Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 180 Invading the Daming Mansion of the Land of Earth

Chapter 180 Invading the Daming Mansion of the Land of Earth
The Uchiha clan is now in charge of the Fire Country.

But it is already very difficult for them to take charge of a country of fire.

After all, there are insufficient manpower and insufficient management talents.

You can only make the taller one out of the dwarfs.

As for the people of other families, everything is for profit, so they cling to the Uchiha clan.

Those old ideas have not kept up with the times.

Itachi Uchiha didn't want to use them.

There is only one size fits all.

Unless the Konoha Police Academy can cultivate and select a group of new management talents to rule these occupied countries in a short period of time
Otherwise, the surviving culprits of the Land of Earth, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Grass will definitely find ways to fight guerrillas, sabotage, and destroy the people they support.

After all, this is the hatred of subjugation!

Time to go back to the Land of Earth.

Pharmacist can clearly feel the power contained in the red chakra-tailed beast coat.

This Tailed Beast Chakra Coat can not only provide him with Chakra, but also heal wounds.

It can be said that with this Chakra Tailed Beast coat, he is equivalent to having an extra medical ninja with him, escorting him at any time without worrying about injury.

And, with the help of Tailed Beast Chakra, his strength and Chakra have been greatly improved.

It is no problem for one person to deal with more than a dozen Shangren at the same time.

With the help of this army of earth escape, filthy soil, reincarnation, and dead soil, Medicine Master is invincible.

The towns and villages along the way were attacked by him one after another.

Those who obey me will prosper, those who oppose me will perish, and those who believe in me will live forever.

He earnestly implemented Uchiha Itachi's request.

Those who did not surrender were mercilessly killed by the dirt army.

Only a group of obedient and good people were left.

Pharmacist understood why Itachi Uchiha did this.

Rather than retaining a group of superficial forces, it is better to eradicate them all.

The most indispensable thing in the ninja world is people.

But few are those who can manage.

However, there are also some flatterers and speculators who lack opportunities.

Uchiha Itachi and Yakushidou are happy to give them a chance to express themselves.

Generally speaking, these people are in order to express themselves.

It is more ruthless than these invaders.

This is also why there are so many traitors and puppet troops whenever there is a war.

Because in the old days, the level gap and wealth gap were already too big, and they couldn't be reused.

However, this newcomer will overthrow all order.

At this time, the mountain blocking them no longer exists, and everything is up to them to fight for.

At this time, in order to express themselves, this group of people will do everything they can to express their own value with all their strength.

Because this is their only chance to change their fate and overtake on a curve.

For them, it doesn't matter who is on top, what matters is who can make them realize the value of life.

Thanks to this group of speculators, Yao Shidou was able to capture every stronghold so easily.

Because these people are really bad!They all know where the enemy is hiding; they also know where the nobles and ninjas' food, gold, silver and jewelry are buried; they even know which mountains are suitable for Tibetans.

It was precisely because of the existence of these people that Yao Shidou easily wiped out the enemy's bases and caught many fish that slipped through the net.

The trembling people watched the filthy army walk away, looked at the fluttering sun and moon flags in shock, and a complex look flashed in their eyes.

They thought that after surrendering, they would be taken as captives and pawns by Yao Shidou, and they would drive them to the next village, using their lives to push open the gates one by one.

But unexpectedly, Yao Shidou just selected one or two respectable people to manage them, left food and left.

Only the nobles died, only those who resisted died, and only those who were related to the interests of this country died.

As for these civilians, their lives have not been greatly affected.

Instead, the mountain above them disappeared.

There was a puppet army who saw the pharmacist do not kill the old, the young and the poor.

So offer advice.

Let the filthy army take these surrendered poor people hostage to attack the city.

The army of filth is mixed in it.

The inside should cooperate with the outside and take the opportunity to blow up the city gate.

The pharmacist scoffed and beheaded him directly.

A group of ordinary people who lack training and exercise, and are usually docile and accustomed, not to mention how many people are willing to be cannon fodder to consume the enemy's Kunai, even if there are, how many dare to rush to the enemy's city?
If they really had the guts, they would have fought to the death with the filthy army in order to protect their homeland.

It is precisely because they dare not, they are cowardly, that they choose to surrender and become slaves to the country.

For the pharmacist pocket.

When the people in the back line saw the enemy's kunai shoot their companions into a sieve, saw the enemy smash their companions into meatloaf with stones, and saw the enemy burn their companions into roast pigs with boiling oil.

What kind of mentality will these poor people have?
Can their fragile hearts withstand such a psychological blow?And bloody scenes?

Have they seen this battle?

What happens when someone in the group is scared?
Or a trampling accident occurs.

Either desperately escape.

When fear begins to spread.

Defeat like a mountain!
Whose strength and morale is it consuming?

Do you know what it means to break at the touch of a finger?
For Yaoshidou, veterans are the core of the army! ! !
Even if people stand still, let these poor people climb up the ladder tremblingly.

Do they dare to face the samurai upstairs, the ninjas in the city?

Even if they go up, they lack training and courage, and they are a matter of others.

They don't do much.

Instead, it will arouse public outrage.

Let your reputation drop to the lowest point, let the whole ninja world cast aside and curse.

At that time, the hearts of the people will be scattered, and the country will not be easy to lead.

Public grievances are everywhere, which is not the result he wants.

It also couldn't fulfill Uchiha Itachi's request.

Besides, he has an army of filth.

All the walls and opponents are nothing more than falling apart.

"Rainbow Chakra Mode!" Facing the walls of the Daming Mansion in the Land of Earth, Yakushidou controls the third generation of Raikage and activates the Thunderblast Chakra Mode.

Immediately, the third Raikage was surrounded by chakra all over his body, and lightning bolts appeared on his body, and he rushed towards the wall of the Daimyofu.

One word reckless!

"Quick! Stop him!" The warriors of the Land of Earth were terrified.

One by one, darts, flying guns, bows and arrows rained down from the city wall.

There was a tinkling sound.

Even Raikage III's defense was not breached!

These kunai, bows and arrows are like scratching an itch.

"Fire escape!"

"Wind escape!"

"Lei Dun!"

All kinds of escapism descended from the sky, trying to stop the third generation of Raikage's progress.

But everything is useless.

Even in the face of Feng Dun, Huo Dun, and Thunder Dun, he is still relentless.

Even if there are traps, detonating symbols, and earthen guns under his feet.

He is still unmistakable with sparks and lightning all the way.

Lightning Dungeon Chakra, but known as the "Armor of Lightning Dungeon".

By concentrating Lightning Chakra on the whole body, the whole body is covered with Chakra and lightning. With the increase of Lightning Chakra, the defense and speed will also be enhanced.

During his lifetime, Raikage III was never injured by anyone, whether he was fighting the rampaging Eight-Tailed Eight-Tails or fighting tens of thousands of ninjas by himself. The wind escape · spiral shuriken.

What's more, he who was reincarnated from the dirty soil was reincarnated with Bai Jue, and his strength at this moment has reached its peak.

Plus the technique of reincarnation, endless chakra, and the characteristics of immortality.

His Layton Armor can be on all the time without worrying about Chakra.

Now facing this mere detonating talisman and escape technique, it's just a tickle!

Under the horrified eyes of the warriors of the Land of Earth.

The third generation of Raikage concentrated the chakra on the four fingers, and suddenly the lightning surrounded and the light flickered.

"Hell Assault · Four Books Consistent!"

The wall of the Daming Mansion in the Land of Earth, the moment his fingers touched it.

With a click, it shattered like glass, and cracks spread all over the city from the fingers.

Then there was a bang.

The city wall that had guarded the Land of Earth for hundreds of thousands of years collapsed.

The entire enchantment was like a balloon pierced by a needle, deflated and disappeared.

The Daming Mansion of the Land of Earth was completely exposed to the sight of Yao Shidou!

"Kill!" An emotionless voice sounded from Medicine Master's mouth.

The army of reincarnation of the dirty soil directly killed in!
(End of this chapter)

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