Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 153 Uzumaki Fragrance (4600 words, 2 in 1)

Chapter 153 Whirlpool Fragrance (4600 words, two in one)

"Itachi, is this Bliss Box very powerful?" Uchiha Izumi looked at the box in front of her, full of resentment, and asked curiously.

"Well, it's quite powerful." Uchiha Itachi said: "It is said that in the era of the Sage of the Six Paths, that is, thousands of years ago, the grass village once opened this box, and it is said that it was only [-] million points away from controlling the world."

"Control the world? Is it that powerful?" Uchiha Izumi opened her mouth slightly, apparently startled by Uchiha Itachi's words.

"It should be quite powerful for them." Uchiha Itachi said.

"What should it be?" Uchiha Izumi pursed her lips, seeming a little dissatisfied with Uchiha Itachi's answer.

So Uchiha Izumi's eyes closed and opened, Tenseigan activated, and Kaziran's big black eyes instantly turned royal blue.

Under the sight of Tenseigan, she can see the scene inside the box of bliss.

There was a lot of resentment inside, ghostly aura filled the air, and countless innocent souls wailed in pain.

There is a child wrapped in the middle of the wronged soul, whose appearance is somewhat similar to Sasuke.

Look at the chakra fluctuations, Uchiha Izumi's black face with question marks.


That's it?Doesn't seem strong?Uchiha Izumi feels that the wronged souls and people in the Bliss Box can be destroyed with a flick of a finger.

She could feel that as long as Daguo's commanding ability was activated, she could immediately suck up the grievances in the box of bliss and turn it into her own use, without any leftovers.

But seeing Uchiha Itachi's serious expression, it doesn't seem like a fake, because she thinks Itachi won't lie.

"What happened next?" Uchiha Izumi asked.

"Then, suddenly one day, the village of grass was destroyed." Uchiha Itachi said.

Uchiha Izumi: "."

"Hey, that's not right, you said the grass village? Isn't it the grass ninja village?" Uchiha Izumi discovered the blind spot: "Isn't the one country one village system established decades ago? Thousands of years ago there was the grass ninja village." the village?"

"Are you fooling me?"

"I didn't fool you. Thousands of years ago, this village was called Grass Village, but it was later renamed Grass Ninja Village."

Uchiha Izumi: "."

"And later?"

"Since then, two opposing organizations have been born in the grass village. One is the main combat faction "Grass no Mi" who wants to revive the grass village, and the other is the anti-war faction "Grass Flower".

Among them, the Flower of Grass controls the current Kusanagi Village.

As a real fighter, "Grass No Mi" wanted to use the Bliss Box as a weapon, but due to a miscalculation and insufficient chakra preparation, Wuwei's son Wugou was trapped in the Bliss Box. "

"So, the current Wuwei hates Kusanagi to death, and hates Kusanagi Village even more." Uchiha Itachi said.

"So, you want to use Wuwei's hand to destroy the country of grass?" Uchiha Izumi said.

"Well, there are some dirty things that are not suitable for Konoha to do, but they are very suitable for Wuwei, who is a traitor and a puppet soldier.

Generally speaking, these people are much more ruthless than outsiders like us when they attack their own people. " Uchiha Itachi said.

"I see."

While Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi were talking.

The door of the Bliss Box opened, and a child staggered out of it.

It is Wuwei's son, Wugou.

Different from the original book, the box of bliss opened ten years earlier than the original book.

But even so, in Uchiha Izumi's sight, Wugou was still full of deep resentment.

At first glance, he is completely an aggregate full of destruction and fear.

"Wugou, I'm so sorry, Dad was wrong." Seeing the pale and ragged Wugou, Wuwei sniffled and said.

"Father." The moment Wugou saw Wuwei, he walked towards him step by step, but his expression was a little indifferent.

When he was about to get close to Wuwei, he suddenly raised his hand, put his five fingers together with lightning speed, and stabbed towards Wuwei's heart.

Caught off guard, Wuwei was pierced through his body before he had time to react, and leaned against Wugou's body. At this moment, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He couldn't figure out why Wugou, who was once so gentle and kind, would become so indifferent, that he could even kill his own father ruthlessly.

Wugou with an indifferent expression pulled out his bloody right hand, and with a flick, Wuwei who was leaning on him fell to the ground.

From the meeting to the murder, from the beginning to the end, Wugou's expression didn't change a bit.

The pitch-black pupils, devoid of any emotion, suddenly looked like a killer who regarded human life as nothing.

The indifferent eyes and cold appearance made Wuwei feel extremely strange.

"Father, you are indeed wrong, the fault lies in the fact that I shouldn't be let out of the box." Wugou said, licking the blood in his hand, looking at Wuwei who was "unrepentant" on the ground.

"It's a good scene of father's kindness and son's filial piety. It really taught me a lot." Uchiha Itachi clapped his hands, walked from a distance, and said with a smile: "Born with enlightenment, moved with enlightenment, and died with enlightenment!"

"Should I call you Mugou, or Satoru?" Uchiha Itachi said.

"The dead don't deserve to know my name." Wugou said indifferently.

"That's right, that's the reason." As Uchiha Itachi spoke, he turned into a bolt of lightning and appeared in front of Wugou.

"How is it possible?" Wugou's pupils shrank, and before he could react, Uchiha Itachi slapped him on the body.

"Amaterasu · Thunder Dun · Sky Prison!" Uchiha Itachi's black flame rolled on the palm of his hand, and lightning filled the air, and he directly slapped Wugou's body with his palm.

A sealing technique with a sun and moon pattern was formed.

Wugou clutched his stomach, and fell to the ground with a painful expression.

When he was trying to mobilize the chakra in his body, the sun and moon pattern on his body lit up, and a sizzling electric current spread all over his body in an instant, sealing the meridians in his whole body, and then a hot feeling hit him, and his whole body turned red. It was like being burned by fire.

The screams of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Wugou's eyes were full of disbelief, he didn't expect that this person with long silver hair, wearing a fox fur, and a moon seal on his forehead would subdue him with one blow.

Even more shocking is yet to come.

I saw the woman behind this person tightly holding a nine-inch-high, pure white lotus lantern like ice and snow, walking towards the box of bliss with a solemn and nervous expression. Looking back at the man, he seemed to be asking, do you really want me to go in alone?
But the man just clenched his fist and made a cheering gesture to cheer up the woman.

Seeing this, the woman could only purse her lips, and walked in resentfully.

Seeing this, Wugou sneered, the box of bliss is filled with endless resentment and fear, like a boundless hell, this woman is looking for death when she enters it!
But the next moment, he was stunned.

I saw the radiance in the Bliss Box, and through the door, you can clearly see the lotus lantern in the woman's hand, with seven petals in full bloom, shining with seven different colors of light, swallowing the sun and the moon, looking very dazzling .

Wisps of benevolent power overflow from the lotus lamp, as if it can wash away all the filth in the world.

At the moment when grievances, resentment, and fear come into contact with the lotus lamp, it is like adding fuel to the fire, and the light shines brightly.

The resentment and fear accumulated for thousands of years in the box of bliss were quickly burned by the lotus lamp, turning into strands of pure energy, which merged into the woman's body.

Moments later, the Box of Elysium shattered.

The woman came out with a face full of resentment, walked to the man's side, twisted his waist without a trace, pouted, and said angrily: "I hate it, you lied to me again, making me think it's scary inside. It didn't work out. It was sucked dry by the Lotus Lantern in a second."

Wugou: "."

Although the resentment and fear in the Bliss Box are strong, compared with the Nine-Tails, a collective of hatred that has suffered from the Millennium War, hatred, and betrayal, it is not a hundred million points worse.

Even Kyuubi behaves like a pug in front of Uchiha Izumi, let alone this box of bliss?

"Are you dead? Stand up if you are not dead." Uchiha Itachi pressed his hand on Wuwei's body, and a burst of life-filled energy emerged from his palm and covered Wuwei's pierced chest. The wound healed instantly, as if nothing As if he had been injured, he couldn't even find any scars. If it wasn't for the hole in his clothes, Wu Wei would have thought he was under an illusion.


"Don't do this. Hurry up and gather your people and come with me. Now the country of grass has been defeated by our Konoha, you hurry to clean up the mess, clean the battlefield, wash the ground, and prepare to welcome our Konoha people .” Uchiha Itachi said.

"Hit? Hit it down?" Wuwei's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

When he contacted the spies of Caoren Village in the morning, Caoren Village was still in good condition. Why did Caoren Village disappear within a few hours?Are you kidding me?
Also, Cao Ninja Village was destroyed, why didn't he receive any news?

Could it be that Konoha is so strong that people can't send a distress signal and die?
Confused, Wuwei picked up Wugou and summoned his subordinates to go down.

Timeline, back to Kusanagi Village in the Country of Grass.

At the moment when Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi's physical avatar stepped into Kusanagi Village, Tenseiyan opened, as if opening a 3D perspective hanger, every plant and tree in Kusanagi Village appeared in the sight of both of them , the entire Grass Ninja Village can be seen under the eyes of both of them.

In the slums near the Caoyin Village Hospital, Uchiha Itachi saw two red-haired people.

One of the women was decrepit, with bite marks and tooth marks all over her body, and she was lying weakly on the bed, while the other girl was taking care of the woman wearing a big black frame.

"It seems that Karin's mother is not dead." Uchiha Itachi sighed in his heart, and immediately informed the Minato couple of Karin's location.

"Bang bang bang" knocked on the door.

"Xiang Rin, be obedient, go and open the door, don't keep Ninja-sama waiting." Uzumaki Kanako, who was lying on the bed with drooping eyelids, said weakly.

"No, Mom, you're already very weak, so don't go to the hospital to work today." Whirlpool Xianglin who was hiding in the house said worriedly.

"Heh, what do we eat if we don't go to work?" Kanako Uzumaki smiled wryly, struggling to get up from the bed to open the door.

When she tried her best to reach the door, there was a bang, and the door exploded, Uzumaki Kanako was knocked to the ground by the sudden door.

"Mom!" Uzumaki Xianglin saw her mother being pressed by the door, rushed out and tried to lift the door.

But she was so small that she couldn't lift it at all.

He could only watch helplessly as his mother was pressed under the door panel.

She tried to pull her mother out, but was afraid of hurting her.

When she was in a dilemma and crying silently, a ninja wearing a forehead guard walked in.

Kusanagi stretched out two fingers to poke Kanako Uzumaki's nostrils, seeing that she was still alive, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But he still muttered angrily: "Unlucky!"

Seeing that the door was not open, he kicked in directly, but he didn't expect this person to just walk behind the door.

It's just her bad luck.

"Kanako, come with me!" Kusanagi said without a trace of emotion as he lifted the board.

"Master Ninja, my mother is not feeling well today, can I ask for leave?" Uzumaki Karin begged.

"Oh, ask for leave? What kind of leave do you ask for a blood pack? Do you really think she is working in the hospital?" Kusanagi sneered, and directly threw the fainted Uzumaki Kanako behind her back and walked out.

"Master Ninja, please let my mother rest for a day." Uzumaki Kaoru hurried to the front of the ninja, knelt on the ground again, and begged.

Kusanagi stared at Kanako Uzumaki's red hair, and then at the little Kakinu Uzumaki. It seems that the new one is better than the old one?
"Since you want her to rest, then you can replace her." As Kusanagi spoke, she wanted to drop Uzumaki Kanako and pick Uzumaki Kanrin up.

But at this time, Kanako Uzumaki, who was supposed to be in a coma, opened her eyes and said, "Master Ninja, I'm fine, let me go."

"Xiang Rin, stay at home." While talking, Uzumaki Kanako turned her head and said to Xiang Rin.

"Mom!" Uzumaki Xianglin cried and held her mother's hand reluctantly to let go.

"Be obedient!" Uzumaki Kanako glared, and shouted loudly as she shook off Kanin's hand.

Uzumaki Xianglin immediately covered her mouth and silenced, she knew her mother was angry.

"Okay. Ninja-sama, let's go to work." Uzumaki Kanako said apologetically.

"Yeah." Kusanagi snorted coldly and walked out.

Uzumaki Kanako gave Kanako an apologetic look.

The Uzumaki Clan was originally a very powerful ninja clan. They had their own ninja village—Uzushio Hidden Village, as well as physical fitness and strength different from ordinary people, and possessed massive Chakra and extremely tenacious vitality.

However, "a big tree attracts the wind".

Under the treachery of the Konoha Ninja, their Uzumaki family could not support themselves, and under the joint strangulation of many countries and villages, their country was finally destroyed.

After the war, only a small number of members of their clan survived, living in various villages and living under the fence.

What Kanako Uzumaki said about going to work was actually lying to Kanako.

Her real job is to use her body as a humanoid medical kit for people to suck and heal their injuries in Cao Ninja Village.

When Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato arrived, they happened to see Uzumaki Karin struggling to lift the door.

She wants to fix the door before mom comes back.

"Little friend, my name is Uzumaki Kushina, and I am from your clan. Where is your mother?" Uzumaki Kushina smiled.

"Clan people? My relatives? My mother has gone to work in the hospital. Do you have anything to do with her?" Uzumaki Xianglin looked at the red-haired Kushina and said weakly.

"I came here to take you home. Here is this candy for you, how about you take us to your mother?" Uchiha Izumi rubbed Xiang Rin's red hair and smiled.

"Yeah." Uzumaki Xianglin nodded.

In fact, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi both knew where Karin's mother was taken without Karin's belt.

It's just that they want Kushina and Namikaze Minato to see how the Uzumaki people have been persecuted and wronged. All this is done by Sandai and Danzo!

Soon, the five of them hid their bodies, avoided the people around them, and easily sneaked into the Kusanagi Hospital.

Xiang Rin with sugar in her arms was embraced by Izumi Uchiha, her eyes were full of surprise. These four are also ninjas, but they look so powerful!
More powerful than all the ninjas she has ever seen!

After entering a room, everyone hid in the dark, Uzumaki Karin pointed to a red-haired figure in the distance and said: "Look, that's my mother, she is an amazing person. She is a very powerful medical ninja."

As soon as the childlike Xianglin finished speaking, she saw her mother, rolled up her sleeves, and lifted her clothes.

The next second, the candy in her mouth fell to the ground, because she saw her mother's neck and hands were covered with bite marks.

It was the first time she saw her mother's bare arms since she was a child.

Those scars and tooth marks were shocking, and left indelible trauma to the young Xianglin.

At this time, a badly injured ninja opened his bloody mouth and took a big mouth towards Kanako Uzumaki's arm.

Seeing this, whirlpool Xianglin burst into tears, and a heart-piercing voice came out of her mouth: "Mom! Don't! Don't bite my mother! You bad guys! Woooooo!"

At this critical moment, Kusanagi, who wanted to bite Xiang Rin's mother, was directly crushed by a whirlpool, her neck was broken, and she was taken in!
"You all have to die!" Kushina roared, and the fiery Nine-Tails coat shrouded her filthy body.

The Nine-Tails Chakra, full of hatred and evil, instantly enveloped the entire Kusanagi Hospital!
(End of this chapter)

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