion from the city gate.


A friend in adversity, the noble ladies who once said that they would never leave, and depend on each other for life and death, saw the army of filth rushing in, and ran away with the packed things.

Daimyo of the Land of Earth carried a few scrolls on his back, and his eyes were full of horror.

Why did they call in as soon as they received information about the rebellion?

What's happening here?
One by one, the samurai kindly helped the daimyo of the earth country to take the scroll and stuff it into his pocket.

Some even enriched their own pockets openly and aboveboard.

But how can the daimyo of the Land of Earth control these things?
He just wants to escape now!
Frightened, he only hoped that these warriors would have some conscience and send him out safely.

Such as high-ranking officials and rich salary, gold, silver and jewelry, enchanting beauties, all bestowed on them.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

One by one, they fought desperately to protect the daimyo and break out of the encirclement.

Some are because of their loyalty and vow to protect them to the death.

Some fished in troubled waters and escaped with the large army.

Some of it is because the country of gambling can make a comeback. After all, the ninja world has been in chaos for thousands of years. No matter how much they lose, the five major countries will still exist. As long as they slow down, their descendants will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth.

But let them down.

They are doomed to escape.

In the sky above them, a man in bandages had already put his hands on his heart, aiming at them who were running below.

"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

A cone-shaped transparent beam of light descended from the sky like a laser.

All the enemies that the beam of light touched were broken down into atoms.

Some earth warriors raised their swords and shields in horror, trying to block them.

But everything is so futile.

As the beam of light passed by, swords and swords were directly reduced to dust, shields that were once indestructible were directly smashed into paper plates and destroyed, and people were directly smashed to pieces, leaving no scum left.

This is the difference in strength!

"Tu Dun·Gangli-style technique!"

A rock giant with a height of more than [-] meters rose from the ground and chased after the daimyo of the land of earth.

Every time the giant takes a step forward, it can set off roads of dust, shaking the ground, like an earthquake of magnitude five or six.

One by one, the warriors were staggering, and some nobles were even frightened, their eyes were full of horror.

When the commoners saw the giant appearing, they knelt down and hid at home tremblingly, not daring to vent their breath, for fear of disturbing the army of dirt outside the door and the stone god in the sky, which would lead to murder.

"I, I, I surrender!" Seeing such a scene, the daimyo of the land of earth collapsed to the ground and surrendered directly.

"It's a pity. I don't need living nobles." Pharmacist narrowed his eyes and revealed a cruel smile.

The Second Generation Tsuchikage Mure, who got the order, directly controlled the giant to punch a child, and directly patted the nobles into meatloaf!

"I surrender, I surrender!"

"Let me go!"

"All I have is money!"

"All for you, all for you!"

The nobles who knelt down and begged for mercy were so helpless and desolate.

Their begging for mercy looked so ridiculous.

Why pray to a lifeless stone giant?They are just mechanically executing orders, puppets without self-awareness.

The sound of puff puff sounded.

Corpses are everywhere!

The entire Land of Earth has fallen!
Rock Hidden Village!
"Go back!"

"Give up Hidden Rock Village!"

"Wait for Lord Tuying, they come back!" An elder of Yanyin Village stared at the dirt army in the distance with hatred, and gave the order to abandon Yanyin Village unwillingly, and fled with the black soil.

Unexpectedly, from the first generation of the village to the present.

They actually abandoned their base camp and fled in a panic.

This is a disgrace to them.

But this is also impossible.

The horror of the dirt army is obvious to all, immortal and immortal, and led by the first generation of earth shadows, they are not a single enemy at all.

With these ninjas, it is impossible to defend to the death.
There is no way but to escape!

As for making peace?

Stop joking, a group of puppets who only know how to kill, do you think they will reason with you?
They have no choice but to escape!

"When Grandpa comes back, we still have a chance! One day we will fight back!" Heitu looked at the village full of flames and said in hatred, wiping away his tears.

There are also ninjas who fight to the death for the village.

They used their frail bodies and precious lives to buy time for their teammates and family members to escape.

They would rather die in battle than abandon their homes and flee.

They know they can't hold on, but they still don't want to give up.

This is the Will of Stone of their Hidden Rock Village!
"Ridiculous will."

"Since you don't want peace, I'll give you peace!" Seeing Yan Yin who was stubbornly resisting, Pharmacist waved his hand.

The second generation of Tuying·No, rose to mid-air.

Comparing with love, a Chen Dun appeared and blasted towards Yanyin Village below!

Looking at the ball of light in the sky, the ninjas were in a trance.

They thought about countless possibilities of death.

He never thought that one day he would die in the hands of his own people.

The other party is still someone I respect very much!
The light came to him, looking at the dissipated weapons and the building.

A thought suddenly flashed through some people's minds.

The resistance of these ordinary people.

Really useful?
An ant may shake a tree, but it will never be able to move a big tree.

An elephant stepped on it, and thousands of ants raised their hands. Is it really useful?
A blast.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared.

The buildings, buildings, and ninjas of the entire Yanyin Village were directly annihilated by the dust tunnel and turned into nothingness at this moment.

There was only a bottomless pit left in place.

On this day, Yanyin Village, which had been established for decades, disappeared without a trace.

The kingdom of earth that ruled this land for hundreds of thousands of years has thus become history.

Everything. will start from scratch.

Yao Shidou looked at the east, the murderous look in his eyes dissipated, and a touch of tenderness flashed in his pupils, there was a Konoha there, and Konoha had an orphanage, that was his home, where he would be reborn.

"Let's go, go home!" Pharmacist waved his hand, and the second generation of Tuying·Nowhere descended from the sky.

The pharmacist sat on his neck and flew towards Konoha.

At the same time, there are countless scrolls on his body. These are gold, silver, jewels, ninjutsu and forbidden scrolls that were searched along the way.

Time to return to the country of grass.

Didara rode a giant white flying dragon made of detonating clay from the land of earth to the land of grass, bombarding wildly along the way, very crazy.

Until he met a man and a woman.

Only then did he understand what real art is.

The man just opened his eyes.

With one look, he knelt down.

When he woke up, he found that the four-tailed Jinzhu Li Laozi and the five-tailed Jinzhu Lihan had fallen to the ground.

Deidara poked his hand and found that the two of them were already cold.

The tail beast in the body has been pulled out.

"Are you awake?" a voice called out.

Deidara turned to look.

Then I saw two familiar and unfamiliar figures.

It was that look that instantly killed his man and woman.

At the same time, two people followed behind them.

"Old Zi, Han, what's going on?" Dila pointed to the two corpses beside her, and then pointed to Lao Zi and Han in front of her, her eyes full of horror.

Why are there two old Zi and Han?

How did they all lose their heartbeat?
"We have been filthy!" Lao Zi sighed.

dirt?Deidara was in a trance, and the dirt he encountered along the way were zombies who had no sense, no consciousness, and lost themselves.

How come here, the two of them can talk?
Looking at their majestic chakras and nimble bodies, except for their eyes are different from ordinary people, they are almost the same as the real ones.

"Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, Didara, I will give you a chance, one is life, I will give you infinite possibilities, take you to appreciate the scenery of the world, and let you understand what is called real art."

"If you die, you will turn into a puppet like Lao Zi and Han, and you will be used by me, and you will never be able to stand up again."

"You choose!" Uchiha Itachi's physical clone said indifferently.

Didara: "."

Do I have a choice?

Whether it is life or death, it will become your person.

However, Lao Zi and Han who saw the reincarnation of the dirt.

Dirada's eyes lit up, maybe death is the real art.

If he dies, he can be reincarnated by the filth, and he can always use C0 Self-destruction, the ultimate art.

In any case, it doesn't seem to be a loss.

"If you want me to be yours, yes."

"Defeat me upright!"

"Otherwise, even if you can get my people, you won't get my heart!" Dirada looked at Uchiha Itachi and said.

After finishing speaking, he added: ""By the way, no illusions are allowed! "

"Although your illusion looks quite artistic."

When Deidara was nine years old, he was forced to leave the village and live in the temple because of frequent terrorist incidents.

If it wasn't for the attack of the army of dirt, Ohnoki would have felt very troublesome, and had no choice but to send the three of them out to deal with the army of dirt.

He, Four-Tails Jinchuriki, Lao Zi, and Five-Tails Jinchuriki will continue to be imprisoned in the village, with no chance to come out.

"I agree to your request." Uchiha Itachi said.

"Okay, that's what you said!" Although Didara was given a second by Uchiha Itachi's eyes just now.

However, he is very confident in his art, and he believes that one day he will be able to defeat Uchiha Itachi!Even if he uses the ultimate art of Sharingan!

But now, he wants to show this man what real art is!

"Detonating Clay·Psychic Art!"

Didara controlled the snow-white puppets and rushed towards Itachi Uchiha.

Uchiha Itachi faced the rushing clay doll, stood on the spot, neither dodged nor dodged, raised his hand lightly and said: "Shinra Tenzheng!"

A huge repulsive force was sent out between the palms.

Didara didn't understand what was going on.

The puppet had already flown upside down and landed in the distance. There was a bang, and there was a sea of ​​flames.

"Repulsion?" Didara narrowed his eyes: "However, this is just a feint, just to test your reality!"

"Do you think that's all I have to do?"

"Come out!"

"Grasshopper! Gemini snake! Centipede!"

Two small snow-white snakes drilled out of the soil and quickly entangled Uchiha Itachi's feet.

Immediately afterwards, a huge white centipede quickly tied Uchiha Itachi's body.

One after another, white leeches jumped up and down densely, rushing towards Itachi Uchiha.

"How? You who don't share sharing eyes! You are not my opponent at all!" Dirada laughed loudly: "As long as I shout, drink!"

"The clay will explode!"

"As long as you surrender, I will spare you! How about it?" Didara said to Uchiha Itachi.

"Fool, you've already yelled!!" Four-tailed Jinchuriki Laozi and Five-tailed Jinchuriki covered their foreheads.

"Uh" Looking at the gleaming clay on Uchiha Itachi's body, which was ready to explode, Didara was stunned for a moment, and then heard a booming sound.

The place where Uchiha Itachi was located was soon enveloped in flames.

There was a burst of pungent explosion smell.

Didara frowned, and muttered with a bit of embarrassment, "You won't die, will you?"

"probably not."

Lao Zi and Han thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

That person is so strong, how could he die?

"I'm not dead, so I'm relieved." Dirada breathed a sigh of relief, and saw a figure slowly walking out of the smoke.

At this moment, there is a fiery red skull on his body.

Didara could tell at a glance that the giant skeleton must have protected him.

Looking at the skeleton on Uchiha Itachi's body, his face was a little gloomy.

Unexpectedly, such a large dose of attack could not even break the giant's defense.

This annoyed him.

"Then I can only remember. I just hope that you don't die!" Didara ate a ball of detonating clay and spit it out of his mouth. A huge doll that looked exactly like him appeared, facing Uchiha Itachi rushed over.

As for him, he directly took the white dragon and rose into the air, away from the puppet.

"A word of advice to you, if you don't want your girlfriend to die, you'd better stay away!"

"My move is enough to wipe out a village!" Didara advised Uchiha Izumi not far from Uchiha Itachi.

"No need, you take care of yourself first! I believe in Itachi!" Uchiha Izumi shouted to Didara.

"Hmph, I don't know how to flatter you, since you two want to die together, then let's satisfy you!"

See that the puppet has swelled to a certain extent.

Dirada stretched out the food, drank, and let out a sound.

There was a loud bang.

A huge mushroom cloud rose.

The entire forest turned into a sea of ​​flames.

As for the four-tailed Jinchuriki Laozi and the five-tailed Jinchuriki who were in it, they were caught off guard and were directly blown to pieces.

The smoke dissipated.

Looking at the empty ground, Didara descended from the sky and muttered, "Isn't he going to die?"

"Hmph, even if you die, they won't die." Four-tailed Jinchuriki Laozi and No-tailed Jinchuriki Han snorted coldly.

Accidentally, they experienced the feeling of death again.

Die twice a day is enough!
"This is not dead? Impossible?" Didara looked disbelieving.

With such a big explosion, it would be no problem to destroy the city and the country. He didn't believe that person could resist it.

"Well, the power is good."

"However, it needs to be strengthened." Two black vortexes appeared, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi appeared in front of Dirada.

"Time and space ninjutsu?" Didara's pupils shrank.

(End of this chapter)

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