Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 152 The Box of Bliss (4500 words, 2 in 1)

Chapter 152 The Box of Bliss (4500 words, two in one)

Ghost Lantern City is a prison commissioned by various countries to detain the criminal ninjas. It is located on a small island near Caoyin Village, surrounded by the sea. The island is named after a sour berry called "Ghost Lantern". .

At present, the warden in charge of "Ghost Lantern City" is called Wuwei, and he is the upper ninja of the original grass ninja village.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi descended from the sky, successfully brushed their eyes, gained the trust of the guards of Ghost Lamp City, quickly passed through the castle, and were respectfully detained in front of the person in charge Wuwei.

"Itachi Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha? From the Uchiha clan?" Wuwei looked at the two people in front of him with a strange expression.

In his hand is the document of the third Hokage, which contains the detention information.

Since Ghost Lamp City was founded, this is the first time he has received prisoners from the Uchiha clan.

You know, Konoha has Anbe, Nemo, and Konoha Police Department, and the third Hokage still insists on sending people from the Uchiha clan.

It is obvious that they intend to tear their face and hit the faces of the Uchiha clan!

From Wuwei's point of view, there are many internal contradictions in Konoha, which has reached the point where nothing can be seen.

"Yeah." Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi nodded.

"Since you have come to Ghost Lantern City, it proves that you have committed an unforgivable crime and has no value to the village. Do you understand what this means?" The palm hit Uchiha Itachi's chest.

"Fire Escape Heaven Prison!"

Boom!A sealing technique hit Uchiha Itachi's stomach.

Uchiha Itachi staggered, covering his stomach with a painful expression, and when he opened his clothes, he found a fiery red X-seal appeared on his chest.

Itachi Uchiha tried to mobilize the chakra in his body, and found a hot feeling rising from his body, as if being burned in a stove, his whole body was in pain, and his head was also dizzy.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's appearance, the corner of Wuwei's mouth curled up and said: "This is the confinement technique inherited by our family, Fire Escape · Sky Prison!"

"It is precisely because of this sky prison that the countries let us Cao Ninja Village manage the Ghost Lantern City."

"As long as this technique is still engraved on your chest."

"You can't condense chakra."

"There are two ways for you to leave here, one is that your village sends a formal request, and the other is that you are buried here." Wuwei pointed at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi said.

"Also, you'd better not think about running away, because if you leave me more than a certain distance, the Fire Dungeon Prison will activate and instantly burn you to ashes."

"By the way, I will tell you one more thing. The Fire Dungeon Prison cannot be effective in the water. The sea water around Ghost Lantern City is very deep and the torrent is very fast. If you want to jump into the sea and escape, 90.00% of the cases are not yet. If you have time to condense chakra, you will be stunned by the waves, then swallowed by the vortex, and finally buried in the bottom of the sea, turning into dust in the sea."

"Hearing what you said, I'm curious. This technique can only seal the chakra in the body. What if I use xianjutsu or taijutsu to leave?" Uchiha Itachi said with a half-smile.

While speaking, Uchiha Itachi closed and opened his eyes, the sun and moon seal appeared on his forehead, and the celestial chakra was activated.

Fire Escape · Sky Prison lost its effect in an instant.

Inaction: "."

"Senjutsu is the natural energy outside the body, and it seems to be immune to Fire Dungeon and Sky Prison." Uchiha Itachi said to himself.

"Well, I think so too." Uchiha Izumi agreed.

Inaction: "."

"Give up struggling, the sea is vast and boundless, you can't go very far with fairy art, if you don't have chakra, you will soon be swallowed by the waves.

I advise you, don't mess around. Wuwei narrowed his eyes and warned.

"Itachi, if you first use senjutsu to make a water ball, then cover it on your body and wrap it with clothes, can you call chakra?" Uchiha Izumi asked.

"Hey, this statement makes sense, I'll try." Uchiha Itachi's eyes lit up when he heard Uchiha Izumi's words, the water escape started, and a water polo wrapped his upper body.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Izumi ignored Wuwei's murderous gaze, wrapped the water polo with clothes, and tied a knot on Itachi's body to prevent the water from leaking out.

Itachi Uchiha exited the fairy art mode, spread his hands, and the sound of thunder sounded. Sure enough, as Uchiha Izumi said, the Huodun · Sky Prison lost its function the moment his body was wrapped in water, and the hot feeling on his body not only It disappeared, and even Chakra could be called. As for the water polo, only wisps of water vapor came out, which was obviously caused by the evaporation of the hot air from the Fire Dungeon·Water Prison.

Inaction: "."

"Too much deceit, you are looking for death!" Wuwei became furious, and rushed towards Itachi Uchiha: "Kao Yinliu, Fabazhang!"

The strong palm wind bombarded Uchiha Itachi, the sound of puff puff sounded, the water bag burst, the Fire Dungeon Prison played its role again, and the X seal on Uchiha Itachi's body lit up again.

Facing the palm wind and palm prints coming towards him from all directions, Uchiha Itachi was fearless, did not dodge or dodge, and directly chose to resist!
The sound of clang clang clang clang sounded.

Wuwei seems to be photographed on the iron bell, and his hands are about to crack.

"Even if I don't use immortal skills, I still have physical skills. You see, if I stand still, you can't do anything against me."

Uchiha Itachi remained unmoved, unharmed, and Wuwei's attack was like scratching an itch for him.

On the other hand, Wuwei was out of breath, and his hands were swollen when he patted it, only to realize that his attack did not cause any damage to Uchiha Itachi.

"How is it possible? How do you have such strong physical skills? This defense is simply stronger than the reckless man in Yunyin Village! How did you practice it!" Wuwei was shocked and at the same time, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

Generally speaking, Ghost Lantern City Prison will not recruit physique madmen, because they cannot be cured.

"To be honest, your technique is full of loopholes!" While Uchiha Itachi was speaking, the reincarnation eyes were opened, the sealing technique suction was activated, and the X seal on his body melted into his body, turning into his chakra.

"This" Wuwei's eyes were full of shock when he saw Uchiha Itachi's reincarnation eyes flashing away.

With just a glance, his spirit seemed to be sucked in by the circle of the purple pupils, and his expression was in a trance, as if under an illusion, which made him very afraid.

"However, your technique has given me a little inspiration. You can try my improved Amaterasu, Thunder Dun and Sky Prison!" Uchiha Itachi smiled, turned his fingers into claws, and used his own way to treat others. body, and directly slapped Wuwei's body with a palm!

With a scream of "Uh!", Wuwei was caught off guard, his eyes bulged, and he covered his stomach with a painful expression, and fell limply on the ground.

When he opened his clothes, he found a sealing technique with a sun and moon pattern appeared on his chest.

This feeling is exactly the same as when he used Fire Escape·Sky Prison.

"Solution!" Wuwei tried to use the unseal of the Fire Dungeon Prison to unseal the body's seal, but he didn't want to. When he tried to mobilize the chakra, the sun and moon seals on his chest lit up, and the sound of sizzling electricity sounded , the whole person was instantly shocked so that his hair stood on end and his body twitched.

Just when he thought it was over, a hot feeling came over him, and his whole body felt as if he had entered a kiln, as if he was being roasted in the fire!
The two heavens of fire and electricity!
Make him want to live and die!

"Ahhh!" The scream sounded.

Wuwei, whose body was constantly twitching, lay on the ground with weak limbs, drooling, looking like he had been played badly.

Inaction: _(﹃”∠)
"This one of mine: Amaterasu · Thunder Dungeon · Sky Prison, has been improved on the basis of your Fire Dungeon · Sky Prison.

This technique can not only restrict ninjas from condensing chakra to use ninjutsu, but also turn them into black Amaterasu flames with powerful destructive power when they try to escape, burning the offender's body.

Amaterasu will not be extinguished until the target is completely burned, even if they want to escape into the water, it is useless, they will only be struck by lightning and then burned by black flames like electric fish.

You think my improved technique, okay? Itachi Uchiha squatted down and looked at Wuwei and said with a smile.

"You devil, what is your purpose?" Wuwei gasped and stared at Itachi Uchiha and said.

Such a master sent Ghost Lantern City, Sarutobi Hiruzhan, is this dog thief crazy?
Does he want to destroy Ghost Lamp City?
"My purpose is very simple, one is to get the box of bliss, and the other is to destroy the country of grass." Uchiha Itachi said harmlessly, looking at Wuwei.

Wuwei's pupils shrank: "Get the box of bliss? And destroy the country of grass?"

"Sure enough, is this the purpose of your Konoha?"

"Konoha's? That's right." Uchiha Itachi said: "Of course, if you are willing to cooperate with me, after I get the Bliss Box, I will release your son Wugou and help you resurrect your wife. Reunite your family of three.

how about it? "

"Resurrect my wife? And release my son?" Wu Wei narrowed his eyes: "Could it be that you have a way to use the dragon life reincarnation technique to not die?"

"No, no, you're overthinking. I'm using Dirty Earth Reincarnation, not Dragon Life Reincarnation!" Uchiha Itachi said.

Dragon Life Reincarnation Jutsu is Caoyin Village, Caohua School, and Dragon Tongue's blood succession limit, which is based on the change of the nature of the yang attribute chakra, that is, the reincarnation ninjutsu under the yang escape.

This technique can distribute the "life" of the caster to others through kisses, so that others can continue to live, but the transfer of "life" is one-time, so as long as it is performed once, the caster will "die".

Just like the forbidden technique invented by Chiyo of Sand Ninja Village, self-reincarnation, life is exchanged for life.

But if it is used by Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Izumi, he will definitely not trade his life for his life. After all, he has already entered the Yang Force, and he does not know how much stronger than Yang Dun.

Seeing that Wuwei was hesitating, Uchiha Itachi smiled and said, "If you don't cooperate, I can only kill you, it's just a little troublesome."

"For me, keeping you is just for the convenience of ruling the country of grass. Without you, there is nothing to do, and there is impermanence."

"Of course it can also be our Uchiha, but if it is our Uchiha, many people may die in the Grass Country."

"It's not a lot of people, it's a lot of people." Wuwei knew that Uchiha Itachi was telling the truth.

All Konoha needs is a spokesperson, and it doesn't matter to anyone.

It's just that he is more familiar with himself.

Uchiha Itachi's words are not a threat, but they are better than a threat.

Wuwei didn't speak, just stared at Itachi Uchiha, as if trying to see something in his eyes.

But unfortunately, Uchiha Itachi looked harmless to humans and animals, so he couldn't see anything.

But from Uchiha Itachi's fearless appearance, he seems to have a well-thought-out plan, making Wuwei guess that it should be a certainty that Konoha will win the country of grass.

But if they take down the Country of Grass, aren't they afraid of setting off the Fourth Ninja World War?
Konoha was passive in World War I, World War II, and World War III. Could it be that they are going to take the initiative in World War Four this time?
When Wuwei was thinking wildly, Uchiha Itachi issued an ultimatum: "How about it? Have you thought about it, do you want to help me destroy the country of grass?"

"The country of grass is destroyed, don't you Konoha know that I, Wuwei, is the top ninja of Kusanagi Village?" Wuwei stared at Uchiha Itachi and said.

"A person like you, who regards human life as nothing, specializes in abducting prisoners and pumping their chakra into the Bliss Box, killing people without blinking an eye, why do you care about this?" Uchiha Itachi sneered.

"Uchiha Itachi, you misunderstood, the country of grass, the village of Kusanagi, but the place where I was born and raised!

If you want me to help you Konoha, you need to pay more! "

Uchiha Itachi: "."

"The Bliss Box is a mysterious box, the ultimate weapon in the age of the Sage of the Six Paths, and it is said that it can fulfill a wish of opening people." Wuwei brought Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi to his office, and walked to the office full of people. Next to the bookshelf, click on the blue book.

The bookcase creaked, revealing a door. Behind the door was a secret room with a secret cave inside.

On both sides of this secret room are densely packed experimental instruments, all of which are used by Wuwei to conduct human experiments and extract chakra for the box of bliss.

"To open the box of bliss, you need an unusually large chakra."

"Now there are two ways. One is to sacrifice the blood of all the prisoners in Ghost Lantern City, extract their chakra, and open the box of bliss."

"One problem is that it will cause dissatisfaction among the countries. After all, there are not only ninjas, but also nobles. If these people die at the same time, there will be no need for the Ghost Lamp City to exist." Wuwei said.

"What about the second one?" Uchiha Izumi said.

"Extract the chakra of the tailed beast. Even a little is enough." Wuwei said.

"Then use the Chakra of the Tailed Beast." Uchiha Itachi said.

"The Chakra of the Tailed Beast?" Wuwei was taken aback.

But in the next second, he was stunned, because Uchiha Itachi's image changed drastically!

Her black hair turned into a piece of silver and white, her ears stood up sharply, her left and right cheeks had red demon lines, and a moon mark appeared on her forehead. She was wearing fox fur and white clothes, her golden eyes were shining brightly, and she looked so extravagant. people!

Sui Sui white fox, pang pang nine tails, born of love, born of strength.

Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Mode!

"Okay, so handsome, so cold, so cool!" Uchiha Izumi was stunned when she saw Uchiha Itachi's transformation, with a bewildered look, and her eyes were full of love.

This is the first time she has seen Itachi transform. Is this the fairy fox mode?No, according to Itachi, this is the Sky Fox mode!Nine-tailed Sky Fox!
Rich energy overflowed from Uchiha Itachi's body and rushed towards the iron gate of the Bliss Box.

Soon the entire Ghost Lantern City trembled, and then the mountains shook. On the square, a column of white light rose from the ground to the sky.

A box with hideous faces printed on all sides appeared in the center of the square!
"It is said that the box will fulfill the wish of the guardian. Wuwei, hurry up and make a wish to revive Cao Ninja Village!" At this time, four people in long robes and bull head and horse mask ran over and shouted excitedly to Wuwei.

It seems that the revival of Kusanagi Village is just around the corner!
"Wuwei, what is your wish?" Uchiha Itachi said while looking at Wuwei with a half-smile.

Wuwei ignored the four people, but went straight to the box of bliss, clasped his hands together, and said reverently: "Box, please open it now!"

With the sound of Wuwei's voice, the entire box of bliss became extremely ominous, full of resentment.

Streams of intense resentment rose up, surrounding the Bliss Box.

Obviously extremely eerie, terrifying!
In the expectant eyes of the four masked men,

Wuwei clasped his hands together, and said piously with tears in his eyes, "Bliss Box, please make my wish come true. Please let me meet my son Wugou!"

"What, Wuwei, you are courting death!" The faces of the four changed greatly when they heard Wuwei's words.

They planned to build this Ghost Lamp City in order to collect the chakras of evil people. They tried to make a wish through the Box of Bliss and revive Cao Ren Village, but unexpectedly, Wu Wei's wish turned out to be to meet his son Wugou. , This is what they did not expect!

"It's you who died!" At the moment when the four of them rushed towards Wuwei, a voice rang in their ears.

They only heard one sound: "Shenluo Tianzheng!" The four of them were blown away by the powerful repulsion and lost consciousness.

 Thank you Ergouyu Sasuke for the 300 starting coins, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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